Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(17)
Author: B.J. Harvey

He smiles at me, knowing damn well the effect he’s having on me. “You okay there, Mac?” he asks, knowing all too well that I’m a pawn in his sexy game.

“You know exactly what you’re doing to me, Superman,” I retort, “and two can play this game,” I step forward and open the restaurant door, making sure to add a little spring in my step and a wiggle in my walk as I make my way to the hostess.

He stands beside me, giving me a knowing grin before turning his attention to the young hostess who is blushing at the mere sight of him. Yes, chicky. He’s hot, and he’s mine, so back off!

Whoa, where did that green-eyed monster come from?

“Table for two under Winters,” he tells the hostess.

“Right this way, Mr. Winters.”

Daniel reaches down and grabs my hand, entwining our fingers and leading me to our table.

Superman 1. Mac 0.

The hostess leads us to a table near the back of the restaurant, and of course Daniel stops and pulls my chair out. The way he’s acting tonight is making me nervous. He’s not like most of the guys I’ve been out with over the years. He doesn’t have a game plan, and he’s not just being a gentleman to get in my pants. He seems genuine. Like he really wants to be here, having a civilized dinner with me.

Each date we’ve been on has been initiated by him, organized by him. At no stage have I felt like he’s doing it all just to get into my pants. I’m not used to being treated this way; being respected and treated like a lady. In all honesty, it’s doing my head in.

Once I’m seated, Daniel takes the seat opposite me and gives me that stellar grin of his. The one so hot it could melt icebergs. God, that smile alone has me hungry for more than just dinner. Yes, it may be our third date and I’ve managed to follow my new rule, but it definitely hasn’t been easy. Had he agreed to coming inside last weekend, I would have told him to go straight to my room, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. And there wouldn’t have been any Monopoly going on, that’s for sure.

“You look distracted, Mac,” he says, not even trying to hide his amusement.

“Sorry, my mind was running away with me,” I reply with a smile.

Quirking an eyebrow, he tilts his head slightly. “And where was it going exactly?”

“Ah… I was wondering how I’d ever decide what to order.” I grab the menu and open it up, trying to hide my flaming cheeks.

Leaning forward, he places his finger in the middle of the menu and pushes it down so he can see my face. “Mac, don’t hide that beautiful face from me. In fact, there is no need to hide anything. I like what I’ve seen of you so far, I especially like that face of yours. This is just another date. There are no expectations, and definitely no obligations. For either one of us.”

Shit, now I feel bad. How is it possible that Daniel is so nice?

“Okay. I’m sorry. I’m just not used to being treated like this,” I say honestly, flinging my hand around in the air.

“Like what? Being taken out to a nice restaurant by a deliciously handsome man, and having to stop yourself from throwing him on the table and having your wicked way with him?” His eyes are fixed on me, but they’re dancing with amusement now.

“Exactly! How am I supposed to hold myself back?” I exclaim dramatically. He cracks up laughing and reaches over the table, taking my hand in his.

“Mac, I like you, but we are still getting to know each other okay. If you feel pressured or uncomfortable at any time, just tell me and we’ll take a step back.” I can’t doubt the sincerity in his face. We sit there for a good minute just looking at one another, and taking the other person in. The chemistry between us is undeniable.

And it scares me to death.

“Can I take your order, sir?” a young, male waiter asks, standing beside our table. The spell between us is broken, and I see Daniel shake his head to snap out of it.

“Sorry. Mac, are you ready to order?”

“You choose, Superman. I’ll judge you by your selection,” I add with a wink.

“Ooh, challenge accepted, gorgeous. Okay, I’ll have the chicken parmigiana, and my date will have, the Alfredo. Can we also have some bread with dips, and an antipasto platter for a shared starter?” Daniel asks expertly. He must really like Italian food!

“Certainly, sir. Would you like to order drinks?” he inquires.

“Yes, I’ll have Chianti, please,” I say with a friendly smile.

“Make that a bottle for us to share,” Daniel pipes up.

“Great. I’ll be right back with your wine.” The waiter turns on his heels and retreats.

“This restaurant is great. Do you come here often?” I ask.

“I try to pop in once every few months. The food’s authentic and I love the ambiance.”

“That’s cool. I love it when you come across a good little restaurant like this one. They seem to feel more relaxed and comfortable if that makes sense.” I’m sure I’m rambling like a nervous teenager. I don’t know why, but I’m really nervous tonight. It might have something to do with the fact that I’ve never made it past the first date with a new guy before I tell him about my no commitment vow, or I’ve found something irritatingly wrong with him and have to blow him off.

I can’t find anything at fault with Daniel.

He’s hot. Check!

He’s kind and courteous. Check!

He’s totally f**king hot. Triple check!

And he’s a gentleman. Home run!

Why can’t I find anything wrong with him? Surely he can’t really be this perfect.

“Okay, so tell me about your family. Any brothers or sisters?” I ask.

“Yes, actually. I have one brother and two sisters. All are still here in Chicago too,” he answers just as the waiter returns with our bottle of wine. He shows Daniel the label before corking it and pouring us a glass each. After placing the bottle on the table, he leaves us alone again.

I pick up my glass and hold it out to Daniel, who reciprocates as we clink our glasses together. “To third dates with superheroes,” I say with a cheeky grin.

Daniel raises a brow like he’s accepting my challenge. “To third dates with sexy women who don’t realize how truly breathtakingly beautiful they are, inside and out.”

Holy God! This man is on fire tonight! With one toast, he’s managed to make me swoon and clench my legs together at the same time.

Superman 2. Mac 0.
