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So Many Boys

So Many Boys (The Naughty List #2)(27)
Author: Suzanne Young

Leona reached out and patted my hand. “I think under the current circumstances, we need to resurrect our image. And it’s going to start with you.”

I sniffled, feeling my nose beginning to run. “I’m an embarrassment.”

“Don’t think of it that way,” Leona said, leaning over to wrap one arm over my shoulders. “We love you, Tess. You’re our true captain.” Kira shifted next to me. “We just feel like some damage control might be in order.”

I was flabbergasted. Totally deflated. I could have told them that Principal Pelli had practically given me the squad earlier, but what would that solve? Obviously the Smitten Kittens had their doubts about me now. I half wondered if they thought I was the copy-Kitten. I sighed, feeling nauseous and not at all perky. “What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“A movie,” Kira said, sounding happy that I’d asked. Leona straightened up and took out a pocket mirror before retouching her lipstick.

“And how will that help?” My face was hot with humiliation. I was at their mercy now. I felt like I’d fallen from atop the human pyramid.

Kira took me by the droopy shoulders and turned me to face her. “Being single,” she began, “is not working for you. At all.”

Ouch! That was a low blow.

“And I know you still love Aiden,” she added quickly, reading my expression. “But that car has sailed. He—”

“It’s ship.”

“Right. Well, either way, he’s in college, and you guys aren’t really dating anymore. Not officially. And although I know that’s completely tragic, it’s time for you move on. But”—she held up a finger in warning—“you need to move on with the right type of guy.”

“Type?” I’d never dated anyone other than Aiden. Did I have a type?

“Now, tomorrow night Joel and I are going to a movie, and I decided that you should come with.”

She was making less sense by the moment. “I still don’t see how that’s going to help.”

“Double date!” she squealed like it was the best idea she’d ever heard. “We’ve decided—Chris Townsend is perfect for you. He’s totally sweet and he has a great rep.”

“He is nice,” Izzie agreed. “And I might bring Sam. So it’ll be a triple date.”

“It’s called a trilogy.” Kira shook her head. “Leona? Did you want to tag along? I’m sure Joel can find a friend for you.”

“Ew,” Leona snapped, taking off her glasses to glare at Kira. “I don’t need you to set me up. I’m not desperate.”

“Hello,” I said, raising my hand. “Neither am I.”

The table got quiet. I looked around at all the girls, wondering if they did think I was desperate. Sure, maybe I was hooking up with Aiden while we weren’t technically together, but who wouldn’t? He was adorable.

I looked between them, feeling my lips pull into a pout. For the first time, being in the skirt wasn’t making me feel better. It was making me feel bad about myself.

Then I remembered that even Aiden suggested that I date other people. Golly, I must look really pathetic—to everyone. I lowered my head. Maybe Aiden was right. Then again, maybe if I did this double date thing and got back on the squad, I’d be perk-perfect again. Then Aiden would see that I didn’t need anyone else. He’d want me back. Officially.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll go to the movies. But it’s just for show—not a real date. I still think there’s a chance for Aiden and me. I’m not ready to move on.”

“Knowing is the battle,” Kira said, beaming.

“It’s half the battle,” I corrected.

She rolled her eyes. “I was being optimistic.”

I tried to swallow, but my throat was too dry. I looked back toward my fridge, wishing I had the energy to get a glass of water. Being told that you needed to date against your will to get back on the cheer squad would exhaust anyone.

“Well, that was a fun conversation, Kira,” Leona scoffed from the other side of the table. “Now that it’s settled, let’s get to the real topic. What was the deal with Chloe tonight? Seriously. A bookstore?” She snorted.

“I’m not sure it’s her anymore,” I said, trying to refocus. “She caught me following her and—”

“Wait,” Kira interrupted. “You got caught? That’s never happened before!”

“I know.” I nodded. “And then on top of that, while I was there, I saw Mary. And I’m telling you girls, she was acting really strange.”

“Interesting,” Leona said, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. “Could be because she was about to try to get you blackballed from the squad. But then again, she could be the copy-Kitten.”

“No way,” Izzie said. “Mary is way too savvy to be the copy-Kitten. Whoever’s impersonating us is dumb.”

“Who says?” Kira sat up. “I bet they’re super-smart. Like a techie or something. Or,” she added, holding up her finger, “she could be someone desperate for attention.” They all looked at me.

I watched them for a minute before we all looked down at the table. Seemed like none of us really was above suspicion. Leona sighed next to me.

“God. What if it’s really a mass murderer or something?”

Izzie squeaked. “Murderer?” I looked across at her as she bit her red nails. Her eyes darted around the room. “Would they kill cheerleaders?”

“No,” I said, trying to comfort her. “I’m sure they don’t kill anyone, especially not cheerleaders.”

“Nah. My money is still on Chloe,” Leona said. “She’s totally mental and clearly still obsessed with Aiden.”

“And what about Christian?” Kira spoke up. “Even though he’s not around, it could still be him.” She smiled to herself. “It’s actually kind of hot to think of him peeking in my window at night.”

“Ew,” Leona snapped. “It is not. It’s pervish and illegal. Quit being such a freak, Kira.”

“Quit being such a b-i-t-c-h, Leona!” Kira shot back.

As they began to trade insults, I looked across the table at Izzie. She was petrified, poor thing. The arguing was certainly not helping her self-esteem issues. And I’d heard her position on the soccer team might even be in jeopardy. I had to take control of this situation.
