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Solitary Man

Solitary Man(19)
Author: Carly Phillips

“What kind of restrictions?” Kevin asked. “And for how long?”

“Bed rest to start. The rest is up to her primary care physician. So make sure she sees her doctor.”

Kevin nodded. He didn’t need to hear any more.

What came next was between him and Nikki.

* * *

Nikki watched the green line on the screen that monitored the baby’s heartbeat and any possible contractions she might have. So far, steady and straight; no mountains signaling a potential problem.

She glanced at the beige walls and peeling paint. She hated hospitals—both their bland look and the sterile smell because they reminded her of the night Tony died. But at least she hadn’t suffered another loss this time. She’d been off her feet for a few hours and the pain had begun to subside.

This whole experience seemed so surreal. Then again, the last three months had brought so many changes, she had entered a new world. She supposed she’d better get used to change, because on the heels of the doctor’s reassurance had come his warnings and restrictions. She lay her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes, exhaustion overtaking her.

When she woke again, Kevin was sitting in a chair beside the bed, but his upper body lay forward, his head resting on the mattress beside her. She curled her fingers into the palm of her hand in an effort to resist the urge to run her hands through his hair and reassure him.

She was the one who needed reassurance, and badly. She could rely on him—Nikki knew that now. But relying on him would take her on that slippery slope toward falling in love again. And that she couldn’t allow.

He stirred and jumped up in his seat, as if realizing he’d fallen asleep on the job, she thought wryly.

He met her gaze. “At least you’re smiling. I hope that means you’re feeling okay.”

She nodded. “Better than last night.”

“You scared me to death.” He met her gaze, his dark eyes shadowed from lack of sleep.

She forced a laugh. “Yeah, well, I scared myself pretty good too. But the doctor says it’s not uncommon. That not all cramping leads to…” She shook her head, unable to say the word aloud. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted this baby until she thought she might lose it.

The ambulance ride to the hospital had been the scariest and loneliest few minutes of her life. And considering all that had gone on lately, Nikki knew that was saying a lot.

He grabbed her hand and held on tight. His touch was warm and reassuring on one level, and sizzling and electric on another. Seconds passed when no words were necessary. The connection between them wasn’t just sexual, but basic. They were two people who shared an important bond. One, Nikki was beginning to realize, that could never be broken.

The notion scared her.

“They’re discharging you this morning.” Kevin shattered the silence first.

She nodded.

“You’re coming home with me.”

Hadn’t she known that silence was golden? “I’m tired. Too tired to argue with you and that’s where this is leading. So…”

“There are no arguments, Nicole. Just plain hard facts.” He held up one finger. “Fact one. You’re pregnant and have been restricted to bed rest. Total and complete bed rest until the first trimester’s over.”

She’d argue if she could, but so far Kevin hadn’t said anything inaccurate. It was just his solutions she found fault with and he hadn’t mentioned those again. Yet. She folded her arms over her chest. “Go on.”

“So who’s going to fix your meals? Do your shopping? Be around in case there’s a problem? Janine? I don’t think that’s fair, expecting her to handle two pregnancies, do you? Besides, she’s leaving at the end of the week. She wanted to cancel her flight, but I insisted you’d be well taken care of.”

Nikki shut her eyes. Not only was he persistent, but he was also right She couldn’t be a burden to Janine. She’d never even consider it. But why had fate doomed her to be someone’s responsibility, especially Kevin’s? Why, when she was just getting her life together, did she have to end up flat on her back? Her savings were minimal, but if she could have hung on for another few months of work…

“You aren’t exactly in a position to babysit,” she reminded him. “Don’t you have to work?”

“I’ve given this a lot of thought. Don hired me to put a new security system in place and screen employees. The system’s been up and working for a while now. I need to do check-ins and updates, but I don’t need to work nine to five. And I can hire a housekeeper for the hours I’m out of the house.”

The room began to spin and Nikki grabbed onto the bedrail. “You do not have to plan your entire life around me. I’m perfectly capable of staying alone during the day.”

“Not in a walk-up apartment, so you can forget that idea now. Can we at least agree Janine’s place isn’t going to work?”

The thought of three flights of stairs was overwhelming now and she felt her options closing in on her. “Yes,” she admitted. “Janine’s place is out. So say I move in.” She swallowed over the lump and forced the next words from her throat. “With you.” God, how would she survive living with Kevin on a day-to-day basis? Knowing he was taking care of her because she was carrying his child? Dealing with the constant sexual awareness he generated inside her? Coping with the knowledge she cared too much about the loner ex-cop?

She shook her head. “Say I move in with you. There’s no reason you have to spend money on a housekeeper just to look out for me.”

He shrugged. “I was going to hire someone anyway.”

“Once a week, maybe. But daily…”

“Damn it, Nicole do you really have to argue every little point? Look around you. What are your options? I know I’m no prince, but I’m the best you’ve got so make the best of it, okay?” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, and Nikki suffered a rush of shame.

She didn’t want to be a burden or an obligation, but she couldn’t change the fact that she was. Kevin would view her that way whether she liked it or not. She might not like it, but she was damn lucky she had Kevin willing to take her in. “I appreciate all you want to do for me. And yes, I’ll move in. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“But I’m not giving in on the full-time maid, so you can forget that now.”

Kevin stifled a groan. The last thing he wanted was to upset her. He respected her independence, much as she thought otherwise. To have her grovel didn’t please him or do anything for his male ego.
