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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(45)
Author: Courtney Cole

“Brennan can will things into existence,” she reminded me.  “Use that.  You will need to replenish your strength- so drink from each other.  Then act, while you are at your strongest.”

“But Zeus took our abilities,” I reminded her quietly.

“Empusa, are you or are you not Hecate’s daughter?  Are you or are you not Hades’ daughter?  It is being whispered that you might just be the most powerful goddess that any of us have ever seen…just as soon as you realize your full potential.  Why do you think that Zeus is so intent on punishing you in your mother’s stead?  He wants to ensure that you will never become a threat to him.  He knows that Hades will use you against him at the very first opportunity.

“But that’s neither here nor there right now.   Right now, you need to realize that while Zeus is powerful, you might be more so.  Concentrate on your powers.  Bring them back.  Have Brennan do the same.  Mind over matter is a very powerful thing.  Have Brennan will you into the Underworld.  Hades will be waiting and you can take your rightful place at his side.  You don’t have to die.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.  This girl had been trying to outmaneuver Hades for thousands of years.  And here she was wanting me to stand at Hades’ side.  I was just shaking my head with bewilderment when the little clearing lit up like a football stadium.

I blinked hard, trying to see.  My eyes had been away from light long enough that the presence of it now was blinding.  But before I could see, I could hear.



A blood-curling scream.

A ring of Olympians came into focus, all standing in a circle around the clearing.  Zeus was in the front, Apollo and Hera at his sides.  Their brightness was indeed blinding, beginning with their silver eyes and silvery clothing. White light seemed to emanate from their very persons.  Harmonia and Cadmus stood nearest to me, with my mother next to them.  They watched me anxiously.  Helplessly.  I watched their eyes move from me to a spot over my head.  I looked up and gasped.

Gaia hung suspended in mid-air over the altar.   She had materialized and no longer looked ghostly.  She looked as flesh and blood as I did.  Her bare feet were shaking, her skin as pale as mine.  She was terrified, but defiantly jutted her chin out as she hovered in the air.

“Empusa,” Zeus boomed.  “This is what happens when someone tries to circumvent my wishes by way of devious means.   This girl’s blood is on your hands.”

I watched in horror as Gaia exploded into flames.   Her tortured shrieks filled the night and I tried to pull her out of the sky, but Brennan pulled me back.  There was no way I could help her.

I pushed my face into Brennan’s chest until Gaia’s last scream had faded.  I hesitantly turned around in time to see Zeus snap the lid down on an ornate black box.

The box of murderous souls.

I had heard legends of it.  The box contained the blackest souls of the most heinous mortals.  And now, it apparently housed my friend Gaia’s.  Her charred remains were motionless on the altar, the acrid scent of burning flesh still heavy in the air.  I squeezed my eyes closed again.

Gaia had been so terrified of the Underworld.  And now, because she had tried to help me, she would forever be imprisoned in a box with the worst mortals that the world had ever known.  Guilt pressed on my heart and I knew I would struggle with it forever.

“We’ll fix this,” Brennan told me firmly.  “We’ll fix this.”

“You cannot, son of Apollo,” Zeus called.  “It cannot be repaired.  It is done.  The traitor’s transgressions have been punished.  All that is left is for you to finish the game.”

The game.  The wretched, twisted game.  I was tired of it.  My weariness caused me to lose any sense of caution.  Whirling, I faced the crowd of Olympians.

“Take me now, Zeus.  Just kill me now.  You know that’s the outcome that you want, anyway.”

“Empusa, no!” My mother stepped forward, her hand help up in caution. But too late.  My mouth was already open and Zeus was listening.

“Kill you now?” he asked, his lip curling in thought.  “Right now?  But that would be so unfair.  I revel in justice, moon princess.”

I swallowed my ire and walked to the edge of the clearing, standing almost nose to nose with the ancient god.  Only the invisible wall separated us.  I ignored my mother’s protests and Brennan’s calls from behind me.

“Kill me now,” I implored Zeus again.  “Please.”

I held my hands palms up, signaling that I was not a threat.  I was surrendering without a fight.  Zeus smiled.

“While I appreciate the gesture, Empusa, killing you would be too easy.  You need to figure out a way to die all on your own.  But you need to hurry, time is ticking.  If you don’t figure it out, I’m sure you will be overcome with temptation and will kill your lover.  You don’t want that, do you?”

I stared into his cold silver eyes and I’d never hated someone so much.  Anger filled me up in waves and I suddenly saw red.  My fury burst several trees that were still standing around the clearing into flames.  I thrust my hands into the wall.  I had almost reached Zeus, I could feel the thick material of his clothing, when I was thrown backward with unfathomable force. 

I hit the opposite wall on the other side of the clearing and slid to a crumpled heap on the ground.  I saw a fuzzy outline of Brennan kneeling over me, murmuring to me, but I couldn’t understand his words.

Then there was blackness.


I opened my eyes.

Was I dead?

I was in a shadowy place; dark and safe.  There was no sound but for a faint trickling of water.  I couldn’t see its source.  I was lying amid grass and wildflowers and freesia.  There was a garden to my left, filled with violet blossoms on long, flowing vines.  The night fell on my skin like velvet, like the softest silk.  I sighed, half in resignation and half in relief.

I must be dead.

“No, you’re not.”  Hades’ smooth voice came from nowhere and everywhere.  He stepped out from behind a willow tree and was beside me in a millisecond.  His dark hair hung just-so over his eye and he flipped it away casually.
