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Sucker Bet

Sucker Bet (Vegas Vampires #4)(16)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"We’re not going to fit in here together, you do know that, don’t you?" She looked up at him with a slight smile.

God, her blue eyes were so gorgeous he could just about eat them. When he stared into their depths, when he saw all that pain, all that melancholy, all that determination, he wanted to bury himself in her and never, ever leave. It was scary as hell, but very compelling. Irresistible.

"We’ll fit. We just have to do a little prep work." Nate ripped his shirt off over his head. "Your turn."

A spot of color appeared in her cheeks, but she sat up and removed her T-shirt, too, though she kept it bunched in front of her.

"You know what’s coming next, don’t you?" he asked, for some reason hoping he wouldn’t actually have to say they needed to both take their pants off before he climbed under that blanket with her. Otherwise, once they were under, one of them was going to topple to the floor if they tried to undress on the narrow bed.

Expecting her to dance around what he was saying, she stunned him by saying, "Well, I’m hoping gobs of brilliant sex is coming next. Please tell me I’m right."

Nate let out a laugh. Gwenna was full of surprises. Good ones. "You are absolutely one hundred percent correct. But we have to ditch the jeans to make this work." To put action to his words, Nate undid his pants and got rid of them in two seconds. The boxer briefs followed suit.

Gwenna wasn’t taking her jeans off, which was disappointing. She was too busy ogling him to undress, which he had to admit was hot. It made his c**k jump a little at the clear appreciation she was showing. Her eyes went wide, and her pink lips formed an "O" at his movement, and her tongue flicked out to lick her lip. Nate forgave her for still having clothes on. Especially when she rolled on her side and wrapped a hand around him, stroking lightly up and down.

"Do you mind?" she asked.

Give him a minute to think about that. Hell, no . "Not at all."

"You’re bigger than I expected," she murmured, using both hands to glide up and down on his shaft, fingers tickling over his balls.

Wait a minute. Even though the grip of pleasure, Nate wondered what that statement implied. "Bigger than you expected before or after I was actually inside you?"

Her fingers stilled. She gave a soft laugh. "Sorry. I meant before. You know, in general. Bigger."

Alright then. "I’ve never made a study out of it, but I’m glad I don’t fall short in your eyes." And when was she going to start moving again? Nate thrust his erection into her cupped hand, trying to encourage her to stroke again.

She took the hint. "No, you definitely don’t fall short."

Then she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around him. Nate closed his eyes and groaned. Wow. That was a beautiful thing.

Gwenna was shocking herself, but only in the best of ways. She couldn’t believe she’d just taken it upon herself to pull Nate’s erection into her mouth. But when she had turned on her side, it had been right there, and she had been curious. His whole body was muscular and firm, with hair in various places, lending to his overall rugged and masculine appearance, and his erection had added to the singularly attractive picture. Everything about him shouted male, and she had wanted to touch him, explore the way his flesh felt.

She also had the urge to taste his blood, to sink her fangs into his erection and suck on that pulsing hot liquid, but she knew the only way to do that was to put Nate under a glamour, and that wouldn’t be right. He should have the option to say yes or no to her nipping some blood off him, which would require explaining that yes, in fact, she truly was a vampire. Which wasn’t a conversation for the moment. They had more important things to take care of right now.

Like the fact that she was desperately aroused yet again, and amazed at that feeling. But as she slid her mouth up and down over Nate’s flesh, she had a sexual epiphany. This actually felt astonishingly good. Tasted delicious. Felt powerful. Like she held the key to his control in her movements. A shift here, a lick there, and she could change the tenor of his pleasure, increase his moans, feel his body tense in ecstasy. It was exciting to register that kind of equality, that kind of give-and-take between them, that it wasn’t him dominating the experience. The way she was used to with Roberto.

This was completely different, this was mutual pleasure, and she wanted to explore it fully. She took Nate into her mouth over and over until he was slick with her saliva, his hands gripping the back of her head, his heart pounding loudly in her vampire ears, and her own body was hot and tight and aching with desire. Finally, she broke off, breathing hard, her lips wet and swollen.

"Holy crap, Gwenna." Nate sucked in some air and shuddered. "You’re killing me."

"But in a good way, right?" she asked, lying on her back, and shrugging out of her jeans, making sure she did it slowly, human style, as opposed to with vampire speed, which she would prefer. Yet whisking her pants off before he could blink was sure to raise questions at a time when she didn’t feel like talking.

"Absolutely in a good way." Nate bent over, dug around in his pants.

"What are you doing?" Back on her side, she leaned over and studied his bum. Very nice. Tight.

"I’m looking for a condom."

Knowing there was no way to convey to him that she could neither get pregnant, nor give or receive a sexually transmitted disease, she kept quiet.

"Shit! I only had one." Nate’s face was scrunched up in frustration, his voice angry.

Gwenna felt the need to soothe him, despite her own very real disappointment. She had truly wanted him inside her a second time. But she was willing to get over it and focus on o**l s*x. That’s how big about it she was prepared to be. She reached out and traced her fingers over his abdomen. "No matter. We’ll still find things to do, I’m sure." Dropping her wrist, she enclosed his erection with her palm. "Now just relax. You’ve gotten tense."

His teeth were gritted. "That makes me tense. In a good way. I could run downstairs and get some condoms… there’s got to be a store open somewhere in this place. It’s a casino. You can buy everything twenty-four/seven in a casino."

But Gwenna was feeling too in the moment to bother. She just shook her head. "Don’t worry about it. Come onto this bed with me, Nate." Letting go of him, she kicked the blanket off her body with her feet.

It was a moment of pure and total liberation, watching his face go dark with desire, hearing his breath hitch. No man but her ex had ever seen her completely unclothed like that, and she wanted to revel in the feeling, savor the sensation that Nate found her attractive.
