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Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender (Sweet #1)(62)
Author: Maya Banks

She moved closer to him and wrapped her arm around his waist as well, as they headed back up to the beach house. She shivered when they stepped into the air-conditioned interior. Gray rubbed his hand up and down her arm and hurried her toward the bathroom.

While he turned the shower on, she stripped out of her bikini and waited for the water to warm. Then he gestured for her to step in with him.

The steam rose from the heated water, and she sighed in sheer bliss when he pulled her into the spray. He soaped her body with gentle hands, taking care to get all the sand.

She closed her eyes and let the water spill over her face while he soaped himself. A few seconds later, he cupped her cheek, and she opened her eyes to see him staring at her.

“Ready to get out?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded.

He turned the water off and stepped out. He reached his hand back to her and pulled her out beside him. Once again he dried her, taking his time as he rubbed the towel over her body.

When he was done, he pulled her up and kissed her lightly on the lips. “You go get dressed, and I’ll start dinner. We’ll eat out on the deck.”

While Gray cooked, Faith sat in the kitchen and kept him company. They talked about unimportant things. Laughed. Chatted. It was comfortable. No awkward lapses.

He handed her plates and utensils, and she walked out onto the deck to set the small table. The sun had set, and the breeze blowing off the water was cooler now. She arranged the plates and turned back toward the doors. She met Gray, who was carrying a platter of pasta in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

“The bread’s on the bar if you’ll get it,” he said.

When she returned with the small basket of rolls, he had dished out portions of the food onto their plates and was sitting at the table waiting for her.

She sat down and glanced at the wonderful-smelling pasta. She picked up her fork and took a bite. It melted on her tongue, and she made a sound of appreciation.

“I feel so spoiled,” she admitted.

He raised a brow in question.

“I’ve done nothing since you got here. I haven’t lifted so much as a finger.”

He smiled lazily, his eyes glittering as he stared back at her. “You’re doing exactly what I’ve asked you to do. I couldn’t ask for more, and I couldn’t be more satisfied.”

Warmth surged to her cheeks. She swallowed at the fierce look in his eyes.

“Eat,” he said huskily.

They ate as night fell around them. As the stars popped across the sky and the moon, now full, rose over the water, she sipped at her wine and sat back in her chair.

Her gaze drifted across the table to Gray when he stood and began collecting the dishes. When she started to get up to help, he motioned her back down.

“I’ll be back in just a second. You sit here and relax. It’s a beautiful evening.”

That it was. Waves crashed in the background. The moon cast its pale glow over the beach. The sand crystals winked and glistened as the water chased up and down the shore.

A few minutes later, he returned carrying a blanket. She looked curiously as he settled onto one of the loungers. Then he looked up at her and crooked his finger.

“Come here.”

She rose and walked over to him. He patted his lap and motioned for her to turn around and sit. He spread his legs and pulled her down into the chair with him.

As she settled against his chest, he tossed the blanket over them and pulled it up to her chest. Then he slid his arms underneath and wrapped them around her body, cradling her to him.

He held her tightly and rested his chin on top of her head as they both stared out over the water.

“Gray?” she asked in a low voice.

“Yes, baby?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

She hesitated, not sure how to voice what she wanted to ask.

“Is this…is this just sex between us?”

His arms tightened around her, and she could feel the breath catch in his chest.

“No, Faith. It’s definitely not just sex.”

She wanted to press. Wanted to ask him more, but she contented herself with his answer. She didn’t want to push him away.

So she relaxed against him, content to enjoy the night in his arms.


Gray woke to a buzzing vibration in his pocket. He blinked, disoriented, as his surroundings came into focus. The pale light of predawn lay soft over the ocean. In his arms, Faith sighed and snuggled deeper under the covers.

They’d slept all night on the deck.

The buzzing stopped, and he realized it was his cell phone. Carefully, so he didn’t disturb Faith, he eased his hand into his pocket and dug out his phone.

He flipped it open to see who had called. Micah. He punched the Send button to call him back and shoved the phone to his ear.

“Hey, man,” Micah said. “Hope I didn’t wake you and Faith.”

Gray grunted. “You woke me. Didn’t wake Faith.”

“Ah good. Look, I just got into Galveston, and I’m headed your way. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

Gray frowned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, just wanted to give you a report and see how you guys were doing.”

Gray looked down at Faith. “That’s fine. There’s something I wanted to run by you anyway. I have a feeling you might be interested.”

“I’m intrigued now. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Gray closed the phone and set it down beside the lounger. He gathered Faith a little closer in his arms and kissed her soft hair. He was curious as to how she’d react to what he had planned. She’d been so open to everything else so far.

With infinite care, he maneuvered out of the lounger then bent to pick Faith up. He carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She stirred when he began undressing her, but he murmured soothingly to her, and she never fully woke.

He pulled the covers back so that she was exposed, and then he retrieved the rope he’d tossed aside. He gently eased her arms above her head and bound her wrists together. Then he took the long end of the rope and stretched it to the bedpost, wrapping it around it several times.

Satisfied that she’d be comfortable but wouldn’t be able to move from the bed, he headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Five minutes later, he dressed and peeked into the bedroom one last time. She was still sound asleep.

He walked into the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. He’d just poured his first cup when a knock sounded at the front door. He ambled over to open it and saw Micah standing on the porch.
