Read Books Novel

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(61)
Author: Belle Aurora

My cheeks heat.

He adds, “I know. I told you so. Gorgeous.”

My cheeks flame.

Taking a step towards me, the woman reaches out and takes my hand in hers. “Hello, Helena. I am Cecilia. I have seen you before, but never so close. You are a beautiful woman, and my son is a lucky man.” She speaks with a slight accent and I warm to her immediately.

Smiling, I squeeze her hand and respond, “Thank you, but he’s not as lucky as I am.”

I know Max must think I’m saying this for show, but I’m not, and I see the pride shine in her eyes. With that short sentence, I’ve won her heart. She stands taller and nods. “Come. Let’s eat.”

Eat? What?

I look over at Max and he mouths, “Sorry,” not looking at all apologetic.

My blood boils. I’ve been had.

He takes a step toward me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. He whispers into my ear, “I’m sorry. I knew you’d panic, so I didn’t tell you. It’s just us and my sisters. Relax.”

Just as I open my mouth to hurl whispered-abuse at the man-child, Ceecee appears in the hall. Face of stone, she approaches. “So, is it true? Are you dating?”

Turds of fury, she doesn’t look happy. I shrug lightly. “Yes, honey, we are.”

Max doesn’t say a thing, just squeezes his arm around my shoulders in silent support. When Ceecee lowers her gaze in thought, Max asks her, “What are you thinking, baby?”

She looks up at us. “I think I’m okay with that.”

I’m so surprised that I don’t realize I’ve blurted out, “Really?” until it’s already out.

She smiles up at me. “You’re cool, Helena. I like you.” Suddenly, her face turns cautious. “But you’re still going to be doing sessions with me, right? And teach me how to cook?”

I’m not sure about what James will have to say about this, but rather than tell her that, I state confidently, “Nothing could stop me.” And I mean it.

Smiling shyly, she answers a hushed, “Cool.”

Max pulls me into the kitchen, where Leti, Maria, and Isa are cooking up something that smells delicious. Walking right into the fray, Max puckers up as they take turns kissing his cheek. Feeling like an intruder, I raise my hand and utter a nervous, “Hey, guys.”

Isa is the first to pounce on me. Literally. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight. “Thank God it’s you! When mom told me Max was dating someone, I thought she’d be some ditzy blonde moron!”

When she releases me, Maria steps in to take her place. Hugging me, she utters into my hair, “I know, right? I thought she’d be some club floozy, but when Mom said it was someone we knew, I thought maybe Mimi had swapped teams.” She kissed my cheek as she pulls away, smiling. “I’m happy for you two.” A sudden bubble of emotion hits me hard, tightening my throat.

Leti, the oldest sister, steps forward, arms extended. I walk into them and she wraps me up in a warm, sisterly hug. She whispers into my ear, “He’s been lonely too long. Thank you, Lena. Welcome to the family.”

I close my eyes tightly, begging the tears to retreat, but one strays, trailing down my cheek. As I pull away and swipe at my cheek, I force a laugh. “Well, shit. Go ahead and make me cry, why don’t you?” The sisters smile at me in a way that says ‘you’re welcome’.

Arms snake around my middle. Max places his lips at my cheek and reprimands his sisters. “Hey, this is our first official date. No making my woman cry.”

His woman. Ugh. Too many feels.

The front door opens, and a familiar deep voice calls out, “We’re here.”

Oh no.

Max stiffens. I pinch his arm and he flinches, “Ouch! Hey, what was that for?”

I step out of his arms and whisper in a very deep and exaggerated Max voice, “Don’t worry; it’ll just be us and my sisters!”

He shakes his head. “I didn’t know about this.” When I eye him, his eyes widen and he throws up his hands. “I swear!” He seems genuinely surprised to hear Nik’s voice. When his mother comes back into the kitchen, he asks a hushed, “Mama, what’s happening? I thought I said only the girls.”

She walks past him and shrugs. “There is too much food for just the girls. When I cook for the family, I call the family.” She heads back into the pantry and Max stands there looking stunned.

He turns to me, outraged, then points to the pantry. “She set me up!”

Nik and Tina walk into the kitchen, Tatiana and Ava in their arms. Tina beams when she spots me. “Oh yay! I’m so glad you’re here!”

She puts Ava on the ground then hugs me tight, rubbing my back, poking me with her protruding belly. “I’ve missed you. We never get time to talk.”

Nik leans down and kisses the top my head. “Sweetheart.”

I open my mouth to speak, when the front door opens again. These voices, I know. I cringe. Nat walks into the hall and sees us standing around. “’Sup, guys?” She glares at me. “You wanna tell me why you don’t answer your phone?”

I mutter acidly, “I didn’t answer, ’cause you were calling.”

She swoops me up into a hug. “You know what? I don’t even care you’re a whoresaurus to me. It’s too nice of a day to be pissy.” She releases me then punches my arm. Hard. When I wince, she smirks. “Yeah, as if I’d let you get away unharmed.”

While I rub the sting out of my arm, Trick and Lola come in from the back of the house. Trick shrugs, looking mildly annoyed. “What’s goin’ on here? I thought we were gettin’ our eats on?”

Lola rolls her eyes, taking turns hugging us all. I reach out to hug her, and she mutters, “It’s always about food with these men.”

Someone squeezes my bottom. I turn quickly to find Mimi smiling down at me. “Hey, babe.”

Smiling, I wrap my arm around her super tall, reed-thin body and lean my head on her. “Hey, yourself.”

Trick walks by and kisses my cheek, then calls out to Lola, “I was promised food, woman!”

No one even seems to think it’s remotely weird I’m here. Thank God. Cecelia makes her way out of the pantry. She spots the new arrivals and takes turns kissing them all and shooing them out onto the back porch. When I step outside, I take in the beautiful backyard. Under the covered porch is a long outdoor setting that will seat all us adults and children quite comfortably. Nat was right. It is a nice day. The sun is shining and there is barely a cloud in sight. I close my eyes and let the light breeze flow over me. I feel at home here.
