Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(43)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Stroking my tongue against his, I rest my elbows on either side of his head, dragging my fingers through is hair, pulling him closer to me as our lips continue to taste each other, unable to get enough.

I pull away and look down at him, arching my back as he runs his hands up my body and cupping my cheeks. “Are you feeling better?” he asks roughly, his voice laced with desire.

“Yes, and I want this. I really want this,” I murmur against his jaw as I pepper kisses down his neck. I hear him groan when I slide my body down against his, trailing my tongue along his abdominals, around his navel and down the ‘oh so happy’ trail to his rock hard c**k which is waiting for me, calling to me. I continue my assault, licking his entire length down and up again before grazing my teeth lightly against the head and pulling it into my warm mouth. I feel his body shudder as I take him deep, bobbing my head up and down, easing him deeper with every stroke.

“God, baby, that is so f**king good,” he hisses between groans and words of encouragement. He hooks his arms under mine and pulls me up against him, taking my mouth with a desperate hunger. It’s like he can’t get enough of me.

“I need to be inside you, gorgeous. I need to feel you.”

“Yes,” I moan out as he lifts me up, taking my hard nipple in his mouth and laving it with his tongue.

He rolls me over and enters me in one smooth deep thrust. God, I’ve missed this. It feels right, like two lost puzzle pieces that click together.

“Fuck, yes,” I moan as he thrusts deep again. He leans forward, taking my mouth as our hips rock against each other in a slow and steady rhythm. It feels like he’s relishing in the feeling of us being together like this again, and God knows I can’t get enough of it. I don’t want this to end. This isn’t just sex, and it definitely isn’t f**king. This is slow, sensual…this is what it might be like to make love.

The feeling overwhelms me as I feel the exquisite climactic quivers deep inside me, the waves of pleasure roll through me, building up with every painfully slow stroke of Daniel’s body against mine.

“Come with me, baby. I can feel your pu**y pulsing around me, come for me, gorgeous,” he murmurs before kissing me deeply, tangling his tongue with mine, stifling my cries as I fall apart, coming hard and fast as he groans through his own release, filling me to the hilt.

We lie there, still connected, not wanting to break away from each other. He rests his forehead against mine as he catches his breath. I look up at him, tears in my eyes as the emotion of the moment hits me.

“Hey, why are you crying?”

“I feel it,” I whisper, hoping that it wasn’t just me.

He lifts his hand to my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb and smiling down at me. “Gorgeous, you’ve finally caught up. We just made love, except this time you were totally there with me.”

I nod back at him, the right words for the moment escaping me.

“And just so we’re clear, I love you, Mac. I love you so damn much that even if you hadn’t come back, I would have come after you. I would’ve fought like hell until you realized that you wanted this too.”

My whole body flinches when it hits me that he’s just told me he loves me. I should be happy, my heart should feel full. So why do I suddenly feel like the walls are closing in on me? I start crying again.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“You didn’t, I’m not, it’s just… this is all kind of overwhelming for 3 in the morning. Especially when I’m stuck in the no man’s land between being half drunk and hung over.”

“Well then, some of that I can help you with. I’ll go get you a glass of water, and we can get back to sleep. Can’t have you caught in no man’s land all night,” he adds, kissing my nose before shifting off me.

“Okay,” I whisper, lifting my head to brush my lips softly against his once more. “Thank you.”

“For what?” he asks with a puzzled look.

‘For being you.”

He smiles and kisses my nose before shifting off me. I wince as he pulls out and gets up out of the bed, not missing the opportunity to admire his fine naked ass as it walks past me.

“But for the record, Mac, you can wake me up like that anytime.”

I roll over on my side and curl my legs up.

He’s rendered me speechless. Unable to deal with the myriad of feelings rushing through me, I choose to get up and get dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I’ve just finished slipping my heels on when he walks back in the room, frowning when he realizes that I’m about to leave.

“Gorgeous, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Ah, I need to go,” I say quickly and shakily.

“Mac, sit your ass down and talk to me.” Well that surely got my attention. I look up at him and see him standing in front of me, naked as the day he was born, arms crossed in front of his chest and a stern look on his face. He almost looks pissed off.

“I ne…ed to go home,” I repeat, looking up at him warily. He’s God damn intimidating when he wants to be.

“You don’t know what you want, Mac. Is that what this is about? After what just happened between us, what you just felt between us, you’re going to run again?” He shakes his head and walks over to his closet, grabbing a pair of shorts and pulling them on. Thank God! I can’t think straight with his naked body on display like that.

“I need time. I thought I was ready, that I could do this, but I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m just…” I pause, trying to think about exactly what it is I’m trying to say. “Daniel, you are a forever guy, and I’m just not in that place to embrace whatever this is going on between us and run with it. I wish I could do that for you, but I can’t.”

I stand up and walk over to him, reaching up on my tip toes to brush my lips against his briefly. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me close to him as he deepens the kiss. It’s a kiss of promise, a kiss with possibilities, and sadly, a kiss that represents everything that could lay before me if I could only trust it.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I pull away and walk towards the door.

“Not as sorry as I am. But Mac?” he says, making me pause by the bedroom door and look back at him.

“As hard as this is for me to say, don’t come back to me until you figure out what you want and who you want it with because I’m getting sick of watching you walk away.”
