Read Books Novel

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(54)
Author: Belle Aurora

I slide in next to Nik, and Felicity sits by my side, already talking away at the girls. I hear conversations going on around me, but I don’t hear much of anything being said. I’m too busy looking around. Looking for someone.

“He’s downstairs, in the security room with Ash,” is whispered into my ear.

My cheeks flame. I look up at Nik, and stammer, “I don’t know…I mean, I wasn’t look—” He raises a brow as he looks down at me, and I know I’m busted. I slump. “Was I that obvious?”

He lowers his voice a notch. “Not to anyone but me. I see all.”

I sit and smile with no feeling, pretending to listen to the conversation as I sip my drink. I should get up and dance. I should ask Felicity to dance with me. That’s what people do when they go to clubs, don’t they? They dance…I think. Nudging Felicity, she takes the hint and steps out of the booth. I tell everyone, “We’re going downstairs to dance,” but we somehow end up at the bar, talking to Sheriff and downing shots of tequila.

After four shots, I know I’m starting to become intoxicated. How do I know this? Firstly, I’m starting to think everything is hilarious. Secondly, I’m beginning to lose function of my legs. Felicity pulls me to stand. “Come on; let’s dance!”

As I stand, I wobble on my feet and we both burst into laughter. Sitting back on my stool, I utter, “I might sit this one out. You go ahead. I’ll watch.”

Not needing any more prompting, she heads out into the sea of people, and soon enough, she’s bumping and grinding with a very attractive guy. And this guy is taller than Flick. Bonus.

Felicity: Would you be totally pissed if I went home with this guy?

I focus hard on my cell’s screen before laughing out loud. Finding her in the crowd with my eyes, she pouts, and I respond to her text smiling.

Me: No way! I’ll only be pissed if you don’t get an orgasm out of it. Have fun!

I look up at her, and the random dude is sucking on her neck. Reading the text I just sent her, she lifts her thumbs high in the air. I blow her a kiss and turn to the bar. Someone occupies the stool next to mine, but I don’t look over. I yell out over the music, “Sheriff, I need another shot over here.”

But the person next to me reaches over the bar and gets two shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. He places a shot glass down in front of me and I gape. “I don’t think you’re allowed to do that,” I tell him.

I look up, and smiling, golden eyes meet mine. “Sure I can.”

And my heart swells. Smiling like a loon, I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing him to me. “Max! I was just thinking about you! I missed you!”

I feel his body still. “You missed me?”

“Duh!” Oh man, I must be completely hammered. “I’ve been looking for you!” Make that obliterated.

His arms wrap around me. He gives me a gentle squeeze before releasing me. His golden eyes look down into mine as he says in all seriousness, “I’ve been looking for you too.”

Not quite wanting to let go of him, I place my hand on his thigh and smile up at him. “I dressed up.” I thank the gods above for leaving out ‘for you’.

His eyes sweep my see-through dress and flash a moment before they hood. He mutters hoarsely, “I can see that. You’re stunning.”

That’s about the time I ramble. “My friend Felicity helped me. I don’t really like all the girly things. I mean, you’ve seen my undies. I don’t really know how to make myself appealing to the opposite sex. I must’ve missed that class.”

Max makes a choked sound before downing his shot, then my own. Coughing, he wheezes, “You’re looking for a man tonight?”

My mind suddenly sobers. I smile softly, but it’s forced. “Sure. I mean, I’m only human, right? I have needs like anyone else.”

He eyes me good before saying, “You want to know how to be appealing to the opposite sex, Lena?” My eyes widen. Max is about to impart his wisdom on me. He’ll give me the key to his heart. I need to listen, and listen I will! Lifting a hand, he gently pushes stray hairs away from my face, lowers his lips to the shell of my ear, and whispers, “Just breathe, baby.”

My breath leaves me in a whoosh. Then I say the stupidest thing I could ever say right now.

“Please kiss me.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Please,” I beg through a shaky breath. “Please kiss me.”

Max groans, running a hand down his face. “C’mon, sweetheart. You don’t even like me. Now I know you’re drunk.”

Reaching up, I take his hands down from his face and hold them tight. “I’m not drunk.” But he eyes me in a way that I know he knows I’ve been drinking, so I adjust my last statement. “I’m not that drunk. I’m tipsy at most. I’m Croatian, dude. It’ll take a lot of booze to take me down.”

He hesitates, but right now, I’m willing to do anything to have those lips on mine. Anything. Even play dirty. I play with his fingers and look down at his manly hands. They’re nice hands. “Do you know the last time I was with a guy was four years ago? Seriously, Max. Four years ago! And it’s building up inside of me, you know, that feeling? I just…I just really want to feel that again.” I fight a sigh. “I sound like a crazy person, don’t I?”

When I lift my face, we’re nose to nose. His eyes search mine a long moment before he gently presses his lips to mine. My stomach dips. He keeps his eyes on mine, watching for my reaction. The kiss lasts a few seconds and it’s nice, but as he pulls away, I feel myself pout.

That was it?

Lifting his hand, he runs his thumb over my bottom lip and utters, “Okay?” Blinking, speech evades me. I simply nod. His gaze moves down to my lips, and without meaning to, they part slightly. Max closes his eyes tightly and mutters, “I’m trying to be good here, Lena. Stop doing that.”

I’m confused. “Doing what?”

Lifting his hand, he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Stop being sexy.”

And my vagina floods.

When I discreetly press my thighs together, Max spots it. His eyes flash. “Fuck. Now you’ve done it.” His warm lips connect with mine, harder than before. One arm goes around me while the other hand fists in my hair. And it hurts. I whimper. Oh God, it hurts so good. It’s like he knows exactly what I need.
