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Taking Control

Taking Control (Kerr Chronicles #2)(41)
Author: Jen Frederick

Tiny shakes her head and drags me down the corridors to stop at a vegetable stand. She shakes out a plastic bag and hands it to me to hold while she fills it with a bunch of greenery labeled “spring onions.”

“Is this where you get food?”

“Yes, dear, it’s where mortals eat. Actually that’s not true, this is like a rich person’s grocery.”

I ignore the sarcasm. “Where would you shop for your mom?”

“About two blocks over was a market that had good fruit. We were trying to eat healthy, but it was so expensive.” She squeezes her lips together.

Leaning forward I palm the back of her head and pull her close. “Love you so much, bunny.”

She allows me to comfort her all of a second and then pushes away to grab another bag which she fills with an herb that even I can correctly identify as cilantro.

“What are we making?”

“Pasta and shrimp cooked in lemon and white wine sauce. Why don’t you go over and get some bread? Maybe sourdough rolls, and I’ll meet you at the seafood place.” She points down a ways.

I kiss her again and leave to do her bidding. Inside the bakery, I find dozens of different loaves of bread and rolls. On the advice of a helpful clerk, I buy something called a Tuscan log sourdough, which is shaped like a log roll with short, stubby branches. I figure what we don’t eat, we can use to feed the ducks this weekend in Connecticut. Although I don’t know that we have ducks up there. I might have to buy some.

When I catch up with her at the seafood counter, there’s a man—make that an ass**le—chatting her up. He has an arm braced against the glass case, and his eyes are taking off her clothes piece by piece

“Hey, Ian,” she says when I approach.

“Hi, bunny.” I put my hand on her neck and kiss her on the forehead. I need to get a ring on this woman right away. “Are you having problems deciding which fish to buy?”

He smirks. “Just making conversation.”

I run my tongue over my teeth wondering how mad Tiny would be if I punched this guy out. Pretty mad, I guess, so I lean down and kiss her again—only this time on the lips. Hard.

She rolls her eyes. “I’m waiting for our shrimp.”

The guy still doesn’t leave. He hovers, like a stupid dumb cow, on my right as if Tiny is just going to peel away from me and give him her number.

“Check out is over there,” I gesture toward the registers.

“I’m not ready,” he says, confused.

“Oh you are.” I stare at him steadily, and he’s not as dumb as I thought because he finally walks away.

“A pound of prawns.” A tatted, bald-headed man offers Tiny a white parchment-wrapped package. “Where’s the guy who wanted the scallops?” He looks around.

“We’ll take those too,” Tiny says hastily.

We pay, and she waits until we’re in the hallway before questioning me.

“You looked like you were going to punch that guy out.”

“Nah,” I lie.

“Then why is the bread loaf crushed in your hand?”

I look down and the Tuscan log is indeed bent in half as if a sharp wind has sheared off part of the limb. “Looked like it was too soft. Just testing out the wheat-to-oat ratio.”

“Seriously? That is what you are going with?” She laughs. “You know you sound like a caveman.”

“That’s advanced evolution. I thought for sure I wasn’t much past the Neanderthal stage.”

“Ape,” she teases.

“Knuckle dragging when it comes to you, bunny.” I wrap an arm around her waist and usher her into the bakery to buy a loaf of bread.

“Even if I didn’t completely and totally adore you, I would never have been attracted to that guy.”

“Why’s that?”

“He’s not you.”

“Keep that up and we’re going to have a really late dinner because words like that make me horny as hell.”

I manage to act like a normal human being and keep my dick in my pants until after dinner.

Tiny makes me dry the dishes with a dish towel I didn’t even realize I owned.

“We do have someone who comes and cleans.”

“Once a week, and she won’t be here until Friday. That’s two days away. The dishes would be disgusting by then.”

“Can’t we put these in the dishwasher? Isn’t that what it’s for? The washing of dishes?”

“You’re very spoiled, Ian Kerr.”

“I’m very hard,” I tell her. “Watching you move around the kitchen is surprisingly erotic. I think it was all the bending over and waving your ass in the air.”

“Did you drop the scallops on the floor on purpose? So I would have to bend over and pick them up?”

“We couldn’t eat that ass**le’s scallops, Tiny. Besides, they fell off.”

“You are so full of shit.” She shakes her head and laughs.

“And I’d like for you to be full of me.” Throwing down the towel, I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

She beats her fists against my back, laughing. “Let me go, you Neanderthal.”

“I thought I was a caveman.”

In the bedroom, I throw her on the bed and pounce on top before she can turn over. “You’ve been waving this ass at me all night.”

She wiggles it provocatively against me. “What you going to do about it?”

A strap on her sundress falls from her shoulder to her arm. Slowly I push up the skirt to reveal a pair of white sheer briefs. “I’m still hungry, bunny.” I press the base of my palm against her ass and rub my thumb against the wetness between her legs. “Very hungry.”

She moans and pushes back against my hand. “That feels good, Ian.”

Reaching around, I cup her fabric-covered breast. Her nipple juts into my hand, and I pinch it in approval. “And this? How does these feel?”

Her response is to grind her ass even harder.

“What I should have done in store is slide my fingers up the back of your skirt.”

“Is that right?” She pants lightly.

“I’d have my fingers inside your pu**y.” I push the silk right inside her.

A whimper tumbles from her lips, but I can only shallowly pump inside her as the fabric constricts my movements. Suddenly, I can’t wait another minute. I rip the panties down her legs just far enough so I can plunge inside her. Her bare ass bounces in front of me like two glorious moons. Maybe I am a caveman because I feel the need to claim my woman.
