Read Books Novel

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(36)
Author: Belle Aurora

A chuckling Trick runs away, then he bursts into song. “You make it hard to be faithful, with lips of an angel.”

Nik comes out of the kitchen holding an oven tray full of ribs. He places them on the dining room table before engulfing me in a bear hug. He holds onto me, rocking me back and forth. “Hey, little one. How’s work?”

“It’s great. I love it. I’m so glad I took a chance.”

His dimple makes an appearance, and although it’s a nice dimple, it doesn’t make my belly turn like Max’s does. “I’m glad you took a chance too. Now I get to see you and all my girls happy. And seeing my girls happy…well…that makes me happy.”

I tut. “You need to stop with all the sweet. I can’t fall in love with a married man, Niki.” I lean forward, take his oven mitt-covered hands in mine, and whisper with regret, “It would never work out.”

He chuckles and leans down to kiss my forehead. “Goofball.”

Arguing from the front door has all our heads turning. “Don’t you turn away from me.” But she does. Ceecee comes down the hall and into the living area, and without greeting a soul, she wheels past us all and down the hall leading to the kids’ bedrooms. “Ceecee, get back here. I’m not done talking to you!”

Whoa. I’ve never heard Max talk to his daughter that way. I’m guessing whatever happened it wasn’t something small.

Nik mutters, “Excuse me,” then joins his brother down the hall.

I move over to where Nat stands and try to ignore the heated exchange between the brothers, but it’s not easy. Also, I’m nosey. I whisper to Nat, “What do you think’s happened?”

She responds quietly, “Who the heck knows? She probably disappeared again.”

Wha—? I whisper shout, “What? When did she disappear?”

Geez, Louise, my sister loves gossip. She discreetly looks around before leading me a few steps away from everyone and explaining, “You know the weekend you arrived and we all went to The White Rabbit?” I nod, so she continues, “Well, the kids were getting packed up and ready to go, but no one could find Ceecee. They looked everywhere in the house for her, and Max was just about to head out onto the streets looking for her, when Nik spotted her at the front of the yard.” Nat’s face turns annoyed. “She had to have heard them all calling her, but she didn’t call back to let anyone know she was okay. Max was so shaken over it he skipped work. And he never skips work.”

Mouth parted, I swallow hard and mutter, “I thought he was a just a slacker.”

Nat snorts. “Max? You’re kidding, right? The guy is seriously ambitious. And he’s a good guy, and a great dad too.”

I’m beginning to see that. Also, I’m a judgey bitch. Shame makes my middle tense. Shaking my head at myself, I sigh. “God, can I be more wrong about a person?”

Nat bumps her shoulder into mine. “I really wish you would give him a chance.”

“I am.” I look over at her and promise, “I will.”

Noise from the hallway calls for my attention. Max walks over to me, smiling a totally fake smile. I’m immediately wary. He starts, “Hey, cupcake, you got a sec?”

My eyes search his face. He looks drawn and tired. I respond, “Sure, what’s up?”

He quickly looks around before leaning down to ask quietly, “Can we talk in private?”

Nodding once, I follow him down the hall. He talks as we walk. “Let’s go to my place.” Nat told me Max recently moved across the street. He opens the door for me, and we walk down the driveway. Sounding strained, he apologizes, “Sorry for making you walk like this.” He stops suddenly, turns to me, and in all seriousness, he asks, “You want a piggyback ride?” I’m not sure if he’s serious or not. He adds, “I can carry you. You weigh what? One hundred and twenty-five pounds?”

One hundred and forty-nine-point-seven, actually.

Bless his heart.

I’m still blinking at him when he turns his back to me. He pats his lower back. “Jump on.”

That snaps me out of it. “Max, I’m not jumping on your back.”

“Why not?” He actually sounds perplexed.

I snort a little. “Because I’m a grown-ass woman and I can walk.”

He turns to face me, and replies, “I know. But why would you, when you can ride me?”

Oh dear Lord. The images. Make them stop. Sweet Jesus, make them stop!

I look up into his bright amber eyes and swallow hard. I whisper, “I’m not going to ride you, Max.”

He nods. “Okay. Suit yourself.”

Not a second passes before I’m swooped up bridal-style and being walked down the driveway. I yelp and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles down at me with his gleaming, straight teeth. “There. See? You weigh about as much as a pillow.”

I glare at him. “Put me down. You know as well as I do that I do not weigh as much as a pillow.”

He concedes with a tilt of his head. “Okay, four pillows, then. Happy?”

With his strong arms around my back and under my knees, wetness seeps from where wetness should not be seeping right now. His rock-hard chest and abs feel warm against me. He smells amazing too. All it would take for me to kiss him is to lean up a little. “Please put me down.”

He purses his lips. “Nah.” He looks down at me and grins. “I like you in my arms.”

Those words both annoy and excite me. “Why don’t you ever listen?”

He pauses a moment to throw me up in his arms a little, then shrugs. “Because I like getting my way.” The honesty of that answer makes me pause before I laugh. He utters, “Good answer, right?”

Realizing I won’t be getting my way, I settle in his arms and allow him to carry me. “Yeah, it was.”

At the end of the driveway, he settles me on my feet, but reaches down to entwine our fingers. “We’re just across the street here.”

The house is amazing. It’s just as big as Nik and Tina’s. I had no idea Max had this kind of dough. I hate to say it, but it’s kind of a turnoff. He unlocks the front door and ushers me in. Everything is perfect. Paintings hang on almost every wall, and the smell of fresh paint assaults me. The deep apricot color of the walls is intimate and inviting. Picture frames are scattered everywhere, but mostly things are still in boxes. “Max, this place is amazing.”

His reaction earns him serious points with me, even if he didn’t know I was scoring him. With a shrug, he walks deeper into the house. “It’s just a house.” My heart smiles that he’s not all about money. It’s a relief. He turns on a light and I follow him into the kitchen. He pulls out a stool for me to sit on, then walks to stand on the opposite side of the counter. He paces, looking unsure of himself. “Okay. So, you know I’ve been having issues with getting Ceecee to work out. Well, today she’s stepped up the rebellion.” He looks me in the eye and reveals, “She skipped class today. Not one. All of them.”
