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Tempt (Take It Off #3)(20)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Look out below!” he called when he reached the top. I shrieked and ran for cover as coconuts rained from the tree.

Within minutes, he was back down on the ground and I rushed to gather everything that rolled beneath the foliage. I made a little pile beneath the tree and then went after the last one that was deep beneath a broad leaf.

When I pulled back, he was right there, practically on top of me. I jerked back. “Geesh. You’re quick.”

“Practice,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Thank you for this.”

“And now for the payment,” he murmured, his gaze dropping to my lips.

The bottom of my stomach fell out.

Did he want me to kiss him?

“Uhhh,” I said, unsure what to do. My eyes automatically looked for Nash.

“Right here,” Duke said, tapping a finger to his cheek.

I grinned in relief. Holding the coconut between us, I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. I pulled back, but not all the way, our eyes connecting. Something shifted between us. I could feel his desire, his want for me.

It was heady and intoxicating.

“Ava,” Nash called, appearing out of nowhere.

I jerked and stepped back, rushing to show him the coconuts. I couldn’t help but notice the narrowed-eyed stare he gave Duke when he thought I wasn’t looking.

“Look!” I exclaimed, motioning to the pile of fuzzy coconuts.

“Now we just have to crack them open,” Nash said ruefully.

“I can help with that,” Duke cut in.

I spun. “You can?”

He nodded. “Come on.” We each gathered up a couple coconuts and then set off on foot again, following behind Duke. I could feel Nash’s curious stare on me from time to time, but I didn’t acknowledge it. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what he was trying to figure out.

We came to a little area that seemed to have more dense foliage than the other places around us. Duke ducked inside a little area of palm fronds that had grown together closely, making a sort of shelter. Seconds later, he appeared carrying a machete.

“Here, you can use this.” He extended it to me.


He nodded. I took the handle, surprised at the weight. “Thank you.”

“Where did you get that?” Nash asked.

“Found it.”

“But if we take this, what will you use?”

He shrugged. “I can use that one. It will give me an excuse to come visit you.”

I smiled.

“We should probably start back.” Nash cut in quickly.

“I’ll show you the way,” Duke offered and started out ahead of us, leading us back the way we came. On the way through the mango trees, I grabbed a couple more and feasted.

By the time we arrived back at the plane, the sky was darkening and the cicadas were starting their evening song.

“Where did the day go?” I asked, placing all the food beside the plane.

“You’re on island time now.” Duke reminded me with a grin.

I picked up a coconut, studying it and wondering how hard it was going to be to break into.

“Here,” Duke said, taking it from me and retrieving the machete from where Nash had leaned it before going off to the men’s room (aka: over behind a tree).

I wasn’t surprised when he used the tool expertly. I was beginning to realize that Duke was a wealth of skill and information. He could very well help us survive out here.

A minute later, he handed me the coconut. The top had a few layers peeled away and a gash in the tip. “Drink the liquid first. Then I’ll split it open and you can eat the flesh inside.”

“Would you like one too?” I gestured toward the mini mountain.

He shook his head. “You keep them. I ate a couple earlier.”

The slightly sweet, creamy liquid of the coconut hit my tongue in a burst of flavor. I groaned in appreciation and tilted it back farther, taking more into my mouth.

Duke chuckled. “That’s good, huh?”

“You have no idea,” I murmured and then went back for more.

He watched me like I was an entertaining show on TV, and I found that his gaze didn’t make me uncomfortable. I didn’t feel self-conscious around him like I sometimes did with people I just met. I already felt like he and I were bonded. And maybe we already were. After all, we all had one very big thing in common. We were survivors.

When all the liquid was drained away, he took the coconut from me and split it in half, revealing layers of pure-white fruit.

Nash came to my side and I offered him a bite of the fruit I was already gobbling up. He scooped a little onto his fingers, but he didn’t eat it. Instead, he offered it to me.

I opened my mouth and he placed his fingers inside as my lips clamped down. Slowly, he slid them out. Then he looked at Duke pointedly.

Was that some kind of message?

Was he… was he jealous?

I sighed and walked away. I wasn’t interested in being the prize in any kind of macho game. Part of me was tempted to yell back that whoever “won” me would end up with a faulty prize, but I thought better of it and kept my mouth shut.

I carried my snack down to the beach where I kicked off my shoes and sat down in the sand. One nice thing about being stranded on an island: the sunsets were awesome.

A few moments later, Duke and Nash joined me, one sitting on each side of me. The three of us sat there quietly, watching the sun turn the waves a burnished gold.

When darkness became heavier, Duke looked at the little place we had a bonfire the night before. “Want me to help you get a fire started?”

Nash paused. “I’m not sure it’s safe.”

Duke considered his words for a moment. “It’s safe. Just don’t make it too big.”

I glanced at him, thinking surely he must know what we were talking about.

“Are you sure?” Nash said.

Duke glanced at me, then back at Nash. “Yeah. I’m sure. It gets chilly here when the sun goes down.”

The two guys worked side by side and soon had a small fire crackling. Nash called to me and I got up, wandering closer to the flickering flames, drawn to their warmth and comfort.

“Well, I should be going,” Duke began, turning to me. “You going to be okay?”

I nodded. “You don’t want to stay?”

I felt Nash’s stare, but I refused to acknowledge him. If Duke wanted to stay here, then he was welcome. I wasn’t sure what Nash’s problem was, but he could get over it. We needed to stick together. Maybe the three of us could figure out a way off this island and back home.
