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Take Me to Paradise

Take Me to Paradise (Sinners on Tour #6.1)(9)
Author: Olivia Cunning

“Come and get my love,” she said and turned in his arms. She burrowed her fingers into his hair and tugged his mouth against hers.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Chapter Five

Myrna snuggled into her pillow and reached across the bed for Brian. She’d expected him to be sound asleep with exhaustion after their romp in the shower that had culminated in the comfortable king-sized bed, but the space beside her was empty. She lifted her head from the pillow and through the patio door spotted him standing against the balcony railing. He faced the ocean, his naked masculine form silhouetted by the orange globe of the sinking sun. Her girlish heart skipped a beat at the sight. She hadn’t known she still possessed a girlish heart before this man had become the most important facet of her life.

Wrapping a sheet around her nude body, Myrna rose from the bed and approached her husband. Her heart thudded with the anticipation of his touch, his kiss. She wondered if he would always make her pulse race. She was sure that even if they were both in their nineties and living in a nursing home, the sight of him—hell, the thought of him—would make her heart flutter. There was only one thing missing from her happily ever after, but it wasn’t from lack of trying. She pressed a hand to her lower abdomen and prayed for the miracle she wanted to share with Brian. Maybe she’d already conceived. But wouldn’t she know if she had? She didn’t feel any different. Surely creating a new life that was a mix of herself and the man she loved would make her feel something.

“I thought you were asleep¸” Brian said.

She lifted her gaze to his and smiled. “I was. Is there a reason you didn’t want to share the sunset with me?”

His arm circled her back, and he tugged her against his side. He placed a kiss near her temple and said, “I didn’t want to disturb your rest. I figured you were tired.”

“I did enjoy that nap. Why aren’t you resting?”

He shrugged. “I’m not really tired. I guess I’m used to traveling.”

And it kept them apart far more than she liked. It also made getting pregnant exceedingly difficult. Maybe someday she’d be able to join him on tour, but her current job situation wouldn’t allow it. She was already pushing boundaries by taking off on her honeymoon in the middle of the semester. She had probably overplayed the “recovering from the accident” card, but when she’d glimpsed mortality, she had realized that the only thing in her life she couldn’t live without was Brian.

“Hold on,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

Myrna turned to watch him go into the suite. Yes, the sunset was spectacular, but it was no match for the allure of Brian Sinclair wearing nothing but her undivided attention. He switched on the kitchen light, and she could see him rummaging around, but she couldn’t tell what he was doing. A few moments later he returned with a bottle of champagne and a pair of flutes.

“I figured a toast was in order,” he said.

She remembered when he’d toasted her on their wedding night. He’d drenched her in champagne and licked it off her body. She wouldn’t mind a repeat performance, but tonight he played gentleman. After popping the cork, he poured them both a glass of champagne and set the bottle at their feet.

“To Myrna,” he said, tilting his glass toward her. “More beautiful than a sunset, more precious than diamonds, and finer than silk. I love you more with each breath I take.”

Her husband was an incurable romantic.

Myrna lifted her glass. “To Brian, who’s forgotten that champagne tastes better like this.”

She lifted her flute and tilted it toward her chest, a large drop splashing onto her chest before Brian caught her hand.

“I haven’t forgotten,” he said, his intense dark eyes locked with hers.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she wet her lips in preparation for his kiss.

“But sometimes I’d like a moment to enjoy your company outside the bedroom.”

“Technically, we’re not in the bedroom,” she said.

He chuckled. “Baby, with you, everywhere is the bedroom.”

“Then you have no choice. The only place to enjoy me is in the bedroom.”

He shook his head, his lips twisted in an amused smile. “You’re too clever for your own good.”

He claimed her lips in a heated kiss and then pulled away, his forehead resting against hers.

“Let me try this again,” he said, and lifted his glass once more. “To Myrna. Sexier than sin. Hornier than Trey.”

She snorted, thinking she could give the guy a run for his money.

“More irresistible than a cold beer on a hot afternoon.”

“And far less romantic than her husband,” she said, fighting the urge to tackle him to the deck and have her way with him. She knew she needed to allow these moments of tenderness between them to play through without instigating mind-blowing sex. Well, sometimes. Brian needed this kind of charming affection to make him happy, and she most assuredly wanted him delirious with joy.

“He doesn’t mind,” he said.

“Yeah, he does. He’s just too sweet to admit it.”

“I am not sweet.”

“Whatever you say,” she said with an indulging smile. “Sweetie.”

So maybe she couldn’t give him a baby as easily as they’d anticipated, but she could meet his other needs. Even ones she didn’t necessarily share.

“I raise a toast to my dearest husband, Brian. Sexier than an Italian sports car. Sweeter than syrup. More romantic than a sunset on the beach.”

Which they were missing because they were so wrapped up in each other. Not that she minded.

“What else?” he prompted.

She searched her brain for similes. “More tender than a Crock-Pot roast.”

He laughed, the arm around her back tightening to pull their lower bodies closer. “See,” he murmured, “you are romantic. No one has ever compared me to a hunk of meat before.”

“You don’t hang around your groupies much, do you?”

“Not if I can help it.” He lifted his glass once again. “To us. Two very different people perfect for each other.”

She’d definitely drink to that. Eyes locked with Brian’s, she smiled and clinked her glass against his before sipping her champagne. She’d wanted to come up with some unique and unusual way or place to make love to him while they were here, but it occurred to her that her planning something heart-stoppingly romantic would be much more meaningful to him. And knowing Brian, she also knew that if she romanced him, he would rock her world in the sack. Or on the beach. Or wherever they ended up sharing the day together.
