Read Books Novel


Gating—this ability belongs to all Elemaiya and is not included in the number of talents assigned to any individual. Gating is essential as an ability, as it enables the Elemaiya to travel from one world to another. Some worlds have multiple gates; a few have none at all. This talent, and the ability to sense when a gate is near, appears to be instinctive.

Telekinesis—this talent presents in varying degrees of ability. Many are able to move a feather about. Few may lift something heavier than that. The rarest and most talented might lift extremely heavy objects.

Illusion—the ability to make objects or people appear to be present and solid. Some of the higher talents will see through any illusion but it is still useful at times, making an enemy believe there are more foes present. If done properly, an enemy will see the specter as real and attack. A few very talented in this ability will make their illusions appear to move naturally. A fine talent, often present in the military faction.

Relocation—this enables the individual to move from one place to another almost instantly. It is generally short range, however, and more than two relocations in a single day tend to tire the individual, so it is reserved until needed. A few can relocate more often, but that is uncommon.

Acute Hearing—this is useful in the guards protecting royalty, as it allows them to detect approaching danger.

Mindspeech—the individuals holding this talent are separated from those considered common among the race. While nearly all have Telekinesis or Relocation skills, roughly half have mindspeech. There are castes within the races, and mindspeech demarcates Low from High Caste. Mindspeakers, holding none of the higher abilities, belong to the Middle Caste. Holding mindspeech and any of the remaining, rarer talents marks the individual as High Caste.

Compulsion—a useful and uncommon gift, enabling the one talented in this way to compel others to do their bidding. If one holds this ability, it must be used sparingly against his fellows; else it will bring about animosity.

Manipulation of the elements—fire, water, air and earth, or solid matter. Of course, these are the elements as determined by ancient beliefs and not based in current scientific fact. It is believed that a very talented individual might burn oxygen from the air, or form water using the same method. Perhaps to create air from water as well, or manipulate solid objects. Manipulation of solid objects is the rarest of this particular ability. One with that talent has not come in a very long time, and none is now known to exist.

Shapeshifting—a rare gift, endowing those holding such talent with the ability to take the form of an animal. They cannot be distinguished from the actual animal, by either sight or scent. Humanoid Shapeshifters still hold a bit of their other scent. Shapeshifting Elemaiya do not.

Misting—this gift is among the rarest of talents. None can perceive the Elemaiya in this form, except in the most unusual of all cases. The holder of this gift can slip through the smallest of spaces. Legends surround this ability, but those will be discussed at a later time.

Foresight/Prophecy—this talent is the rarest of all and individuals blessed with it are highly prized by the ruling houses of both Bright and Dark.

"Where’s the rest?" Ashe looked at both sides of the last page. There was nothing more. They’re withholding it, he thought. He then read the list again before counting. He held five of the talents. At least five. It made him think about the gates on Earth, too, and he wondered where they were located. If he could discuss this with Sali, an entire universe of possibilities might open up. He could ask Tony Hancock, though. Maybe he’d know, since he was an eighth Elemaiya. Ashe raced out of his bedroom and into the strangest sight he’d ever seen.

The beach house was different. The furniture different. Things in different places. The air almost seemed tangible as it flowed around him. He saw Winkler, looking much as he still did, only dressed in an older style. Ashe stared at the woman from the photograph that hung in Winkler’s Dallas office. She’d come to life and now stood beside the table in the breakfast nook. She was arguing with Winkler about something, and then lifting a metal-framed dining chair, twisting it easily in her hands before tossing it on the floor and stalking away.

"Holy cow," Ashe said, his words breaking the spell. Winkler now stood before Ashe, calling his name.

"Dude, that woman just twisted a chair into a pretzel," Ashe stared at Winkler. Winkler hauled Ashe from the room immediately.

"What did you see?" Winkler hissed. "Tell me!"

"Th-the woman in your picture—in Dallas? She was here. Only everything was different. She bent a metal chair like it was clay." Ashe felt breathless.

"Come on." Winkler pulled Ashe through the front door and away from the house. "Ashe, I don’t know how you saw that, but that happened more than twenty-three years ago," Winkler said.

"Who was she?" Ashe whispered. He felt shaky over the whole experience.

"Lissa. Ashe, if you haven’t figured it out yet, she was vampire. Female vampires are so rare they almost don’t exist. I was a fool and didn’t hold onto her. Now, only a few werewolves remember her. The vampire race has no memories left of her. Something took those memories, Ashe. Something powerful. Someone powerful."

"But the vampires knew about her? Back then?" Ashe watched Winkler’s face closely. It was filled with pain.

"Yes. They knew about her. Ashe, don’t ever say anything about her to any of them. Weldon and I tried to convince them of her existence, once. After she died. We won’t try that again." Ashe knew who Weldon was. Weldon Harper, Grand Master of the Werewolves.

"Did Tony Hancock know about her?" Ashe asked.

"She worked with Tony for a while. A lot of those things the history books say he did? He didn’t do them. Oh, he was a hero, all right. But Lissa was better than he ever was."

"And now she’s dead."

"Yes. She died a long way from here. She had Elemaiyan blood, too. Ashe, whatever you do, don’t throw your life away, all right? Promise me." Winkler’s fingers gripped Ashe’s shoulders—hard.

"I’ll do what I can," Ashe was frightened at the look on Winkler’s face. Winkler hugged Ashe after that.

"Come on," Winkler pulled Ashe through the door again. "If you get another one of those visions, though, I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me."


Ashe worked up the courage to talk to Tony Hancock before going to bed. "Can you do anything besides mindspeaking?" Ashe asked. "And do you know anything about gates?"
