Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(8)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Some could say the same about you, Mac,” he whispers into my ear as he stands close behind me. I turn my head towards his.

“Daniel,” I breathe out as he leans in and brushes his lips against mine, giving me one swift stroke of his tongue before pulling away, too soon for my liking, and shifting his lips away from mine ever so slightly.

“It’s like I dreamed…you taste as sweet as you look,” he murmurs as he leans in again, pushing harder against me this time. Without breaking our kiss, I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck as his hands snake around my hips and pull me in close against him.

Our lips open together and our tongues caress each other, wrapping around in a soft, exploratory embrace. This kiss is soft, and romantic, yet with an undercurrent that screams hot and heated. I don’t want it to stop.

I slip my hands up into the hair that I’ve been waiting to rake my fingers through ever since I met him and it’s just as soft as I imagined. He groans into my mouth, and I move in even closer against his body. With each stroke of my tongue, I’m consciously trying to make him lose control, but soon enough he reads my game plan and gently ends the kiss. He kisses my nose and then my forehead before tucking me into his side.

After walking halfway along the waterfront and back again, I let Daniel walk me to the door of my cozy brownstone apartment. He leaves me with a promise to call me over the weekend and another gentle kiss full of promises and possibilities.

When I’m snuggled up in my bed after the mandatory debrief with Kate, my mind starts to wander. I remember how I felt while we were walking around the lakefront. Daniel’s strong arm wrapped around me, cocooning me against his body.

Maybe this is what I’ve been missing out on. I’ve got hot sex, rough and hard sex, and adventurous spur-of-the-moment sex. Maybe there’s something to be said for comfort sex. The cuddling, the spooning, the soft never-ending kisses, the seduction, the romance, the long lazy mornings spent in bed together. Basically, all of the things that Daniel seems to represent and offer.

I need a delicious, comfort cuddler with Superman capabilities.

I need a Daniel in my life.

I just don’t know if he can handle all that I have to give.

Chapter 5 – “Variety is the Spice of Life”

It’s Saturday night.

The night after my first date with Delicious Daniel.

True to his word, he texted me earlier today while I was doing my weekly housework with Kate.

Delicious Daniel (I changed his name in my phone; sex on the beach was too tempting): How did my beautiful stranger sleep? I slept very well. Dreamed about sex on the beach and your sweet tasting mouth ?

Mac: I slept well too. Must’ve been all the late night exertions by the lake ?

Delicious Daniel: You are trouble with a capital T aren’t you?

Mac: Maybe…

Delicious Daniel: Would trouble like to come with me and tailgate at the Bears game next Sunday? I’m going with a couple of friend, and I’d love for you to join me.

Mac: Sounds awesome! I love the Bears. Do you want to meet there or…?

Delicious Daniel: Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t pick you up?

Mac: Now that’s what I’m talking about ?

Delicious Daniel: Pick you up around 12?

Mac: Perfect.

Delicious Daniel: See you then, gorgeous.

Okay, so I might have giggled and fallen back on my bed after that text exchange. What is this man doing to me? I’m not one to gush over a guy. It has always been friendship and sex, hand in hand. No feelings, no chance of getting hurt, the end.

It started with Noah, my dreamy work colleague.

a.k.a. The Walking Dildo.

No word of a lie, this man’s c**k should be immortalized in gold, or latex, and sold around the world so all women can enjoy the perfection that is his male appendage. He has the slightest of upward bends when erect that seems to hone in on the perfect spot every single time, and he has the stamina of a giant.

We are friends who just happen to make use of an available on-call room every once in a while. Well, in all honesty, at least once a shift if we’re both working. Nothing makes a night shift go faster than an orgasm or two at the hands of a master.

We met the first week I started at the hospital. I had a surgical rotation, and Noah is a surgical resident. Sparks flew, scrubs came off, and my no strings attached relationship with Dr Noah Taylor began. That was nearly two years ago. He’s a great guy, and a really good friend, but we both work way too much to be anything more.

We established the emotional boundaries of our relationship very early on. He’s had relationships during that time, and when he’s dating someone else we stop our arrangement, only resuming again when he is single. I’m totally against cheating when in a relationship, and I refuse to be the other woman, the home wrecker, the harlot.

About a year after I’d met Noah, he’d started dating a speech therapist from another hospital, and it was looking promising, so Kate had talked me into going to a hot new club that was the buzz about town, and rumors were swirling that it was an after-hours sex club as well. Despite the rumors, I was intrigued, to say the least. The sound system was advertised as being one of the biggest and best in Chicago, so I was pumped by the time Saturday night rolled around.

We had specifically shopped for slinky, sultry outfits that would get us noticed, and maybe get us a few free drinks. Beyond that, the world was our oyster. Kate had done my hair in large waves, which I then smoothed out on top and secured a pony tail at the nape of my neck, the look was sexy with an air of sophistication. I didn’t want to come across as a high class hooker looking for a new sugar daddy. All I wanted was a great night out with my best friend, and if I happened to find a hot man who would take me home for a night of unbridled, unattached, scorching hot sex, I wouldn’t complain.

As it happened, we waited in line for twenty minutes before the bodyguard ushered us through. We waded through the crowd to the bar, ordering four shots of 1800 Silver Tequila with a lemon drop each. We tossed back the shots and turned away from the bar as we sipped our drinks, checking out the talent.

“This place is kinda hot,” Kate whispered in my ear.

“Yeah, and I think those rooms on the second level could be where all the night time fun must happen.” I couldn’t help but wonder what really happened behind those closed doors. It had always been a fantasy of mine to willingly give up control with a man rather than being forced to, like I had been in the past, but I’d never found the right man to garner that sort of reaction in me.
