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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(37)
Author: Courtney Cole

“So, you’re just going to trust Hades now, without even a question?” Brennan asked doubtfully.  “You’ve been running from him for so long.  And your mother has been pushing you to go to him… do you think this is why?  Do you think she really wanted you to know?”

“Probably,” Hades answered for me as he stepped into the ring.  “I’m sorry to interrupt.  I thought I had perhaps given you sufficient time for discussions.”

“It’s fine,” I told him.  “I’ve just explained everything that I’ve learned to Brennan.”

“And Brennan is questioning your decision?” Hades asked, one dark eyebrow raised.  I glared at him.

“Why wouldn’t he?  You’re not exactly the first choice that comes to mind when I think of someone who I can trust.”

“I’m hurt, kitten,” Hades said glibly.  But then he turned to Brennan.  “Let me lay it out for you, son of Apollo.  If you want to live and if you want Empusa to live, you will stand with me.  You cannot trust Apollo.  The sole reason that he is trying to keep you and Empusa apart is so that he can control your magic rather than have you under my influence.  While I can understand his concern, it is still not a fatherly one.  He doesn’t care about you and probably never will.  Apollo is known for being superficial and shallow.  You cannot trust my brother, either.  You simply cannot.”

“Yet we cannot trust you, either,” Brennan pointed out.  “Now can you release my bonds, please?”

“Well, since you said please,” Hades answered drily.   He was kneeling beside Brennan before I could even blink, releasing the restraints.

Brennan sat up and rubbed his wrists, rolling his eyes at me at the same time.  “If you wanted to tie me up, I can think of better ways, Em.”

He swung his legs off the altar and stood, nimbly stretching.  “I wish I could say that was fun, but it wasn’t.”

“I’m so sorry,  Brennan.  Really.”

He stared at me.  “Come here.”

I was at his side in a flash and he pulled me to him, crushing my lips with his own.  He kissed me like I was the most delicious treat on earth, so soundly that I felt dizzy when he finally pulled away.  As he did, I noticed a tree burning to our left and I glanced sheepishly at Hades.

Hades just shook his head. “You give new meaning to the term ‘explosive relationship’.” 

I rolled my eyes. “What’s next?  What should we do now?”

“Well, first we need to ascertain whether your boyfriend will be fighting with us… or against us.”

Hades looked pointedly at Brennan.  I almost gasped aloud.

“Brennan would never fight against me,” I snapped.  I twisted my head quickly and looked at Brennan. “Right?”

Brennan returned my gaze drolly.  “Of course not,” he assured me.  “I would never fight against you.  Not ever, for any reason.”

I turned back to Hades in satisfaction. “There you have it.  He’s with us.”

“What a relief,” Hades said smoothly, with a sarcastic edge.  “I was so worried.  Now, back to the matters at hand.  I was sent here at Zeus’ behest as one of your challenges.   Empusa, your challenge was to withstand temptation… me.  I believe that Zeus purposely sent me as your challenge because he suspects your true paternity.  He knew that if it was true, I wouldn’t follow through.   Any moment now, he will realize that the challenge was not met.  Which, as you know, means that a mortal will fall into the gauntlet.  I care little about that, but I know that you do.  Or, at least, Brennan does.  Of larger consequence to me is that Zeus will soon know the truth, that I am your true father. As you know, it changes everything.  We need to determine how we will move forward.”

“How do you think Zeus will react?” I asked him.  “You know him the best.”

“My brother will be instantly threatened,” Hades replied.  “And that is the most dangerous frame of mind for him to be in.  When Zeus is threatened, he becomes proactive and defensive.  We need to keep a step ahead.”

“I hate this,” I said miserably.  “Will he do anything to our supporters in Olympus… like Harmonia and Cadmus?  And my mother?”

Hades studied me, his dark eyes glittering.  “I know not,” he admitted.  “I wouldn’t be surprised.  It is doubtful that he will harm Harmonia and Cadmus.  They saved the Olympians from my trickery, after all.  But your mother… I believe that he would welcome the excuse for retribution.”

I swallowed hard.  I knew he was right.

“So, now what?” I whispered.

“That is a very good question,” Hades said.  “We need to carefully think on it and plan our first move.  Let us sleep here for the night and plot our next steps.  We’ll move on the morrow.”

“Agreed,” I nodded.  “We’re protected here in the circle.”

“Yes,” Hades agreed.  “For now.  Zeus won’t allow that to stand forever, but for tonight, it should still be safe.  I have a matter to attend to in the Underworld and it will not take long.  Do you feel comfortable staying here in my absence?”

I nodded.  “Of course.  “We’ll be fine.”

“Very well,” Hades answered, buttoning his cloak at his neck.  “I will return shortly.”  And he was gone.

Brennan and I stared at each other in the night.  The moon was full in the dark sky above us and the stars twinkled brightly.  If the fate of everything that we knew wasn’t hanging in the balance, I could almost enjoy this moment, this sudden and unexpected alone time with Brennan.  But as it was, the air was filled with tension and our fate was uncertain at best.

I sighed and leaned my head against Brennan’s strong chest.  His arms automatically closed around me, holding me tight.

“It will be okay,” he murmured into my hair.  “I won’t let it be anything else.”

“Says the man who was willing to die a moment ago,” I said wearily. He sighed in response.

“Yes, I was willing to die—for you.  I’ll do anything it takes.”
