Read Books Novel

Sophomore Switch

Sophomore Switch(37)
Author: Abby McDonald

I tense up. “You don’t know that.”

“Oh, come on, Natasha!” She laughs. “Have you seen them — drunk and squealing? They’re pathetic.”

“Girls would never act that way if they could just stop and think about it.” Carrie rolls her eyes. “I’d like to think we’re all together in this, but they’re part of the problem. You know, sometimes I swear I just want to weep for my gender.”

I keep quiet and eat more cake, trying to hide my unease. They’re talking like anyone who gets drunk and has a good time is just some mindless doll, totally in the thrall of the evil misogynistic mass media, or whatever Uma keeps going on about. Well, I’m one of those girls, and I’m not brainwashed!

I scowl some more at my coffee cup. All those times I’ve gone out with Morgan and our girls — to clubs, bars, parties — they weren’t just about men. They were about dancing, having a good time.


“It’s a good book,” Carrie continues. “You should get it.”

“Maybe.” I look dubiously at the stern gray cover and its promise of “uncompromising debate.”

“Ah, hello, girls. I mean, women.” I look up to find Will hovering, flustered in the doorway. I take a quick breath of relief. Thank god, something to distract from the “Brainwashed California Blondes” lecture.

“Hey, Will.” I bob up from my seat and go over to hug him hello. “What’s up?”

“Nothing new.” He unwinds his long, stripy scarf. “How’s the campaign going?”

“Pretty good.” I nod toward the table. “We’ve stuffed a ton of envelopes, so hopefully all the board members will have had time to read our pamphlet before the presentation.”

“That’s great. Is there anything you need me to do?”

“Thanks, but I think we’re all set.” He’s so cute, offering to help.

“Well, in that case . . .” He produces two tickets from the pocket of his navy jacket with a flourish. “They’re showing a great film at the Playhouse in half an hour. I stopped by to see if you wanted to come.”

“That sounds cool.” I grin, leaping at the chance to escape the group before Carrie starts another rant. “Let me just get my stuff.”

I bundle up and say my good-byes, that angry feeling gone as quickly as it came. I can’t really hold it against them for thinking drunk American party girls are evil tools of oppression. I mean, it’s not like they’ve ever actually met one of them. Aside from me, of course, but that’s different. They have no idea I’m one of the girls they keep trashing, and I don’t want to think about what would happen if they did.

“So how’s the Scrabble master?” I tease as we head down the cobbled street. Lights are threaded through tree branches, twinkling in the dark. “Made anyone cry today?”

“No.” Will gives me an evil grin. “But I did beat my sister by two hundred points this morning online.”

“Dude, she’s fourteen!” I shove him playfully.

“So, this way she’ll learn about losing and good sportsmanship.”

I laugh. “I forgot to ask, what’s this movie about?”

“It’s Russian,” Will begins. My heart sinks. “An experimental film in black and white about the futility of existence and —” He suddenly cracks up and starts laughing. “You should see your face!”

“What, you mean you’re kidding? Will!” I shove him again.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it!” His dark eyes are sparkling. “Your face sort of freezes up whenever somebody mentions subtitles.”

“That’s because they’re totally boring,” I exclaim. “I go to the movies to have fun, not read a freaking novel.”

“Well, you can relax. They’re showing Rocky Horror. I thought it would be fun.”

“Oh, yay!” I clap my hands together. “Can we stop for ice cream first?”

Will stares at me in disbelief. “It’s practically freezing out.”


“So, I don’t understand why you eat so much ice cream. You’re always complaining about how cold it is!”

“Whatever. It’s like a basic good.” I draw on my rudimentary econ skills. “My demand isn’t affected by external factors.”

“Fine, we’ll go to G&D’s.” We detour down a narrow side street to the local ice-cream chain. Inside, I drool over the display of pie and candy.

“One cup of blue ribbon and a cup of double chocolate brownie with chocolate topping,” Will orders for the both of us.

“Thanks.” I beam, linking my arm through his as we exit the store. To tell the truth, it’s the first time since grade school I’ve been good friends with a guy, and just good friends. I mean, I have guy friends, but in the back of my mind, I always know that they want to hook up with me or that I want something to happen with them.

And even though technically that’s what’s happening with Will, it feels different. He’s happy just to hang out and let me be myself, no demands or anything. I wish it was so easy for me: sometimes I have to sit on my hands to keep from reaching over to him or pushing that hair out of his eyes, but so far I’ve stayed strong. This is too good to mess up.

Chat request from totes_tasha.

Connecting . . .

totes_tasha: yo, em!

EMLewis: Hey! What’s up?

totes_tasha: look at you, all americanized ? next thing you’ll b sayin “dude” and “awesome.”

EMLewis: :blushes:

totes_tasha: no, it’s way cute. anyway, u know any 2-letter words beginning in “x”?

EMLewis: Hmmm.

EMLewis: Xi? That’s all I can think of. You know, there are sites online for this.

totes_tasha: but that would be cheating!

totes_tasha: sigh, don’t worry. i’m losing by, like, 100 points already.

EMLewis: Will again?

totes_tasha: will again.

EMLewis: . . .

totes_tasha: nothing new to tell. it’s driving me crazy.

totes_tasha: aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

EMLewis: Awww. Hugs!

totes_tasha: thanx ? anyway. how’s the film going? killed ryan yet?

EMLewis: Not yet.

EMLewis: He’s actually been so much better to work with. We’ve got the last stretch of filming left, then it’s editing and then, argh, the final screening.
