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I roll her over to her side and pay special attention to the tattoo at the top of her back, the one with my old number inside the butterfly. My tongue traces the outline, my lips brushing across her satin skin. Working my way around to her hip, my fingers slip inside her slit and finger her.

“You’re fucking wet, love.”

She moans as my mouth follows, tasting her. She calls my name and parts her legs wide, arching closer as I strum her, reaching for her G-Spot.

“You like?” I say against her center, my tongue toying with her clit.

“Don’t stop,” she murmurs, a hitch in her voice.

I can never deny her anything. I pulse my tongue over her, taking her nub and sucking hard as she screams my name and breaks apart, her walls clenching around the two fingers I have inside her.

She falls back against the pillows. “No one’s ever done that.”

My eyes flare, and fuck, I don’t want to say his name, but a million questions burn in my mind.

She looks down, obviously embarrassed. “I never wanted him to.”

I shove thoughts of him away and focus on her.

“We got a lot more to go.” I grin. “Do you have condoms?”

She nods and tells me where they are then I dash to get them. In ten seconds, I’m back inside the fort and her arms are open. “Took you long enough.”

I laugh and ease between her legs then flip us over, rolling her on top of me.

“What are you doing?” she says softly.

“This.” I spread her apart with my thumbs and seat her on my cock, groaning at the feel of her tightness against my dick as I slide inside. Yes. This.

She moans and arches her back as I hang on to her hips and pump. Her tits bounce with each thrust, nipples straining toward me, and I divide my lips between them, my tongue tasting her sweat, my nose inhaling her skin.

She’s beautiful.

She’s everything.

We work each other, my cock sliding nearly all the way out and then back in. The sound of our skin meeting is intoxicating, pushing me higher. She pants and cries out when I thrust harder, getting deeper, wanting every single inch to be encased by her. Everything fades away, and all I see is her.

I want to burn fast and hot.

She seems to have the same urgency, as if this moment might be our last.

I flip her on her back and slide back inside, the brief absence enough to make her gasp at the renewed contact. I take control, moving in and out of her, hard and fast. I hitch her leg up over my shoulder. More.

My free hand finds her pussy and plays with her clit, strumming her to the rhythm of my thrusts. “You’re mine,” I mutter hoarsely.

I bite her palm and grunt as I take her, the motion frenzied, more intense as she arches closer, her legs squeezing me in a vise.

“Always. Always. Always,” I say, my voice like gravel.

I push into her faster, feeling the tingle at the base of my spine. We fuck like animals, and I’m about to blow. Sweat drips down my face and lands on her breasts. “Come for me,” I push out, twisting on her nipple with my fingers.

Her eyes are wild as she comes apart again, her muscles milking my cock and sending me over into bliss with her.

With my heart still flying, I sag down next to her, my emotions all over the place. That was . . . fucking amazing.

She turns until we’re lying face to face, our legs intertwined. A worried expression flits across her face.

“What’s wrong?” I say, running my hand down her cheek.

She bites her lip. “Is it always like this with you? So . . . intense?”

Satisfaction fills me and I grin. “Best you ever had, huh?”

She rolls her eyes and pops me on the arm, making me grunt. It doesn’t hurt, of course, but I like making her smile.

“Maybe,” she admits as she props her head up with her elbow. “What about you? Was it the best?”

I grow serious as I stare into her eyes. “Everything is different with you. I’ve never had sex with someone I cared about, so yeah, it’s mind blowing. Hell, usually by now I’m dressed and out the door.” My heart squeezes. “I’m not leaving . . . unless you want me to.”


THE NEXT MORNING, I WAKE up before Spider. Sometime in the night, we left the fort, blew out the candles, and moved to the bed.

We slept curled up next to each other, spooning with my back to his chest. During the early hours, I felt his lips brush my shoulders, almost reverently . . . hopeful.

But this morning, as I look at the glare of the sun coming in through the blinds, guilt is brewing, especially as I check my phone.

I skim through texts.

All of them are from Trenton.

You okay? Sent at around the time the lights must have gone out. His apartment is about five blocks from here, but I imagine all the sirens and news reports probably alerted him of the blackout.

Another one was sent a few minutes later, probably around the time Spider knocked on my door.

Rose, I know you’re up. You there? You scared?

Then, half an hour later, Okay, you must be asleep. Good night. I love you.

“Everything okay?” Spider murmurs, rising up to peek over my shoulder. His hair is everywhere, a small smile on his full lips.

I set my phone back down and try to push thoughts of Trenton away. I gaze over at Spider as he rubs his eyes and stretches. He looks . . . hot. I catch a glimpse of his broad chest from the covers and all I want to do is throw myself on top of him.

But I can’t.

“Everything’s great,” I say brightly. But that isn’t true. I’m worried about Trenton and what I’ve done.

I slide off the bed, wrapping the duvet around my naked body as I dart for the bathroom.

“Hey, come back here, woman. I’m not done with you.” His voice is teasing, and it makes me smile a little.

I head to my dresser, feeling deliciously sore. “I have a class in a couple of hours. I need to shower and get out of here.”

I’m not looking at him, but I know he’s watching me. I hear him rustling around as he sits up in the bed.


“Yeah?” I shuffle through my underwear drawer, my nervous fingers snatching at whatever I can find. I go with the white satin—plain, simple . . . meant for girls who don’t cheat on their boyfriends.

“You okay?”

I look over at him as he stands up in his full naked glory, the sun creating a halo effect around his head.

I blink at the magnificence of him. Besides the incredible ink he has, his chest is tan and rippling with muscle. And the deliciously chiseled V that leads down to his waist is damn near the most beautiful piece of flesh I’ve ever seen. It directs my gaze straight to his cock, which is currently long and thick. My mouth wants to suck on it.

My body hums, needing him again.

He is without a doubt the most beautiful creature I’ve ever had.

And I had him for sure.

I want it again. Right now.

A wave of remorse hits.

I’m terrible! I’m supposed to meet Trenton for dinner tonight. How will I be able to face him?

Spider stalks over to me, and leans his palm on the wall behind me, unease on his face. “Are you having regrets?”

This man made me fall in love with him and then walked away.

“I’m not sure I can trust you, Spider. You left me.”

He stares down at the rose on his hand. “I left you to let you breathe.”

Emotion clogs my throat and I step away from him, sliding out of his reach.

He brings me back by grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together, his expression moving from unease to determination. “What’s wrong?”
