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Street Game

Street Game (GhostWalkers #8)(101)
Author: Christine Feehan

She sent the picture to Kane, paying particular attention to the head and neck.

Armstice stood over the young male who had positioned his body as best he could between the terrorist and young Mi-cha. Armstice kicked him in the ribs repeatedly and then crouched down, pressing the tip of his blade just under Dae-sub’s eye.

Jaimie’s stomach churned. She held her energy in place, although it fought her, wanting to curl away from the violence in the surroundings. It seemed forever, but she knew only a couple of seconds passed. Jacob kept his hand on her arm.

Both Kane and Mack squeezed the triggers. The guard hit the ground hard. His gun rolled out of his hand. Armstice slumped forward, falling directly on the teenage boy as he lay on the ground, hands tied behind his back, unable to protect himself from the large body as it toppled over him.

Kane sank to one knee in the soft dirt, covering his eyes. Jaimie immediately took his place, gripping her weapon and following Mack into the lower region, deeper into the bowels of the earth. Dirt fell continuously, sliding with an ominous rumble, just small dusty trickles, but it was distracting and alarming. The walls tapered and crumbled as they neared the end of the corridor. Mack had to walk bent over, but she merely ducked her head a little.

Mack paused to retrieve the dart, pocket it, and then push the terrorist’s jacket open. He’s wired, Jacob.

I expected it, Jacob admitted as he followed them down the narrow tunnel to the fallen terrorist’s side.

Mack kept the weapon in his hands and nodded to Jaimie. She caught the edges of the dirty blanket and ripped it down. Mack covered Armstice. Be careful, Jaimie. Stay back. The kids are probably wired as well. These guys were prepared to take the place down before they were taken into custody.

Water seeped through the walls and steadily dripped overhead. Everything smelled dank and moldy, mingling with the scent of blood. Mack stepped into the cramped, hollowed-out space. She could barely make out the two hostages, tied together at the far end of the room.

Mack pulled the dart from Armstice’s neck. He held up his hand for silence as the girl began weeping. Tell them to be quiet, Jaimie.

Jaimie moved up where the young man could see her. His swollen face was a mask of defiance and bruises. He was fighting for breath with the terrorist’s weight crushing his chest. She was fairly certain he had broken ribs. There were streaks of blood all over his face from the thin cuts Armstice had made in the boy’s skin. His face. His chest. His arms. She let her breath out slowly, her teeth chattering. Her skull felt as if it was exploding, and her stomach lurched. She wouldn’t give in to it, not with two tortured children and Kane nearly blind.

“We’ve come to take you home,” she whispered softly in Korean. “You’re father is waiting, Dae-sub. And your parents, Mi-cha. But you must be very quiet. Not a sound. We’re not out of danger. Can you stay very quiet for me, Mi-cha?”

Mack dragged Armstice’s body from the boy, who winced and grunted in pain, but refused to cry out.

Dae-sub studied her face and then Mack’s. It took a moment for him to believe.

“You cannot move us. There is a bomb.” He nodded toward Armstice. “He has one too.”

Mack nodded his understanding. “We’ll take care of it,” he answered in perfect Korean.

Jacob, you finished there?

I’m not a bleeding miracle worker, Top. Jacob shuffled forward, making it impossible for Jaimie to stay in the confined space.

“Tell him to take it off Mi-cha,” the boy insisted when Jacob knelt beside him.

“He wants you to get rid of the bomb on Mi-cha,” she translated.

Jacob had to step over the boy. “Hold the light up, Mack,” he said.

Jaimie made her way back to Kane. “Jacob has to clear them and then we’re out of here. Are your eyes clearing?”

She knew little about the effects of using his enhanced vision. It wasn’t the same as using “eagle eyes,” as they all called seeing great distances. Kane could see through objects, but only for a short period of time, and then he’d get a blinding flash that nearly knocked his vision out. He couldn’t take light. The tunnels were lit with old-fashioned kerosene lamps and not quite as destructive on his eyes.

“Let’s start moving back toward Javier,” she suggested. “Jacob and Mack will have to bring out the kids.”

“You’ll have to protect them, Jaimie,” Kane said. “I can’t do it.”

Her mouth went dry, but she nodded. “I will. Can you keep the dogs away while we bring them out?” And she knew she would. Maybe it was that she had a tranq gun instead of a loaded weapon, but she thought it was because they were doing something she believed in. And the men had made her feel as if they believed in her.

“Yes,” he replied, his voice grim.

She slipped her arm around him and helped him up. He glanced down at her without really opening his eyes. “I can feel you shaking, Jaimie. How bad is it?”

“Armstice is a pretty sick man, Kane,” she admitted. She glanced back. Jacob was handing the little girl to Mack.

She cried out in terror. Dae-sub spoke to her and she went quiet, clinging to Mack’s shoulder, but keeping her eyes on Dae-sub.

Fall back now, Jaimie. Get Kane out of here. We’re right behind you.

Jaimie urged Kane down the corridor at almost a dead run. He stayed right with her, running blind. She guided him, slowing when they were nearing the bends. He never made a sound and her admiration for him rose even more.

Coming up on you, Javier, she warned. Don’t shoot us. Kane’s blind.

Not entirely, Kane denied. It’s nighttime and it’s not quite as bad.

Hell of a shot, though, Mack said.

Jaimie glanced over her shoulder and her heart nearly stopped. Jacob had the little girl and Mack was carrying Dae-sub out in a fireman’s carry. The boy was slippery with blood and his face was twisted in a mask of pain. Mack would not only have to carry him through the patrolling Marines, but get him over the fence.

Javier crouched at the entrance to the tunnel. He moved forward to give them room, his eyes moving restlessly, ceaselessly, trying to pierce the heavy blackness and fog. His ears strained to read the night sounds. He crawled forward to get into a better position to defend the party. Jaimie, do your thing.

Her pulse pounded in her throat. Her energy was tattered and her skull pounded.

She could taste blood in her mouth, knew it leaked from her nose. She kept her face averted to prevent Mack from seeing her. Once again she sent her energy out.
