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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(9)
Author: Courtney Cole

At that moment, a shadow as large as the meadow descended upon us in the shape of a raven.  It quickly grew smaller and dwarfed into the shape of a stooped woman.  And then Circes materialized in front of us, her black cloak swirling.

“The gods play games, princess,” the old witch told me, her faded eyes cloudy.  “It is up to you to win.”

Chapter Four

Over a flickering bonfire, Circes shared with us the rules of the twisted game.  Amid the cracks and pops of the fire and the moving shadows from the trees, the old witch was an unnerving presence.

“Once the gods have entered the arena,” she said, her voice creaking eerily in the dark. “Their powers are rendered impotent and they cannot die from any wound they receive.  It is a game and the mortals are mere balls in their court.  Zeus and the other Olympians will watch from the stands above, but they will not interfere.”

The old woman was perched on a gnarled wooden chair, her shoulders stooped and her voluminous cloak gathered around her legs.  Her ancient face was creased and pale and for the first time in my life, I saw a concerned expression on it.

“Circes, I don’t understand this,” I said in frustration.  “Why does Apollo even care?  I thought he was a decent god.  My mother told me that he was.”

She studied me for a moment, appraising me with her spooky, sightless eyes.  She could not see, but she turned her face toward you in a way that indicated that she could.  It was unsettling at best.

“All of the gods have the ability to be decent,” she acknowledged with a slight nod.  Her white hair rustled in the breeze around her like stringy cotton.  “But all of them have the ability to be ruthless, as well.  And every one of them grows bored from time to time.  Immorality wears on a person, even a god.”

“But he didn’t even know I was his son,” Brennan protested, his forehead wrinkled in agitation.  Even in his anger, he was beautiful.  Just like his father. I gulped.

“True,” Circes agreed.  “But this is another trait of the gods.  They can be selfish, as well.  Since you are his son, he doesn’t want your power to go to someone else.  He wants you with him, your power available for his use.  In addition to that, everyone knows what might happen if you and Empusa cannot control your power when you are together.  It is intriguing to them.  What would happen to the gods if the mortal world ceased to exist?  It is an interesting thought.”

“What do you think would happen to the gods, Circes?” I asked her.  She had been around for a very, very long time.  She had to have a good idea.

She shrugged, her bony shoulders frail.  “I know not,” she admitted.  “Nor do I truly care.”

“Why does my father think that I would align myself with him?” Brennan asked.  “He does not even know me.  I won’t do it.  I’ll never be an ally of someone who would harm Empusa.”

Circes threw her head back and laughed, a thin sound in the night.  “Ah, dear boy.  You have entered an entirely new realm here in the world of the gods.  Things are never what they seem, including your own free will.  Can Apollo force you to comply?  Perhaps.  But most likely, he will bend the situation to his will and make you think that you want to comply.  Apollo is very, very good at that.”

“You mean trick me?” Brennan asked, his face incredulous.  “That will not be an easy task- not where Empusa is concerned.  She is everything- my world, the air that I breathe.  Since she is at the forefront of my mind with every thought that I have, it will be impossible for him to confuse any issue where she is involved.”

Circes gazed at him, still amused.  “You will learn, boy,” she creaked. “You will learn.  The gods are not to be trifled with.  Apollo could consume you with breakfast and go on to have a long and fruitful day afterward.  You will learn.”

Branwyn finally spoke up.  She was seated at the campfire with us, but had yet said a word.  Channeling my mother earlier had worn her out and she was still pale from the experience.

“Why was Empusa sent here?” she asked curiously.  “How can I help the goddess?”

The goddess.  My mother.  The woman who was fighting for me even as we spoke.

“I must be safe here,” I murmured.  “That is why she would send me away.  There is something here that keeps me safe.  Am I correct, Circes?”

Circes nodded once again.  “You are safe here in the circle.  It is a haven for you.  Neither Mormo or Apollo can breach the circle.  Although they will be distracted with the game, anyway.”

The game.  The heinous, terrible game that will take the lives of mortals if I fail.  I swallowed hard and then swallowed again.  Why were the lives of mortals too often in my hands?

“Our tasks,” I whispered.  “My mother said you would bring us a list of tasks that Brennan and I must complete.  What are they?”

Circes dug around in the inner lining of her cloak and finally came up with a rolled parchment.  It was tied with a lavish purple velvet cord.  It was sealed with Zeus’ own crimson seal.  It might as well have been blood.

I took it with shaking hands and held it for a moment before I opened it.  I was scared to see the words, afraid that we would fail.  Taking a deep breath, I studied the scrawling handwriting that sloped across the page.

After I had read each startling word, I looked back to Circes.  “There is only one challenge listed here, yet it says there will be ten.  Where are the rest?”

She shook her head.  “They will be revealed to you one at a time. That is all I know, princess.”

“What is the first challenge?” Brennan asked grimly.  He looked as apprehensive as I felt, but he was facing it bravely.  Warmth flooded through me.  He had no idea what we were truly facing, but he was willing to do it anyway. With me.

“Hubris,” I answered slowly.  Brennan looked at me in confusion.

“Hubris?  What is that?”

“Have you ever heard the story of Athena and Arachne?”I asked him.  “It is in the history books of mortals.”

He shook his head.  “If I read it, I have forgotten it.  Back when I thought mythological stories were simply myths, they didn’t interest me.  They take on an entirely new light now.”
