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So Many Boys

So Many Boys (The Naughty List #2)(30)
Author: Suzanne Young

“It’s the moon.”

“He’s not a werewolf.” Kira laughed. “I doubt the moon has anything to do with it. But wait until he sees you in uniform again. He’ll be howling, all right.”

“Oh my word.” I grinned, spooning cereal into my mouth as I considered the evening ahead. “I don’t know about tonight, K,” I answered. “Dating someone other than Aiden sounds completely dull. Can we just focus on the investigation and get it over with?” I pushed away my bowl and rested my elbows on my kitchen table.

“This is part of the investigation. Getting you back up to snuff is just as important as finding the copy-Kitten. Once they see that you’re on your game, Tess, they’ll chill out. I just know it.”

In a way, I knew she was right. On paper, Chris was my perfect match. I should try to focus on that. Because I also knew that you couldn’t rush a Smitten Kitten induction. Even though I had already been an important member of the squad, I needed to earn my pom-poms back.

“Oh,” Kira said. “I’ve got another call.” There was a pause, then she was back. “Darn, it’s Izzie. She’s got some major boyfriend drama going on. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

I was suddenly jealous that Izzie would call Kira with a problem before me, but then I reminded myself that Kira was captain and, therefore, the go-to Kitten.

“Yeah, I’ll be around. Call me later.”

“Actually, Tess, can I talk to you at school? Leona and Izzie are on their way over.”

My muscle flinched. “For what?”

“My routine.” She paused. “I guess if you wanted to come by and watch, that would be okay. Do you want to?” She felt sorry for me.

I was hurt that she hadn’t asked sooner. And a little irritated—Mary’s words still ringing in my ears. “Yes,” I said. “I’d like to be part of the meeting. I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

“Great,” Kira answered quickly. “See you soon.” And then she hung up.

I sat for a moment, the phone still pressed to my ear, and wondered about my situation. Then I exhaled. Getting my life back was going to take some work. Starting now.

After putting my bowl in the kitchen sink, I got in my car and drove toward Kira’s apartment complex. It was near the railroad, which I thought was kind of neat because she had a clear view of the train out her window. Even if it was a little loud sometimes.

When I knocked on her door, Kira’s mother, Elise, answered. I tried not to cough as she blew out her cigarette smoke.

“Hi, Tessa,” she said before turning around and walking back inside. Not exactly the warmest welcome.

“Hello.” I tried to be extra cheerful when I was at Kira’s house. With its stale white walls and shaggy brown carpet, the place sometimes seemed a little lackluster. It just needed the right spirit to cheer it up.

“Thank goodness you’re here,” Kira called as she ran out from her bedroom. I was glad she was happy to see me. I had thought that maybe I was going to be an extra wheel.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Her blonde curls were pulled into a messy half ponytail, and she fiddled with the bottom of her T-shirt. She sighed, and I looked past her to see her mother coughing over at the sink, where she was doing dishes. I was pleased to see that she’d put out her cigarette. I had tried to tell her once about the harmful effects of smoking, but she hadn’t seemed worried.

“Izzie and Sam got into another fight,” she whispered. “A bad one.” She widened her eyes, and I felt my heart begin to race.

This was awful news! Izzie adored her college boyfriend. “Oh, no.”

“And she got dropped from the soccer team.”

My jaw dropped open. Poor Izzie! “She must be a mess.”

“She is,” Kira said, nodding. “It’s like a tragic-a-thon. But all she cares about is Sam. She wants us to investigate him.”

“An SOS investigation?”

Kira stepped back and then glanced down at the faded brown carpeting of her living room. “Well, yeah. I mean, if we’re going to use it to uncover the copy-Kitten, why not use it to help our friend?”

“Because that’s not what it’s about,” I said. “Kira, SOS was unethical and only caused us problems. That’s why we stopped.”

“Why you stopped,” she corrected, and then met my eyes with a steady blue gaze. She looked over her shoulder toward her room and then back at me. “Okay,” she said, trying to smile. “Right now we have enough drama anyway. Let’s not talk about it in front of her. Deal?”

I nodded. It was not okay to spy on an ex-boyfriend and, in my opinion, not okay to spy at all. SOS was only restarting to catch the copy-Kitten.

“And besides,” Kira added, undoing her half ponytail and resetting it. “Things are going to start looking up. You’re going to totally fall in love with Chris! He’s perfect for you.”

I wanted to blow off the night, but that hardly seemed fair. Kira had finally found a boy that she liked and Izzie needed moral support. I wanted to be more involved. If this was the way to get back into the group, then fine.

Kira tsked, looking at me like I was the most injured soul on earth. “It’s going to be okay, Tess,” she said. “I know you’ve fallen off the popularity truck, and frankly, we’ve all been worried about you. But you’re back now. And Chris Townsend is going to help you get there. You’ll see.”

I smiled, meeting her gaze. “You sound like Madame Corrine.”

“The psychic?” Kira gasped. “She’s the reason I hate fortune-tellers!”

Kira’s mother turned off the sink and turned to us. “Oh, no,” she said. “No more psychic hotlines in this house!”

“Mom,” Kira interrupted. “I already said I was sorry!”

Her mother adjusted her robe and cursed under her breath as she walked across the apartment toward her room. I hated when Kira and her mother fought, which was surprisingly often. My mom never yelled at me, let alone threw things in my general direction when she was angry. Kira’s household didn’t follow the same rules.

I sighed. Kira was a great friend and a hardworking captain, but I wasn’t sure I wanted her to be my matchmaker. Not after the dating debacle she got Izzie involved in this summer. Before she’d settled down with Sam, Izzie had let Kira set her up with a guy from her church. But honestly, Izzie shared part of the blame in the mess. She should have been able to recognize her own cousin!
