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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(15)
Author: B.J. Harvey

He pulled his mouth off of me and moved back, staring at me while he took in my now half naked body before him. “We need to get these clothes off,” he spat out before grabbing my dress which was now gathered at my waist and tugging it down my legs until I was left bare in front of him.

The dress I had been wearing had not allowed panties, so my lower body was exposed, leaving me standing before him in only my corset and black stilettos. The way he looked at me scorched my skin and left me breathless. Hearing his breath hitch as the last inch of my body was shown to him just spurred me on. I pulled my hands up off the door, forgetting his command to leave them there, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, urging him closer to me. Moving in, his mouth found my neck while his hand trailed down the side of my body, caressing my hip before moving inward, his fingers between my parted legs.

“Oh, baby doll, you’re so wet for me. Such a shame that you disobeyed,” he said dangerously. “My hand is going to warm your ass until you’re begging me to be inside you.”

Not leaving me anytime to absorb what he’d just promised to do to me, he grabbed my hand, leading me over to a black leather one-seater chair and sitting down, leaving me standing naked in front of him, between his open legs. I admired the large bulge straining against his dark grey pants, unconsciously licking my lips at the sight. The ache between my legs intensified, and I remember thinking that I would die if he wasn’t inside me soon. Clearing his throat, my eyes snapped back to his face. He flashed a knowing grin back at me.


“Now would be the time to change your mind, Mac. Otherwise, in less than thirty seconds I’m going to have your bare ass lying across my lap, and my hand stinging from the hard spanking I intend to give you,” he stated with a quirked brow, like he’s laying down the gauntlet for me.

I’m snapped out of my delicious flashback by a knock at the front door. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it’s 1 p.m. When I get to the door, I look through the peephole to find a Superman symbol, and start laughing. I open the door to find a beaming Daniel holding two brown bags in his hands, and a Superman key ring dangling off his keys.

Leaning against the open door, I quirk my brow. “And for what do I owe this pleasure?” I can’t hold back the smile that is on my lips at the mere sight of him.

“You mentioned that you had today off, and I have a quiet afternoon, so I thought what could be better than having lunch outside with a beautiful stranger,” he says with a wink.

I look down at my outfit, currently consisting of an oversized top with a picture of a fork and a spoon and the caption ‘Spooning leads to Forking’ (not my finest moment) and leggings. Daniel looks like sex on legs with his black slacks and his open white business shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off some impressive forearms. I bet he could do push-ups above me while he….

Shit! Where was I? Oh, yeah.

“Ah, as you can see, I’m not dressed for public consumption,” I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. God, you don’t let any prospective bed mate see you in your lounge around home ensemble until AFTER you’ve slept together.

“To be honest, Mac, seeing you like this? It’s sexy as f**k,” he says with a grin. “How about we just stay here for lunch? Then I can check you out in private. As long as you don’t mind me intruding,” he adds with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Wow, looks like fun, flirtatious, dirty Daniel is in the house today. I’m liking all the different sides of Daniel I’ve seen so far, maybe a bit too much. It doesn’t stop me from taking a step forward and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

“Sounds good.”

Stepping to the side, I hold my hand out, directing him in like a cop standing on an intersection. You’re such a dork, Mac!

“Would you like a drink?” I ask, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge to see what I can even offer. “We’ve got OJ, Water, Milk…oooh, there are two bottles of Millers left.”

“Would be a shame to let a Miller got to waste,” he says behind me as he places the food on the breakfast bar.

“Damn, a man after my own heart,” I say without engaging my stupidity filter.

I turn around, holding the two bottles in my hand, and when I see the look on his face, I’m speechless. His eyes have softened, and he’s giving me the sexiest grin I’ve ever seen. “You never know your luck in the big city, Mac,” he adds, copying my earlier comment. “But for now, enough with the flirting or else I’ll forget all about this food and devour you for lunch.”

Nope, I was wrong. Now I’m the one with the goofy look on my face. Inner Mac is screaming at him ‘Devour me, devour me now!’

I shake my head, trying to regain my composure. Daniel chuckles as he takes a seat on a bar stool and starts pulling out our lunch, which looks more like a gourmet spread than a deli lunch.

Yet another mark in his favor.

Chapter 8 – “Hungry Eyes”

In the blink of an eye, it’s Thursday and almost time for my third date with Daniel. Yes, third date. This is a miracle, at least for me.

I’m not a dater. I may accept a drink or two from a handsome stranger at a bar, or meet up with a friend with benefits for a drink and a game of pool, but since I’ve been back living in Chicago I’ve only been on a handful of dates. Kate is the dater. I love her dearly, but she’s always had the delusional belief of love at first sight and happy ever afters. She’s a hopeless romantic, which, unfortunately, means that she’s had more than her fair share of heartbreak over the years.

I now have her heartbreak process worked out, and have perfected a technique to handle them, down to a fine art.

Day 1 involves pajamas, Ben & Jerry’s, and a DVD marathon of Supernatural or Gossip Girl. There is nothing like a bit of Sam and Dean, or Chuck Bass to make a girl feel better.

Day 2 is her angry stage, where she wants to wring the neck of every member of the male race with her bare hands. On those days, we consume large quantities of vodka and Red Bull. Tequila shots have also been known to make a welcome appearance. The hangovers we have by the next day suck, but generally by day three, Kate is ready to jump back on the horse, or the next available male so to speak.

I get home from work before Kate does, having skipped out an hour early to pop down to Michigan Avenue and find a hot new top to wear for my date. I know Daniel wants to take me to Navy Pier. Part of me is hoping we end up at Pier Park and get stuck at the top of the ferris wheel, so I need an outfit that will be warm, functional, and sexy.
