Read Books Novel

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(81)
Author: Belle Aurora

My grin is small, but it’s there. “Sorry, but you started it.”

He returns, “You started it.”

I scoff, “You so totally started it!”

He mock-glares at me. “Real mature, Lena.” We walk hand-in-hand, grinning like a couple of fools. He holds open the door for me, and as I walk into the restaurant, he whispers by my ear, “You started it,” and I burst into laughter. I love this silly side of Max.

We’re shown to our table in this quaint restaurant, and although it’s small, it’s beautifully decorated with red-and-white-checkered tablecloths, stools instead of chairs, and candles on the tables. It makes for an intimate setting, and I secretly love that Max brought me here and not some fancy restaurant where the meals are served on plates the size of car tires with meals the size of my palm. When the server arrives by our table, Max looks over at me and asks, “Mind if I order?”

I smile sweetly. “Not if you know what’s good.”

He grins at me. “I know what’s good, baby.”

I reach for my glass of water and sip, when a soft voice by the side of the table utters, “Max?”

Max and I both look up at the server, but Max is the only one who pales. “Oh, um, hey, Kate. How you doin’?”

Kate, the young Hispanic-looking server with olive skin, long black curls, and soft eyes responds in a hurt tone, “You never called.”

My eyes leave the server, and wide-eyed, I turn to stare at Max. “You have got to be kidding me right now, Max.” Did he seriously bring me to a restaurant where he shtupped one of the wait staff?

But Max blinks up at Kate, silently cursing her before stating the obvious. “I’m on a date here, Kate.”

Kate turns to me still looking hurt, and I feel for her. I know what it’s like to be rejected by Max. It seriously blows. With a sigh, I tell her, “Honey, trust me. He’s completely oblivious when it comes to the opposite sex. You need neon signs and flashing lights for this one.”

Max utters an offended, “Hey,” while Kate smiles and admits, “I thought it was just me.”

I shake my head. “Nope. It’s all him. Believe me.”

Max repeats his insulted, “Hey!”

I’m curious now. I jerk my chin up at her. “What did he do?”

Max starts, “I don’t think we need to be discussing tha—”

But Kate cuts him off. “He took me out for lunch and we made out.” She turns to look down at him, placing a hand on her hip. “Never to be seen again.”

Max squirms in his chair, then forces a laugh. “Kate, babe, it was just a kiss.”

Well, I hate to admit it, but I’m glad he hasn’t fucked her. But still. I shake my head at him. “Oh, Max. You’re such a turd.”

Kate jerks her chin at me, mirroring my previous gesture. “You his girl?”

Max tries to break into the conversation with, “So this is kind of funny, right?” but as we speak over him, he fades out and continues to squirm.

I sigh dramatically. “Sadly, yes.”

Her eyes narrow at me before she declares, “I like you. You’re getting the house nachos on the house.”

Smiling at her, I reach out to her. “I’m Helena. Sorry Max is a big, stupid baby.”

She grins, taking my hand. “Kate. Nice to meet you, and don’t worry about it.” She glances at him before whispering, “He’s kind of flighty.”

Max is one of the most reliable men I know. He’s not flighty at all, but I know what she’s doing, so I don’t correct her. Instead, I play along. I wink at her. “You’re lucky you got away when you did.”

She chuckles, then steps away. “I’ll be right back.”

As she does, I smile over at Max. “I like her.”

He stares me down, clearly not amused. “Glad I could make introductions. I’m sure you’ll be best friends forever.”

Silently gloating in his discomfort, I reach across the table and snatch up a handful of corn chips, crunching away through a sly smirk. Mouth semi-full, I speak around my chips, “C’mon, Max. Admit it. It’s kinda funny.”

Kate returns with a plate full of nachos, piled with ground beef, oozing cheese, and chopped tomatoes. It looks amazing, and the smell of the spices has me salivating. She places it down in front of me with a smile. “Enjoy. Call me when you’re ready to order.”

Max starts, “We’re ready to—” And I laugh as she turns, swishing her hair, and walks away, obviously ignoring him. Max eyes my plate, licking his lips. “Can I get in on that?”

Lifting a corn chip stacked with goodies, I shake my head. “Nope. Consider it your punishment,” I tease, then I shove it in my mouth.

A pathetic look crosses Max’s face. He rubs absently at his belly. “But I’m hungry.”


No. Scratch that.

Adorably pathetic.

I reach across the small table to cup his pathetic cheek. He leans into my touch and I purse my lips, muttering, “Nawww, my big, stupid baby.” He pouts, nodding in agreement, and although this is the worst date I’ve ever been on in my life, I’m having so much fun. And I don’t know why! Something pushes that thought to air. I tell him, “This has been the worst date ever,” but I do it with a smile. A real smile.

Max leans further into my cheek, eyes apologetic, and mouths, “Sorry.”

Pulling my hand away, I admit, “But I’m having so much fun,” I throw him a shy smile, “with you.”

He smiles then, his billion-dollar, GQ magazine smile. “Naw, shucks, lady.” But his smile falters. “You sure you’re not pissed about that girl?”

“Am I going home with you tonight?” I ask.

His brows narrow. “Damn straight.”

I shrug. “Then I don’t care.” Smiling, I nibble at a corn chip. “I win.”

Something about my answer affects him, and I’m not sure how to read it. His eyes widen a little before they hood. He looks to be biting the inside of his cheek, as if trying to keep his mouth shut. Shaking his head, he mutters, “You are somethin’ else.”

When Kate returns, she takes our order from Max, glowering at him the entire time, but sparing a sweet smile for me as she leaves. She brings our meals and places the plates down in front of me gently, using as much care as possible, but when she places plates down in front of Max, she releases them an inch above the table, making them clash and clatter before turning and swishing her hair as she walks away. And I chuckle to myself. He must’ve really pissed her off. Meh. Serves him right.
