Read Books Novel

Tell Me Your Dreams

The men stood there, watching the matron lead Ashley away. David sank into a chair.

"What – what the hell was that all about?"

Dr. Salem took a deep breath. "In all the years that I’ve been practicing, I’ve never seen a more clear-cut case."

"A case of what?"

"Have you ever heard of multiple personality disorder?"

"What is it?"

"It’s a condition where there are several completely different personalities in one body. It’s also known as dissociatve identity disorder. It’s been in the psychiatric literature for more than two hundred years. It usually starts because of a childhood trauma. The victim shuts out the trauma by creating another identity. Sometimes a person will have dozens of different personalities or alters."

"And they know about each other?"

"Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. Toni and Alette know each other. Ashley is obviously not aware of either of them. Alters are created because the host can’t stand the pain of the trauma. It’s a way of escape. Every time a fresh shock occurs, a new alter can be born. The psychiatric literature on the subject shows that alters can be totally different from one another. Some alters are stupid, while others are brilliant. They can speak different languages. They have varied tastes and personalities."

"How – how common is this?"

"Some studies suggest that one percent of the entire population suffers from multiple personality disorder, and that up to twenty percent of all patients in psychiatric hospitals have it."

David said, "But Ashley seems so normal and – "

"People with MPD are normal… until an alter takes over. The host can have a job, raise a family and live a perfectly ordinary life, but an alter can take over at any time. An alter can be in control for an hour, a day or even weeks, and then the host suffers a fugue, a loss of time and memory, for the period that the alter is in charge."

"So Ashley – the host – would have no recollection of anything that the alter does?"

"None." David listened, spellbound.

"The most famous case of multiple personality disorder was Bridey Murphy. That’s what first brought the subject to the public’s attention. Since then, there have been an endless number of cases, but none as spectacular or as well publicized."

"It – it seems so incredible."

"It’s a subject that’s fascinated me for a long time. There are certain patterns that almost never change. For instance, frequently, alters use the same initials as then-host – Ashley Patterson… Alette Peters… Toni Prescott….

"Toni – ?" David started to ask. Then he realized, "Antoinette?"

"Right. You’ve heard the expression ‘alter ego.’ "


"In a sense, we all have alter egos, or multiple personalities. A kind person can commit acts of cruelty. Cruel people can do kind things. There’s no limit to the incredible range of human emotions. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is fiction, but it’s based on fact."

David’s mind was racing. "If Ashley committed the murders…"

"She would not be aware of it. It was done by one of her alters."

"My God! How can I explain that in court?" Dr. Salem looked at David curiously. "I thought you said you weren’t going to be her attorney."

David shook his head. "I’m not. I mean, don’t know. I – At this point, I’m a multiple personality myself." David was silent for a moment. "Is this curable?"

"Often, yes."

"And if it can’t be cured, what happens?" There was a pause. "The suicide rate is quite high."

"And Ashley knows nothing about this?"


"Would – would you explain it to her?"

"Yes, of course."

"No!" It was a scream. She was cowering against the wall of her cell, her eyes filled with terror. "You’re lying! It’s not true!"

Dr. Salem said, "Ashley, it is. You have to face it. I’ve explained to you that what happened to you is not your fault. I – "

"Don’t come near me!"

"No one’s going to hurt you."

"I want to die. Help me die!" She began sobbing uncontrollably.

Dr. Salem looked at the matron and said, "You’d better give her a sedative. And put a suicide watch on her."

David telephoned Dr. Patterson. "I need to talk to you."

"I’ve been waiting to hear from you, David. Did you see Ashley?"

"Yes. Can we meet somewhere?"

"I’ll wait in my office for you."

*   *   *

Driving back to San Francisco, David thought. There’s no way that I can take this case. I have too much to lose.

I’ll find her a good criminal attorney and that will be the end of it.

Dr. Patterson was waiting for David in his office. "You talked to Ashley?"


"Is she all right?"

How do I answer that question? David took a deep breath. "Have you ever heard of multiple personality disorder?"

Dr. Patterson frowned. "Vaguely…"

"It’s when one or more personalities – or alters – exist in a person and take control from time to time, and that person is not aware of it. Your daughter has multiple personality disorder."

Dr. Patterson was looking at him, stunned. "What? I – can’t believe it. Are you sure?"

"I listened to Ashley while Dr. Salem had her under hypnosis. She has two alters. At various times, they possess her." David was talking more rapidly now. "The sheriff showed me the evidence against your daughter. There’s no doubt that she committed the murders."
