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Take Me Home for Christmas

Take Me Home for Christmas (Whiskey Creek #5)(74)
Author: Brenda Novak

“Come on!”

“She’s not ready for a relationship.” He used a dismissive tone, hoping that would be enough to get Kyle off his back, but Kyle wasn’t so easily discouraged.

“Does that mean you’re not going to date her?”

“Why are you so set on finding out?”

“Because Riley and I have both considered asking her out.”

Ted had just bent over to take another shot but, at this, he buried the white ball along with the one he’d been aiming for.

Kyle slapped him on the back. “That’s what I thought.”

“No, go ahead.” Ted spoke as if it was nothing.

It was Kyle’s turn to miss his shot. “What?”

“You heard me.” Ted didn’t want Sophia to “settle,” didn’t want her back just because she felt she had no one else. Giving her other options and letting her choose—that was the only way he’d ever be sure.

* * *

Sophia was in the hot tub when Ted came out of the house; she was alone because she’d agreed to let Alexa stay over another night.

“It’s cold this evening,” he said.

She tilted her head up. He was standing on the deck, but she couldn’t see him clearly. It’d been raining, so dark clouds obscured the moon.

Sadly, her mood was as dark and unsettled as the weather. Since her encounter with Chief Stacy, she’d been examining her budget, trying to get some idea how long it might take her to save up enough to leave Whiskey Creek. But it all seemed so far off because she was starting with nothing. She didn’t even have a car. “The water’s perfect.”

When he came down, she saw that he was wearing swim trunks and realized he planned to get in with her. He’d spent the day in his office, trying to catch up on his book. At least that was where he’d been when she made dinner. He’d been so engrossed when she carried up his tray that he’d barely acknowledged her.

“There’s a bottle of wine sitting on my kitchen counter,” he said.

She sank lower in the water to avoid the cold air. “That’s for you. I’m hoping it’ll make up for one of the bottles I drank. I’ll pay for the other one, of course—for both if you don’t care for that brand.”

“The brand’s fine. I’ll take it off your hands, but after how bad you felt last night I’m not sure you should be cruising the liquor aisle.”

“I didn’t buy it. Chief Stacy did.”

At the mention of Whiskey Creek’s chief of police, he studied her more closely. “Come again?”

“It’s a long story,” she said.

“Looks to me like we’ve got all night.”

Not really. She had to get some sleep. She’d come to the conclusion that she had to make better use of her off hours, had to gain some skills and figure out other ways of making money or she’d be trapped in Whiskey Creek indefinitely and that meant leading a disciplined life. But she took a few minutes as he settled across from her to explain what had happened at the grocery store. It gave them something to talk about other than the debacle she’d created last night.

“Hard to believe someone in his position would T.P. your house,” he said. “What is he…twelve?”

“That happened a few days before and was probably kids. But he was behind the vandalism and the rock that broke the window.”

“Are you sure it was him?”

“Positive. He quoted the first part of the note wrapped around that rock.”

Ted stared at her. “That’s ballsy, to give himself away like that.”

“He couldn’t resist. He’s too proud of what he’s done.”

“That’s out of line for anyone, but especially for him,” Ted said, his words clipped. “I’m going to talk to Noah’s dad and see if there isn’t something that can be done.”

Sophia felt his feet brush against hers and jerked back. “Don’t waste your time. Chief Stacy’s been tight with the mayor ever since he was elected.” She swished some of the bubbles away. “I just have to get out of Whiskey Creek. There’s too much bias here. I’ll never have a chance to start over.”

“But leaving means you’d need a job. And what will you do without a car?”

“Depending on where I go, I might be able to take public transit. Or ride a bike.”

“What kinds of jobs will you apply for?”

“Maybe I could get on as a hostess at a restaurant or a receptionist at a day spa. Or I could do in-home daycare.”

“You have to be licensed for daycare.”

“I could get licensed.”

He didn’t say it, but she could tell he didn’t think she’d make enough to survive. “Where’s Lex?” he asked. “Wasn’t she coming home tonight?”

“She was, but her cousins wanted her to stay with them. I don’t normally let her sleep over at Colby’s. I don’t trust Skip’s brother to stick around and supervise, but…she hasn’t had much of a social life since everything happened, and I couldn’t bring myself to say no.”

“That’s understandable.”

“I hope everything’s okay.”

“The decision’s been made. Worrying won’t help.” As he rested his arms on the edge of the Jacuzzi, she couldn’t help admiring his biceps. But she loved his hands most. She’d always loved his hands.

“I was thinking of getting a tree tomorrow,” he said, changing the subject.

Her headache was back and rising to new proportions. She rubbed her temples in an effort to ease the pain. “For the garden? What kind of tree?”

He gave her an expression that said, Are you really asking that question? “There’s a little thing called Christmas coming up.”

“Oh. Of course.” Thanksgiving had been hard for her. She wasn’t looking forward to Christmas.

“I thought maybe you’d like to go with me,” he said.

She knew better than to think Eve would be pleased if she accepted. “No, thanks. I’ve got other plans.”

Her response seemed to surprise him. “Like what?”

“I’m walking over to the library in the morning.”


“They’re offering that typing class Alexa took last summer.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” He squinted through the steam. “I’m willing to wait until afternoon, if that’s more convenient.”
