Read Books Novel

Sweet Ache

I snake one of my hands down his abdomen and slip it inside his underwear. I find his dick immediately, it’s hard to miss it really, and the minute my fingers encircle his girth, a pained groan falls from his mouth. His hands leave my skin momentarily as he pushes the fabric down to grant me unhindered access to pleasure him.

My fingers dance over the length of his shaft, causing our lips to part and his head to fall back as he absorbs my reciprocal foreplay. I lean forward and kiss the underside of his jaw. He tastes of salt and soap and the scent sears itself into my memory as my tongue licks and hand slides back and forth over his cock.

“Quin.” I love the grate of his voice over my name, desperate and defiant.

“Get ready to beg,” I murmur against his skin, rough with his five o’clock shadow, tossing his comment back to him. His body falters a moment, a strained but amused laugh falling from his lips that turns into a groan of desire when I gently scrape my nails over the underside of his dick.

His hands find my shoulders and grip tightly as he tilts his head down so he can meet my gaze, a chiding smile on his lips and everything I want reflected in his eyes. “Sweetness, as much as I want you to wrap your mouth around my dick and make me beg for it, you can take me there next time because right now, I want you,” he says, his tongue wetting his lower lip and distracting me from focusing on the fact that he said next time. And telling me there will be an again when he hasn’t even had me yet makes places in me stir that have nothing to do with having an orgasm. “And I’m going to have you.” He says the last statement on a melodic whisper that reminds me of the song earlier but this time he’s not on stage in front of thousands of women, he’s standing here in front of me.

I breathe in deeply, needing the air to help clear my head, and all it does is the opposite because it smells like him. I keep my hands on his dick but with my eyes on him, lean forward and take the flat disk of one of his nipples in my mouth and graze my teeth over it. He hisses in a breath, eyes darkening with lust as my own taunt him to do just what he’s promised, to take me.

Two can play this game. My hand slides up and down him again, his dick pulsing in my hand from the stimulation. “What are you waiting for, Hawkin?”

I take a step back slowly, my eyes running up and down his body, my first time getting to see the whole of him. And holy mother of God … if Hawkin Play fully clothed is hot, a naked one is breathtaking. And being a man used to women staring at him, he stands still and lets me get my visual porn.

His shoulders are strong, pecs and abs defined but more from constant physical activity than a guy who lifts for bulk, and in the moonlight I can see the basic outlines of the shapes of his tattoos but not make them out. My eyes go lower, trace the V down to where he demonstrates just how ready he is for me, and hell if he’s not packing what Luke claimed to have.

The unbidden part of me doesn’t care that he knows I’m openly staring at him so I lift my eyes ever so slowly up to meet his. He walks toward me, his body announcing the predator inside him ready to take what he thinks is his. His eyes are hungry, smirk arrogant, and body made for the kind of sins I enjoy committing.

My only thought is that I need to hold on tight because I have a feeling Hawkin Play is about to take me for a ride in more ways than one, and I just hope both my body and my heart will be able to handle it. I’ve been able to separate sex and emotion with men prior to tonight, but I know right here, right now, with that look in his eyes and that purpose in his posture, that there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to with him.

“Bed’s this way,” he says with a lift of his chin over his shoulder as he stops in front of me and reaches out to my hips and pulls me into him. Skin against skin. His erection presses deliciously between the V of my thighs, making my mouth water and my legs weak with thoughts of everything that’s about to happen.

“Rest assured, I know where my bed is, Hawkin.”

“Then why are you not on it?” The heat of his breath feathers over my lips as I fight every urge in my body to continue our banter when all I want is him and me rolling around on the bed.

“Because I wanted to make you come first.” I know exactly what I’ve said, how he’s going to take it, and by the flash of the feral smile he gives me, know that he heard me.

He laughs. It’s more strained now as he fights the urge to figure out what I’m trying to accomplish. “Hmm. Now, I know you may think I’m a selfish bastard but I promise you, I never come first unless it’s with my own hand. So …” he says, fingertips tracing a line down the side of my cheek that I can’t resist leaning into, “get your ass on the bed, Trixie, before I’m tempted to tie you to the bedposts and fuck you into explaining who this Trixie is that you pretended to be.”

His words, his touch, his nearness intoxicate me so that it takes a moment for me to respond. I nod my head to the drawer of my dresser as I reach out and pull open. It has a small stash of condoms—a girl’s gotta be prepared. I step away from him as he raises his eyebrows in surprised approval.

I saunter slowly toward my bed, eyes looking over my shoulder at him as he watches me. “By the way, Trixie is my naughty side…. She just might like that a little too much.”

I hear his intake of air, see his eyes widen, right before he launches himself at me. I’m on the bed before he lands next to me and scramble away from him as we erupt into a fit of laughter laced with a tinge of desperation.

“Don’t think you’re going to live that comment down,” he taunts as his hands find my hips and pull me toward him. I struggle playfully because when he presses me into the mattress, his body flanking mine, I can’t help the sigh that falls from my lips at his closeness. Our eyes meet and our smiles remain but silence descends as he leans forward and slants his mouth over mine.
