Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(11)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Just the kind of heavy thinking I need as I drift off to sleep. But thinking of Delicious Daniel and how much I can’t wait to see him for Sunday’s game…now that is the stuff dreams are made of.

My DD, sex on the beach, kisses by the lakeside, and Superman.

Chapter 6 – “I’ve Been Waiting All Day For Sunday Night”

It’s Sunday. Game day.

Delicious Daniel day.

I really need to stop adding the word delicious to his name but seriously, after kissing him as thoroughly as I did last Friday, you’d be calling him delicious too. He tasted of beer, a touch of mint, and made me feel like I was lying in the sun on a hot sunny day. Yes, he transported me to another place and time. He is that good. I want that again. I’ve been craving it. Not sex, just Daniel’s time traveling kisses.

Goddammit, now I’m thinking about what it would be like for Daniel to do other things, right now while I’m lying in bed. I sleep naked in my bed at home, have done since I moved back to Chicago. There is something freeing about sleeping in the buff, not constricted by fabric or seams. I love it. I pick up my phone, deciding to send Daniel a text to gauge where his head is at.

Mac: Good morning, Delicious Daniel. Sunday Game Day! Woohoo.

Delicious Daniel (should really change that): Morning, gorgeous. You ready for some tailgating and football?

Mac: Hell, yeah! Do I need to bring anything?

Delicious Daniel: Only your beautiful self. Have you been up long?

Ha! Now’s my chance to test the waters with Mr. Delicious.

Mac: I’m still lying in bed actually.

Delicious Daniel: Really? And what are you doing in there?

Mac: Was thinking of last Friday night and how much of a gentleman you were. Are you always so chivalrous?

Delicious Daniel: I’ve been known to have my moments, but telling me that you’re in bed thinking of me is not helping with keeping my mind out of the gutter. Or your bedroom.

Mac: Then don’t. Let your mind roam free in my bedroom. I’m a firm believer in free thinking.

Delicious Daniel: Is that so? And where would you like my thoughts to travel to?

Mac: Me, in bed, naked as the day I was born, thinking of you and your kisses

Delicious Daniel: Damn. Cold shower needed stat.

Mac: Why’s that?

Delicious Daniel: Because my mind is definitely going down a road leading to somewhere dangerous.

Mac: Do tell…

Delicious Daniel: Eyes on the prize, Mac. Game day, football, men running around in spandex.

Mac: Oooh, Daniel, you know how to make a girl swoon, don’t ya? Now you’re reminding me of my Superman fantasy.

Delicious Daniel: *bangs head against wall* Damn, Mac, I am going to need a cold shower. Now, naughty girl, how about you go have a cold shower too and I’ll see you in a couple of hours ?

Mac: *pouts* Okay, no fun.

Delicious Daniel: Don’t you worry about fun, Mac. There’s plenty of time for that beautiful stranger.

Mac: Until then, I’ll have to rename my shower head Daniel and have fun with him ?

Two hours and one cold shower later, where I became well acquainted with my detachable shower head, I’m decked out in my Bears hoodie with a big orange C in the front, with dark blue skinny jeans and tangerine chucks, and finished off with my awesome Chicago Bears purse I bought last year. I’m the poster child for a sexy, fun and free Bears fan.

Kate didn’t come home last night. She’s out with her latest man toy, Jeremy.

a.k.a. The Grunter

I mean seriously, I’m all for a man who can express himself, but not a gorilla man who grunts his way through a three minute horizontal mambo session from foreplay to finish. But he’s hot, and Kate’s happy(ish) so I’ll keep holding on to the hope that she’ll grow tired of him and his grunting.

Kate is more of a romance and flowers girl. She believes in love and love at first sight, or frequent sight as the case may be.

Except for when grunting Jeremy is on the other side of my bedroom wall!

I’m just finishing my makeup when I hear the doorbell. Trying not to act like an excited puppy ready to hump his leg, I make myself walk slowly to the door. I crack it open and find a smiling, fully decked out Daniel leaning against my door frame, a look of pure adoration on his face.

“Morning, gorgeous” He has the biggest smirk on his face, his gaze travels down to my orange clad feet and back up to the large C straight over my bust and his smile gets impossibly bigger. “Damn, you’re a beautiful sight in Bears’ gear.”

“I did tell you I was a fan, and a girl has to look fashionable while supporting them,” I reply with a grin, moving out of the doorway. “Come in, I’m almost ready.”

He closes the door behind him and takes a seat on a bar stool at the breakfast bar. I watch as he looks around our two story brownstone apartment. “Nice place,” he murmurs approvingly.

“We like it,” I reply, checking my purse to make sure I have the essentials: phone, wallet, and lip gloss. “Ok, I’m all set.”

Daniel has moved off the stool and is standing in front of me in the middle of the kitchen. He inches in slowly until our chests are almost touching, reaching up and gently sweeping a loose wisp of hair back behind my ear. “And how was your cold shower, Mac?” he asks quietly, his eyes showing just a hint of the fire I know is burning behind them.

“Warm and satisfying,” I reply smoothly, moving my hands to my sides, not sure exactly what to do with them…with him. Dammit! I’m not used to this kind of chemistry. It’s palpable. I’m seriously expecting sparks to start buzzing between us.

He puts his hands on my hips and leans in, gently kissing my cheek. “And the showerhead?” he whispers huskily in my ear.

“Daniel was very satisfying,” I reply breathlessly as I lift my arms up around his neck. How can this man affect me with one look, one touch, one swoon worthy brush on my cheek?

“Maybe one day you can experience the full Daniel experience,” he says before circling his tongue in the tender spot below my ear, causing my whole body to shudder against him.

“Play your cards right, buddy, and it might be your lucky night,” I say as I place both hands on his chest and ease him back away from me.

He stands up straight again, hands still resting on my hips. “I might just be the best damn cards player you’ve ever seen.” He moves his hands up my body until he’s cupping my jaw and slants his head to give me a spine tingling kiss that I feel from the top of my head to the tip of my little toe. “Now, let’s get tailgating before we come up with other games to play and never leave the house.”
