Read Books Novel

Sweet Ache

“Nooo! Don’t leave.”

He leans in and places a lingering kiss on my lips that I try to deepen to entice him but to no avail. “You’ll like it—I promise. Get naked for me and I’ll be right back.”

“It better be good,” I grumble.

“Have I disappointed you yet?” He says with a flash of that grin that makes me want to do dirty things with him. “Here,” he says thrusting the bottle toward me.

“Are you trying to get me liquored and loose?” I tease, taking the bottle and setting it down on the dresser. I’ve had enough to drink tonight. Besides, no amount of alcohol has the ability to intoxicate me as thoroughly as the man in front of me.

“Sweetness, I don’t need liquor to get you loose,” he whispers against my ear and then shuts the door behind him as he leaves.

I stand in the darkness for a moment, kind of pissed and kind of excited all at the same time because I know it must be something good for him to leave me in the middle of I’m about to get laid time.

I strip down and slide between the sheets suddenly leery that there are a hundred or so people downstairs and any one of them could wander up and open the door. I close my eyes, imagining Hawke’s mouth on mine and all the ways he can manipulate my body, then I slide my hand into the wetness between my thighs and rub gently. It’s nowhere near as satisfying as when Hawkin does it but I know it will make me more ready, allow my orgasm to come that much quicker, and man if I’m not ready to come.

The door opens, a dark shadow against the brightness of the light behind him, and I sit up in the bed, my sheet falling around my waist. “What took you so long?”

“Well, shit.” The voice has me grabbing for the sheet and pulling it up around me as fast as possible despite the darkness of the room. “Hawkin actually wants to do this.”

“Vince?” I ask in an unsteady voice, trying to wrap my head around what the hell he’s doing in here, and then my mind processes his comment. “Do what?”

I have a surprise for you. I hear Hawke’s words again from moments before as my mind recalls several times since we’ve met where there has been the innuendo about a threesome. I thought it was just guy talk, macho bullshit, but that mixed with the comment from the groupie girls downstairs causes my heart to start pounding rapidly. Is this really what Hawkin wants?

Vince’s laugh is low and suggestive and as much as I want to say the idea doesn’t turn me on, it does. What woman doesn’t want to be pleasured by two men at the same time, if not just to check it off her sexual bucket list? Of course it’s crossed my mind, but does that mean I’d actually follow through if I had the opportunity …?

I guess I’m about to find out the answer.

I’m not one to be talked into anything, especially on the sexual front. The idea of this threesome unnerves me and at the same time sends that tingle of desire in my core into overdrive. Do I want to do something like this? Is this something Hawke’s used to doing? What if I start to go for it and then chicken out?

My mind wars over all of this in a matter of mere seconds while my palms start to sweat and my body trembles with indecision and the unknown. “Did Hawke tell you to come up here?” I ask with an unsteady voice, and I know it’s a shitty thing to ask, like I doubt him, but I can’t help it.

“Rocket said he was looking for me where he makes music because he needed me to help with something. I went to the studio and he wasn’t there, so I tried here and I …” He whistles low and quick. “After his tiff in the kitchen I wasn’t expecting this, but shit, Trix, I’m game if you are?”

I’m still unsure how I feel about this, excited yet nervous, wanting to and at the same time fearful about how the dynamic would change if we went through with a threesome. Add to that, the man I want is Hawkin, hands down. Vince is good-looking in a lot of ways but Hawkin just affects everything within me like no other man has done before.

Vince’s question hangs in the air with the lingering excitement of the unknown. And then Hawke’s smile from earlier tonight flashes through my mind, the ease, the relaxation; the old Hawkin that I’d missed was back, and if doing this for and with him keeps it there, then I’m good with the idea.

Besides, I’m usually open to new experiences and this most definitely would be one…. I just have to go into it with an open mind and defined limits.

“I … um …” It’s all I can manage, glad Vince can’t see the flush in my cheeks through the shadowed darkness of the room because then I’d really feel like the naive little girl right now.

“It’s okay, Q. We’ll take it slow. Only do what you’re comfortable with. Hawke and I may have done this a time or two,” he says, providing me with a strange comfort.

“Sorry, Q, I can’t find the surprise,” Hawkin says as the door opens and closes behind him.

“I’m right here, man,” Vince says, and although I can see only Hawke’s profile, I can see the double-take action of his head.


“Can’t believe both of you are game after all of the shit you’ve been giving me over this.”

The room falls silent momentarily as Hawke walks the length of the room to where I’m perched on the bed. Nerves start to hum within me and I suddenly wish that the bottle of tequila was closer because hell if I’m not going to need some liquid courage now that this is about to happen. Hawke sinks down onto the bed beside me.
