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Taking Control

Taking Control (Kerr Chronicles #2)(65)
Author: Jen Frederick

“I’m generous that way.” He slaps me on the back. “So Michelle, is it? You’re part of the Everly family?”

She nods, somewhat dazzled by his sudden attention. “Y-y-yes.”

“And did you go to Columbia like your sister?”

“No, Wharton.”

“Good school,” Kaga guesses. He doesn’t know one U.S. institution from another, unless it’s Harvard or Yale. Nor does he care. “Your sister and her, ah, friend? Roommate? Are they enjoying their last year at college?”

“This fall will be their last year. They’re friends and roommates.”

“I can’t remember my college days,” he says as if he’s confessing some intimate piece of knowledge. Michelle leans toward him. “Tell me your sister and her friend’s most outrageous exploits. It’ll remind me not to be such a stick in the mud.”

“You could never be boring,” she says breathily. And for the next twenty minutes, Kaga expertly interrogates Michelle on all the details she knows about Sabrina, as I watch Lauren.

She’s bait tonight, even if she doesn’t realize it. Both Richard and I are tracking her, and I can tell by the rigid way she holds herself that the attention is making her uncomfortable. Play with the wolves, prepare to be eaten or bite back. She doesn’t have it in her to bite back. Not like my Tiny.

As she ducks out with an empty tray, Richard makes his move.

“Excuse me,” I murmur to Kaga and Michelle, uncaring whether they hear me or if they were even talking to me.

The layout of the ball has the caterers set up in the rear antechamber, just off the left arm of the museum. There are several alcoves where Howe can corner Lauren.

I walk quickly and with purpose, and no one stops me.

A quick survey of the gallery reveals that neither Lauren nor Howe are present. But a flash of black to the left catches my eye. I exit left and then head down a short hall. Gotcha. Howe is holding Lauren’s arm in a tight grip. Her tray is rattling against her leg as he shakes her arm.

“Didn’t like your tuna tartare? I hardly think that complaining to the staff is going to help your indigestion.” I lean against the wall and cross my arms. Act I of the play has just begun. This part calls for nonchalance and boredom, even though I’d like to leap forward and crush his skull between my hands.

“Kerr,” he huffs and lets go, all his social training kicking in. No scandals in public. Lauren takes the opportunity to slip away.

“Have your fortunes fallen so far that you’re now begging the wait staff to warm your cold bed?”

“Just following your example,” Howe sneers. “I hear those girls give stellar blow jobs. They’re so eager to take a step up the ladder. How’s Tiny’s mouth? Tighter than a vacuum?”

I nearly bite my tongue in half to prevent myself from launching at him. “Every time you say her name, the cost of your redemption goes up. I don’t think you’ll be able to buy your way out of this one. In fact, I’d think twice about trying to buy anything in the near future. And by near, I’m thinking five, maybe ten years. How’s bankruptcy look in the polls these days? Think your father will win his nomination if he can’t balance the books at home? How long will Cecilia remain married to you when her cards are declined at Barney’s? Because every debt you have, I’m calling tomorrow.”

Howe takes two steps forward, and I drop my arms to my side. He glances down to see my hands curling into fists and steps back.

“You can buy all my debt, but you’ll never be a Howe.”

“That would be a great comeback if I cared about that,” I said dryly. “No one has wanted to be a Howe in a very long time.”

His face tightens at this insult, but because he’s a coward, he turns on his heel and walks away.

The curtain falls. I glance at my watch. Act II is about to start very soon.

Swiftly I return to where I left Kaga and Michelle. Tiny has returned, and she looks amused. Perhaps because she knows why Kaga is interrogating Michelle.

“Did you enjoy your little chase?” Kaga asks as I rejoin them.

“It was a good start to the evening, but I’m not going to be satisfied until I’ve had the main course.”

I glance over at Richard’s wife, who is glaring daggers at me.

“She looks unhappy,” Tiny observes.

“I think her husband may have just delivered bad news about their credit.”

“Ouch.” She winces. “I don’t want to be with them tonight.”

Michelle looks avidly between us, as if she is dying to ask what we’re talking about, but her own good manners prevent her from speaking.

Fairchild returns before she can gather up her nerve. “Mr. Kerr, Ms. Corielli, perhaps you’d like to step up to the podium.”

He waves his hand toward a small dais at the center of the atrium in front of the string quartet.

Tiny gives me a questioning glance. I’ve shared most of what would happen tonight, but not all. And for a moment I feel a twinge of guilt. Perhaps another day and another event would be better suited for this. But I had to put this behind us once and for all. Not just for my sake, but for the future safety of our family.

I lean over and kiss her on the cheek. “Trust me.”

“I do.” She places her hand in mine and squeezes. Together we walk toward the dais. Howe is standing there.

“What’s he doing there?” she whispers.

“He’s the chair of the Frick Foundation,” Ross informs her. “He’ll be announcing the generous donation Mr. Kerr has made in honor of your mother.”

“What?” She stops short and turns to me. “Ian, what?”

“It was a surprise.” I give him a dark look—but then, it’s really my fault. “I made a modest gift to open up the private member gardens to the public.”

“Modest!” Ross laughs but at my next glare, sobers up quickly. “Yes, my dear. The gardens have been available to members only, but Mr. Kerr came to us a few months ago asking if we would be interested in opening them up much like the museum is open, on a pay-what-you-wish basis. The gift is substantial enough,” he gives a tight smile as if to say that he’ll call the donation whatever he wants, “to fund the renovations, maintenance, and staffing for several years. We will be naming them the Sophie Corielli Gardens.”

Tiny gasps and then covers her mouth with both hands. Her eyes are wide, and I suppose behind her hands her mouth forms the same perfect circle.
