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Take Me to Paradise

Take Me to Paradise (Sinners on Tour #6.1)(16)
Author: Olivia Cunning

“I hope not,” she said.

He groaned at her lack of a guarantee.

“Well, if you don’t want to join me, I’ll just go by myself,” she said, turning to trudge up the beach, water pouring from her body, wet sand sucking at her tennis shoes.

She suppressed a triumphant smile when Brian came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist to stop her. He linked his hands with hers and pressed them into her belly.

“You know I want to spend every moment with you,” he said, “even at my own peril.”

She smiled and angled her head to look up into his eyes. Their gazes locked and the heat of their ceaseless desire for each other passed between them. He leaned in slowly and brushed his lips across hers.

A cool droplet of water dripped from his hair and struck the top of her breast, sliding along her suddenly overwarm flesh to disappear into her cleavage. A shiver of excitement raced along her nerve endings, converging between her thighs.

“Are you sure you don’t want to ride back?” she asked. “It would be faster than walking.”

“I’m sure.”

“And I really want to hurry back to the hotel to get you out of these wet clothes.”

Her hint of suggestion was all the convincing he needed to ride behind her on the larger of the two horses. The well-behaved animals had waited patiently for them beneath a copse of palm trees, as if they were used to being abandoned by love-struck couples.

Brian rubbed the undercurve of Myrna’s breast with his thumb as he held onto her during their ride back to the stable. She was more than ready to toss him into a nearby pile of hay and have her way with him, but he was too busy boisterously relating his first adventure on—and off—horseback to the laughing stable owner. Brian didn’t seem to recognize that she was in desperate need of attention. Or maybe he was driving her crazy on purpose.

Throughout the shuttle ride back to their hotel, Brian repeated his tale of misadventure to the driver. Perhaps their ride hadn’t been all that romantic, but apparently it had made an impression on him.

When they reached their room and Brian did nothing more than toss his single shoe and wet clothes in the bathtub before drying off and reaching for a clean outfit, Myrna began to suspect that something was wrong.

“What’s going on with you?” she asked, standing next to the bed entirely naked, which was usually his cue to get down and dirty.

He tugged a clean shirt over his towel-dried head. “What do you mean?”

She crossed her arms over her bare breasts and shrugged. “It just seems like a good opportunity to make love.”

“I thought we had to be somewhere in a few minutes.”

She checked the clock. “They’re supposed to call the room when our ride gets here. We have some time.”


She grinned when he took his shirt back off and tugged her down onto the bed.

He was balls deep inside her when the blasted phone rang. Myrna fumbled for the receiver, trying not to sound like she was involved in carnal pleasures when she answered. “Hello-oh-oh,” she panted as he found her spot.

“This is the front desk. The taxi you ordered has arrived, madam.”

“We’ll be right down.” She dropped the receiver, not bothering to hang it up, and slid her hands down her husband’s rhythmically clenching ass.

“I knew we didn’t have time for this,” he said, increasing his tempo.

But she knew how to make him get off quickly. One expertly placed finger in his ass and he shuddered uncontrollably, as he had no choice but to come.

“Oh God,” he groaned, his hands fisting in her hair as he found release inside of her. “Why did you do that? You know I can’t walk properly after you make me come that way.”

“You didn’t like it?” she murmured, her finger moving within him to intensify his pleasure.

Entire body shuddering, he collapsed on top of her. His belly quivered against hers, and she could feel his cock jerking inside her.

“Jesus, woman, you know I like it.” His lips moved against her throat reverently. “Did you finish?”

The ring of the phone had thrown her off her game and no, she hadn’t come close to finishing. “I’m okay. We don’t have time for me.”

“We’ll make time.” He slid down her body to pleasure her with his mouth.

Her game was soon back on and within minutes she was crying out as he delivered consecutive home runs.

They were both a little wobbly in the knees as they made their way through the hotel to the taxi waiting outside.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Brian said.

The cabbie took one look at them and grinned. “I’d have made me wait as well,” he said as he opened the door for Myrna.

Once inside the cab, Brian immediately tugged her into his arms for a round of after-sex cuddling and whispered I-love-yous. The cabbie didn’t bother trying to engage them in idle chitchat on their way to the dock. But Myrna caught him sneaking glances at them in his rearview mirror and grinning at the sickening displays of affection she shared with her husband.

The sailboat was much larger than she’d anticipated, and she was a bit disappointed when she discovered that they weren’t the only couple who were going to attend this dinner cruise. Everyone else was onboard and either standing along the rail watching the water and crew or seated at one of the tables on the deck. Even though the occasion wasn’t as private as Myrna would have liked, it was definitely romantic. And her husband was practically a puddle of melted goo by the time they were shown to their reserved seats.

“Now this is romantic,” he said as he reached across the table and took her hand.

“More romantic than being tossed into the ocean by a disgruntled horse?”

“Just a little,” he said with a soft chuckle.

Once the boat set sail, Myrna closed her eyes and reveled in the cool ocean breeze against her skin. She’d probably gotten too much sun that day, but she was determined to enjoy her temporary reprieve from harsh Midwestern winters. She wondered if she’d miss the snow and ice when she uprooted and moved to California the following year. She rather doubted it.

Brian scooted his chair closer to hers so they could both view the endless expanse of crystal-blue water and so he could touch her. He seemed to think she’d evaporate if he didn’t have at least one hand on her at all times. Not that she minded.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” the only waitress on board asked. The cheerful young woman was busy, but not really overworked as there were only six couples to serve.
