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Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(77)
Author: Belle Aurora

I shrug to no one in particular. “That’s okay. I think it’s really important for Ceecee to meet people with similar injuries that are her own age.”

He pauses. “So you’d just put your own surprise on hold for Ceecee? Just like that?”

My brows rise. Why the hell does he sound panicked? “Uh, yeah. Yes, I would.”

He covers the phone for a second, and although it’s not very clear, I hear him utter a pained, “Damn you, Nik. Damn you.”

I ask cautiously, “Everything okay?”

Rustling, then he’s back. “Yep. Everything’s peachy. Okay, surprise is on hold. Ceecee has basketball Saturday. And you and I are going on a date Friday night. Dinner, movie, the whole shebang. No excuses.”

I grin. “We are?”

He states adamantly, “No exceptions.”

My smile turns soft. Max wants to take me out. Out where people will see us together as a couple. Warmth blooms in my middle. “Okay. It’s a date.”

He utters confidently, “Damn right it is.” He kisses the phone then hangs up, leaving me smiling like a loon.



The week passed slowly, but with my session times filling up, at least the workdays will be moving along at a quicker pace as the weeks pass. Felicity and I exchanged knowing smiles with Willa, and even talked her into having lunch with us on Thursday. As soon as we sat down to eat, I asked gingerly, “So how long have you been in love with Whit?”

James Whittaker was one manly man. He was also stupidly sexy. But he was our boss, and he claimed that employer/employee relationships were a no-go at the center. This confused me, because I checked the office intranet. There was absolutely nothing in there about interoffice relationships or the banning of them.

Willa went ghost white and licked at her lips. She looked like she was about to deny having any such feelings for him, but as she lifted her sandwich to her lips, she muttered, “Since forever,” before she took a bite.

Felicity was in shock. She turned to me and asked in awe, “How did you do that?

I shrugged at her. I’ve always made people feel comfortable with talking to me. Instead of responding, I dug further, “And why have you done nothing about this?”

I was almost surprised when her pretty hazel eyes glared at me from across the table. Almost, but not. “And what on earth would I say, Lena? Hi, James, mind if we step into your office to discuss a matter that’s been bothering me for a while? What matter, you ask? Oh, the one where I almost swoon when you smile at me.” She rolled her eyes. “Please. I know I’m not his type.” Her face fell. “I’m not anyone’s type.”

Felicity pushed her shoulder and grinned, “Oh my Lord, there’s so much attitude hiding behind that sweet face. I am going to have so much fun with you.”

Swallowing my mouthful, I asked, “How can you be sure if you’ve never given him the signs?”

Felicity nodded in agreement while Willa’s face turned guarded. “What signs?”

“The subtle ones.” I shrugged my shoulders as I thought. “You know? Light touches. Eye contact. Smiles that are just for him.”

Felicity gasped. “I have a great idea!” Willa groaned and threw her head down onto the table, forcing a laugh out of me. Felicity rubbed her back, chuckling, and uttered, “This afternoon, we’ll run an experiment. Willa, you’re going to flirt with Whit. Today.”

Lifting her face, mouth gaping, Willa sputtered, “I am not!” Felicity nodded slowly, smiling larger every second. Willa shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

Felicity admitted on a shrug, “It’s my best quality.”

I asked sagely, “What do you have to lose?”

Later that afternoon, Felicity and I instructed Willa on what to do. First, we had her approach James and talk to him about a client. She did this, but it didn’t work out as we hoped. Instead of approaching him, he came to her to talk about something, and when he did, she was seated at her desk. Not a lot of opportunities to discreetly touch him there.

But mid-conversation, James came up behind her to show her something on her computer, and he did this all up in her grill. I mean, his chin was almost resting on her shoulder. It looked like Willa wasn’t going to be playing this game one-sided.

Next, we planned a run in. Yes, exactly as it sounded. They would run into each other. So when James came walking down the hall, looking down at his papers and not paying attention to what he was doing, Felicity and I mouthed, “Go!” shooing her away. She stood in his path, and that was that.

Next thing, James had his arms around her, holding her up a moment before she hit the ground from the impact of collision. He looked into her eyes and muttered, “Are you okay?”

They were close. Closer than they should’ve been. She whispered, “Yes.”

But his brows narrowed as he stood her up, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Are you sure? I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

Willa shrugged, smiling sadly. “A lot of people don’t.”

Then something miraculous happened. James placed his hands on his hips, looking down to the ground. After a moment’s hesitation, he muttered, “Then they’re missing out,” before walking away.

Willa turned to us, dumbstruck. Felicity and I silently danced and cheered. James Whittaker was totally into Willa, and Felicity and I were going to make it happen. Somehow.

Then came Friday, and Willa was still a nervous mess around James. But during our lunch break, we dragged Willa out of the office and swore blind that James liked her. However, Willa, being the shy little violet, wasn’t having it. “He’s just being nice.”

We were becoming exasperated. There was one thing left to do. I asked, “Do you have a tank under that shirt?” Willa nodded. “Good,” I uttered a moment before I reached forward and tugged at her shirt so hard that the buttons went flying. Felicity gaped a moment before she burst into laughter.

Willa looked down at her ruined shirt and whispered, “I can’t believe you did that.” She turned to a still laughing Felicity. “I can’t believe she did that.”

I put on my best embarrassed expression. “Oops.”

This left Willa dressed in short athletic shorts and a skin-tight white tank, showing enough skin to make any man stop and stare. When we arrived back at the office, talking and laughing, we bumped into James on the way to our desks. I pointed back at Willa, who was now hugging herself, and stated, “Don’t be hard on her. I accidentally ripped her shirt.”
