Read Books Novel

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(70)
Author: Belle Aurora

Then I hear him. “Dude, I said the same thing.”

I hear Ash grumble, “When’d you see her undies?”

Max responds without thought, “I’ve seen ‘em a few times now.”

As Nat pushes me off her, I look up in time to see Ash pounce on Max, catching him in a headlock. Ash hisses, “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

But Max chokes out an amused, “It was worth it!”

Ash releases Max and pushes him away. “You’re not worth ten-to-life.”

Nat stands then helps me up. Nik asks, “You serious about working here?”

Max cuts in with a surprised, “What?”

I nod, panting from exertion. Choking your sister is hard work. “Yeah, I need the money.”

Max asks a confused, “You need the money?”

Nik nods, smiling. “You’re hired.” He takes his black badge from around his neck and places it around mine. “I don’t think you need an orientation. Your pay is thirty-six an hour and you’ll work four hours a night, Saturdays only, for now. How’d you like that?”

I’m astounded. “I dig it.”

Max stands in front of me, looking pissed. “You need money and you didn’t tell me?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course I need money. I’m a human living in New York.” I narrow my brows at him. “What’s all this attitude about? I thought I was going to be kissed and hugged and squeezed and all that jazz.”

His face softens. “Come here.” I walk into his open arms, sliding my arms around him, and he wraps me up tight, running a hand up and down my back. Burying his nose into my neck, he mutters, “This dress.”

I grin, asking innocently, “What about it?”

He nips my neck. “You’re killing me, cupcake. I have to work while you’re wearing this. Fucking torture.”

Mimi snorts. “First, you don’t like him, and now you can’t keep your hands off him!”

Max lifts his head from my neck, catching my mouth in a firm kiss before turning me in his arms so I can face the crowd. Lola smiles at us and coos. “You guys! Adorable, I swear.” Playing with her straw, she asks curiously, “C’mon, Helena. Tell us why you didn’t like Max. I’m dying to know.”

Max grunts, “You’re not the only one,” and I elbow him in the gut. He flinches then lets out an outraged, “What?”

I open my mouth to refuse them, but Felicity’s already there. She laughs out loud. “Oh man. It’s a doozy.”

Nat gasps. “You know?” She turns to me. “Why does she know? You never told me.”

I open my mouth to speak a second time, but it’s too late. Felicity utters, “Well, it all happened at your wedding. I’m surprised you don’t know.”

I lean over to Flick and hiss, “Shut. Up!”

Max covers my mouth with his hand, urging her on. “No, no! Don’t stop. I want to know!”

So she begins, “Well, Helena had here eye on Max from the very first time she saw him.”

My cheeks heat, and I dip my chin to fight my embarrassment. Max asks me quietly, “Is that true?”

I shrug lightly, not willing to answer. Felicity continues, “And it’s a wedding. C’mon, you girls know what I’m talkin’ about, right?”

All the women wear a knowing look on their faces, nodding and smiling slyly. We’re women. Weddings make us emotional. Emotional and horny. I don’t know why, but those are the rules. My mind flinches.

Now you’re even talking like him!

Before I can stop her, Felicity takes it there. “So Helena’s ready to make a move on our handsome Max. She’s been watching him all night as he flirts with everything with a heartbeat, and she’s built up the courage to ask him to have a drink with her. And she does.” She turns to Max, shaking her head at him. “And he doesn’t even look up from his phone. In fact, he completely ignores her.”

The women’s mouths gape. Max’s arms tighten around me.

Tina looks sad. “Max, you didn’t.”

But before Max can say anything, she finishes up, “Oh, he did. And that’s not the worst part. After he ignored her, he dismissed her.” She pauses for effect before adding, “Then he called her Helen!”

The women gasp in disgust while the men let out low sounds of discomfiture.

Oh yeah.

Tonight sucks assholes.

Chapter Thirty


My gut sinks. I didn’t do that! …did I?

I let out a long sigh. Chances are I did. I hurt Helena. Fuck me.

But, damn it, I’m gonna make up for it somehow.



Nat leans over looking pissed and smacks at Max’s leg, muttering, “Dickhead.”

At the very same time, Nik slaps Max across the back of the head, mumbling angrily, “Asshole.”

Max squeezes me tight, defending himself. “I don’t remember that! I swear!” He looks over at Nik. “You think if Helena threw herself at me, I’d say no?” Nik makes a noncommittal noise in his throat, looking down at his brother in contempt.

I bunch my nose. “You calling me a liar?”

Max turns me in his arms. “No, I’m not, baby. I’m just saying I don’t remember that happening.” He dips his head, shaking it lightly. “No wonder you hated me. I’d hate me too.” He looks up, his golden eyes sincere. “I’m sorry, cupcake. Never meant to hurt you.”

And just like that, it’s forgotten. He looks truly ashamed. I reach up to cup his cheek. “I know that. Now. And it’s done. We’re good. I promise.”

He leans into my touch, eyes closed. After a moment, he groans, “Are you fucking kidding me?” When his eyes open, he looks pained. “I could’ve had you all those months ago and I fucking choked?” He groans again, mock-sobbing. “God, I am an asshole.”

Chuckling, I stand on my tiptoes, pecking at his lips. “Yeah, well, suffer.” I turn to face Nik. “I’m going downstairs to check out the women’s bathroom. What do I do if there are people in there doing nasty things?”

Nik takes his two-way off his belt and hands it to me. “Just call it in. Security will be right outside the door waiting for you. Don’t lay a hand on ‘em. You’re not trained for that, and as an employee, you could get us sued. If you find you’re liking the job, I’ll get Ghost to take you on a short security and crowd control course.”
