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Strings of the Heart

Strings of the Heart (Runaway Train #3)(53)
Author: Katie Ashley

But it wasn’t just the thoughts of screwing that had invaded my mind. No, it had to do with my heart as well, and how Allison had called me out on not being honest about the feelings I had for her. She’d always been a smart girl, and she was smart enough to see I had been lying to her.

“Okay, I think that’s good for today. Let’s get the hell out of here,” Jake said.

After I handed off my guitar to a roadie, I started out of the arena to the car that was waiting to take us back to the hotel. “Rhys!” Jake called behind me.

Pausing, I waited for him to catch up. “Hey man, I need to ask you a favor,” Jake said.

“Sure. What is it?”

Jake glanced behind us before he spoke. “You got plans tonight?”

I grinned. “Besides ordering in room service and crashing? Hell no.”

“Trust me, that sounds like pure heaven to me too, but I’m taking Abby and the twins out to visit my mom’s brother.”

“That sounds cool. But where does this favor come in? Don’t tell me you have some cousin you want to fix me up with.”

With a grimace, Jake replied, “Actually, I need you to go out with Allison tonight.”

I skidded on the pavement and almost pitched face first into the limo waiting to take us to the hotel. “Excuse me?”

“She’s going out to some club with Gabe and Eli. Normally, I would be stoked to have her chaperoned with two guys, but the way Eli has been looking at her and treating her lately has me f**king wigged out.”

My mind instantly went to Eli’s serenading Allison yesterday morning. Ugh, the douchebag. Maybe his actions weren’t just teasing, and he was really going to pursue something with Allison. When I really thought about it, it did seem he had been spending a lot of time with her after the rehearsals and shows. Fucking hell. I knew I had to drive her away, but the thoughts of driving her straight into Eli’s open arms pissed me off. Not that he wasn’t a decent guy—she could’ve sure as hell done worse for herself. While he was known for partying pretty hard and enjoying the company of ladies, Eli wasn’t such a bastard that he would pull that shit with Allison. While he might have to fear Jake’s wrath if he mistreated Allison, Eli wasn’t a total ass**le to play on Allison’s emotions. Deep down, I knew his intentions were decent and honest, and he would be good to Allison.

In the end, it was just the principle of it all that pissed me off so much. Although Eli didn’t know, Allison was my girl, and I didn’t want to think of her with anyone else. The irony that I was having these feelings wasn’t lost on me.

“So what’s it gonna be, man?” Jake asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I can go with them.”

He grinned. “Good. I know he won’t try any bullshit if you’re there.”

Inwardly, I groaned. So far, Eli had been an absolute gentleman, while I’d been the vile motherfucker who had defiled his sister. Not to mention the fact that I had been lying to him about my feelings for Allison for the last month, if not longer.

As I slid inside the limo, I had the feeling that tonight was going to be a living hell of epic proportions.

At just before nine, Allison came out of her suite and into Jake and Abby’s where I was waiting to meet her. My low whistle interrupted her stuffing her room key in her purse. She jerked her head up and gasped. I’m sure she had been hoping for Eli or Gabe, but instead she had found me. Her pained expression illustrated the fact that I was the last person on the face of the earth that she wanted to see at the moment. “W-What are y-you doing here?” she stammered.

I motioned down to my dress pants and button-down shirt. “Joining you for a night out on the town.”

Her brows shot up in surprise. “I thought it was just me and the twins.”

Running a hand through my hair, I replied, “Yeah, well, Jake asked me to tag along. I don’t think he liked the thought of you out alone with Gabe and Eli. Well, I guess more precisely being alone with Eli.” I couldn’t help letting my gaze dip down to hungrily take in her appearance. Her long, dark hair fell in loose waves over her shoulders and back. But that wasn’t what had me practically stupefied with lust.

It was the fact she was wearing one hell of a red dress. Unlike the one she’d had on at Saffie’s, this one molded against her body like a second skin, showing every curve in delicious detail. With its one strap and tight bodice, her cle**age was cinched up again, causing my dick to jerk in my pants. “Of course, I don’t think he would have let you out of the suite in that dress.”

“This is utter bullshit!”

“Tell me how you really feel about me going,” I teased.

Throwing one of her hands up in frustration, Allison challenged, “I’m an adult. It’s none of Jake’s business what I do.” She closed the distance between us in two angry strides. “And I sure as hell don’t need you tagging along.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah it is. I desperately need to have some fun tonight. Not be constantly reminded of the past.”

Her words had a greater effect on me than she could have imagined. While I had to get her to fall out of love with me, I didn’t want to hurt her now or ever. The thoughts that what she had experienced with me in Savannah caused her pain caused an ache in my chest. I drew in a deep breath. “Look, Allison, I can never express how truly sorry I am about what happened between us. More than anything, I just want you to be happy.”

Narrowing her eyes at me, Allison drew her shoulders back. “Yeah, well, f**k you and your bullshit apologies!” She then proceeded to stomp past me. I stared open-mouthed at her retreating form. When she flung open the door, she turned back to me. “Ready, Mr. McGowan?”

“What the hell is this ‘Mr. McGowan’ business?” I demanded, as I joined her at the door.

She shrugged. “I figured since you were my chaperone, I should address you formerly. And since you’ve made it very clear that you want nothing to do with me on a romantic level, I figured calling you that kept the distance you so desired.”

I blinked at her several times. This was a side of Allison I was not used to. Immediately, the expression “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” flashed in my mind. “Um, okay,” I finally managed.

When we got out into the hallway, Gabe and Eli were waiting for us down by the elevators. The sight of Allison in her dress caused both of their eyes to bulge, but Eli stepped forward to draw Allison against him. “Damn, you look mighty fine tonight,” he said.
