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Tempt Me, Taste Me, Touch Me

Jo’s eyes twinkled. "Tyson thinks we should take our act out on the road:’ She wrapped an affectionate arm around her husband. "I guess when you’ve been married thirty years, everything becomes an excuse for a punch line:’

Will waggled his eyebrows and squeezed his wife. "Among other things:’ he said, and everyone laughed at the blatantly sensual undertones between the happily married couple.

"It’s wonderful to meet you:’ Carrie said as she shook their hands.

"We’re so glad you could join us tonight. Tell me, how do you manage to live in San Francisco with all that fog? Every time I go to Neiman’s I need to wear my mink to stay warm in Union Square." Jo grimaced. "I just put my foot in it, didn’t I? I’m so good at that, I should buy shoes for my mouth."

Carrie laughed. "The weather certainly is beautiful in Napa. I have to admit, I’ve found everything about the wine country to be wonderful."

Jo’s eyes brightened, and she leaned in close to Carrie. "What brought you to Napa? Did our Tyson reel you in?"

No matter how well meaning and motherly Jo was, the way she said "our" Tyson put a very bad taste in Tyson’s mouth, but again, Carrie seemed utterly unperturbed by the conversation.

"Actually, I came up for a girl’s weekend with my two best friends. But I’ll let you in on a little secret:’ Her eyes sparkled with wicked intent. "I haven’t seen my friends since we checked into our hotel" She flicked a quick glance at Tyson and he nodded almost imperceptibly, giving her permission to continue. "You see, I’ve barely been out of Tyson’s bed since Friday night:’ A beat later, when the Korbums’ mouths still hung open, she winked and said, "It was nice to meet you both. I hope we’ll get a chance to talk more later this evening." Her tone was gracious and charming, and Tyson couldn’t help but chuckle as she deftly led him toward the balcony.

They stepped through the French doors and she turned to him, concern marring her brow. "I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight. I don’t have any self-control:’

He pulled her against him and let his chuckle turn into a full blown laugh. "Have I told you yet that you constantly amaze me? The look on their faces was priceless. I didn’t think anything would ever cause To and Will to be speechless. I underestimated you and your multitude of talents:’

A relieved breath left her body. "Oh, thank God you’re not upset with me. I just couldn’t wait to brag about being ravished by you. And they seemed like exactly the sort of couple who would appreciate it." She bit her lip. "But you do know that by the time we sit down, every one’s going to know about us. About what we’ve been doing."

"We don’t have to stay for dinner. I can think of a dozen other ways to pass the time."

"Very tempting:’ she said, but her eyes were flashing and he knew that backing down wasn’t an option. "But right now we’ve got a dinner to attend."

He brought her palm to his lips and pressed a kiss to the tender skin on the inside of her hand. "Ready when you are:’

She threaded her fingers through his, and together they walked back inside. The murmurs dropped away and then, just as quickly, rose to a crescendo.

"We should get paid for our performance tonight, maybe think about taking it out on the road:’ she murmured, and his laughter came from somewhere down deep.

CARRIE COULDN’T REMEMBER the last time she’d had so much fun. Sure, there were thinly veiled questions about her relationship with Tyson left, right, and center, but there was no malicious intent to any of it. More the way of small towns, where everyone knows everyone else’s business. Or hopes to. And she’d certainly made that easy for tonight’s crowd, what with her "haven’t gotten out of Tyson’s bed" comment. Knowing he was beside her, the heat of his thigh burning through her silk -clad leg, was enough to make it a perfect evening. So much better, in fact, than anyone of the parties she’d ever attended with James. Even her own birthday party.

Inwardly she shuddered to think of the engagement party James had likely already planned. It was an awful reminder of the ring she’d left in the pocket of her Capri pants. A cloud descended over her good spirits. She was halfheartedly listening to Tyson’s conversation when the mention of a woman’s name made her ears perk up.

"Kimberly says hello:’ Tyson’s posture changed from relaxed to on edge in an instant.

Who was Kimberly? she wondered.

"Okay:’ he said to her, then turned to Carrie. "Why don’t I take you for a tour of the property?" But the woman was persistent. "She’ll be very interested to know about your date for tonight. And what your date said earlier:’ Tyson’s face was carefully blank, but tension radiated from him as the woman continued, "You two seem awfully close for just having met on Friday:’

Carrie wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but the one thing she did know was that it was time to nip it in the bud. Good thing she had experience with this game.

"We haven’t met yet:’ she said, extending her hand. "I’m Carrie:’ The woman ‘had no choice but to reply in kind. "I’m Lizzy.

Kimberly is one of my best friends:’ She pointed to Tyson. "And

his wife:’

Carrie didn’t blink at the bomb that hadjust been dropped. After all, she and Tyson hadn’t exactly discussed their pasts with each other. Because if they had, she would have had to come clean with Tyson about James. But still, she had to admit that a wife would have been a good thing to mention somewhere during the past twenty-four hours.

"That’s nice:’ she said. ”Are you in the wine business?"

The girl shook her head. "My husband owns a cork factory:’ Carrie smiled. It had been hard to miss the older man with the

very young wife on his arm when they’d been mingling before dinner. It was time to go for the kill. "He must be very generous. That’s a lovely ring you’ve got on:’ Flustered by the way the conversation had changed course, but also flattered by the compliment, Lizzy held up her left hand for Carrie to get a better look.

"Three carats. Flawless color and clarity:’

Carrie nodded. "I can see that your husband has a fine appreciation for ~he finer things." She looked pointedly toward the floating bar, where Mr. Appreciation was having an engrossing conversation with a brunette’s double Ds.

The girl’s face flamed. She turned back to Tyson. "Kimberly’s going to take you for everything you’re worth in the divorce:’ And then she was gone, although her cloying perfume lingered.

Carrie shook her head, more glad than she could say to hear the word "divorce:’ She turned to Tyson, whose face was a hard mask.

"Let’s go:’ he said, no inflection whatsoever in his words. ”Aren’t you forgetting something?" She put her hand on his wrist to emphasize her words. He finally met her eyes and she said, "Something about making love to me in the vines?"
