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Oscar snorts at my comment as Lexa reapplies her lipstick and talks around it. “Aria Romero is part of the group that plans Spring Fling. Maybe I want to go.”

I told them about Trenton inviting me. They haven’t been asked yet. Honestly, it won’t be much fun if my friends aren’t there.

I sigh and look at Lexa. “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so it’s highly doubtful she’ll be nice.” I pick up their now empty plates and take a step back, anxious to get away before Aria reaches the table. “I’m leaving before she gets here and we find out for sure. Bye!”

I hurry back to the kitchen to get Spider’s milkshake and put in his food order while sending up a prayer that the hostess doesn’t put the new trio in my section.


I COME TO A HALT as I walk out of the kitchen with Spider’s shake and another order for a different table. The hostess is pulling tables together to place Lexa, Oscar, Trenton, Garrett, Aria, and Spider all together. At the same table.

I nearly drop my tray. What did I miss?

I make my way over to them after dropping off the other items, not missing that Aria is sitting next to Spider, closer than Saran wrap, her head bent to his as he looks at something on her phone.

Garrett glares at Spider and Aria, and I wonder if they are on or off this month. Judging by how close she is to Spider, I’m assuming they’re off.

I set the shake down in front of him. “I see you found some . . . company.”

Oscar grins, sitting on the other side of Spider. “I introduced myself to him”—his eyes dart to Aria—“and then the rest of them insisted on an introduction. Then, Aria suggested we all sit together. Wasn’t that nice of her?”

I look at Aria and she’s smirking. “Didn’t know you had a famous rock star stepbrother, Rose.” She flutters her lashes. “And you probably don’t know this because you’re not from Highland Park, but Spider’s dad and mine used to play golf together.” She shoots a grin at Spider and wags her finger at him. “You had quite the reputation around here back in the day. I remember those crazy stories about you being the party guy—”

“Nice,” I say, cutting her off. “It must be super to be from Highland Park.”

Aria gives me a dark look, but I ignore her and glance at Spider, zeroing in on the part of her commentary that interested me. “Famous?”

Spider clears his throat, a gleam of excitement in his brown eyes. “It’s my big news: our music video is going viral. Sebastian called today to let me know. Not only that, but radio stations are picking it up and playing our song. It’s nuts.” A slow grin spreads across his face. “I was going to tell you first, but apparently Aria saw it on TMZ tonight and recognized me.” He grins. “It looks like “Superhero” is going to be a big hit.”


Amazement fills me, and I smile broadly—just as Aria’s hand touches his shoulder.

My lips tighten.

She gestures to her phone. “Look, I found your video. It already has a million views.” She holds her phone up, and I peer down at the video on YouTube where Spider and his band are playing their “Superhero” song on the rooftop of a high-rise in what looks like New York. Just like from the show, Spider is wearing his blue mink coat and those leopard print bikini underwear, showcasing his six-pack and tattoos. It’s over the top, but so him. I watch as he struts around with his guitar, his body bending and whipping with the music. My eyes trace his sculpted chest, eagerly taking in the finely chiseled V-line where his waist disappears into his pelvis.

He’s sex with a side of hard music. And it makes my heart hammer.

His arm brushes mine as he puts his hand on the table to stand so he can watch it with me. As if my body has a mind of its own, I lean closer to him. “I love that song,” I murmur.

“Do you like it better than “Albatross”?” His voice is warm and right next to me, the heat from his body intoxicating. I know if I turn to face him, our faces would be inches apart.

I lick my lips. “I love “Albatross” because you sing it . . . and it’s a ballad.”

“I’ll think about you the next time I sing it,” he says softly.


“Most definitely.”

It feels as if there’s a current running from me to him, and if I get any closer, if I touch him, I’m going to get fried, but my body doesn’t care. I turn to face him, and it’s apparent we’re invading the other’s personal space, but neither of us seems to care. His eyes peer down at me, his gaze searching mine. My breath stalls. He’s so close to me and for a moment it almost seems as if we’re alone . . .

“Excuse me,” Aria says, cutting into my thoughts. “Can you get us some menus, please?”

Spider seems to come out of a fog, taking a step away from me and sitting next to Aria.

I’m still recovering from the intensity of him when Trenton taps his Ray-Bans on the table to get my attention.

I almost forgot he was here.

“Hey, Rose. How’s it going?” He gives me his famous hot guy chin nod. “You look great. We missed you at Jo’s while you were gone.”

I smile. He mentioned he’d stayed in town for the break. “That’s sweet. Thank you.”

Aria rolls her eyes, but Trenton doesn’t see it. She’s good about hiding what a real mean girl she is.

I focus back on Trenton. Tonight he’s wearing a Claremont shirt, jeans, and a ball cap. Classically handsome and from a wealthy family, he could date anyone he wanted. I’m not sure why he’s interested in me except that I don’t chase after him or text him or try to get his attention. We had a Biology Lab together freshman year, and although he was dating someone at the time, there was a spark of attraction there. He’s since broken up with that girl, and we seem to be tip-toeing around each other, deciding if we really like each other or not.

“I got my acceptance letter from NYU. I’m pretty stoked,” Trenton says to me. “Did you hear back?”

I nod. “I was accepted.” But that doesn’t mean I’m going. I don’t say that part because I don’t want to be lame and I don’t want to put a damper on his excitement over his own acceptance.

He stands up, obviously excited as he comes around to where I am and picks me up and gives me a hug. “That’s awesome, Rose! I’m glad we’ll both be there.”

He eases me down and I feel the heat of Spider’s gaze on me. When I look at Spider his face is inscrutable except for a telltale tic in his jaw, and I wonder what that means.

I think I know. He doesn’t like Trenton.

Aria’s voice, annoyingly shrill, cuts in. “I’m not sure what it takes to order some food around here, but I’d sure like to.”

Trenton waves her off. “Hold your horses. This is great news. New York’s a big city and it’ll be nice to know some people there.” He grins at me, his teeth straight and white against his tan skin. “Maybe we’ll have some classes together.”

If I get to go . . .

“How nice,” Spider says, and I hear the sarcasm in his voice. Thankfully, no one else seems to notice or if they do, they don’t acknowledge it.

I dart a look at him, taking in the way he’s sizing up Trenton.

Trenton doesn’t seem to notice because his sky blue gaze is on me.
