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Tempt (Take It Off #3)(48)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He kissed lower, burying his nose and mouth in my short, springy curls, all the while his mouth sliding lower. I opened my legs for him. They were already trembling. He gripped the outside of my hips and yanked me forward so the most secret place of me collided with his mouth.

I groaned. His tongue began to work me into a tizzy. I grasped for him but couldn’t quite reach as new sensations rolled over me and I fell back against the sheets once more, submitting to every single thing he made me feel.

My foot slid along his waist, cupping his ribcage and urging him closer.

Two fingers tested my soaking wet opening, but I made a sound of protest. “You,” I murmured. “I just want you.”

He crawled up my body, rubbing along me like a cat, and I moaned again, hooking my legs around his waist.

“Nash,” I sighed.

He said nothing.

Something uneasy broke through my heavy desire.

I was dreaming. It was just like before.

Wake up, Ava! I yelled at myself.

But it seemed the dream had me in its grip. I was torn. I wanted to get away… yet I wanted to continue.

Please, not again. The thought whimpered through my mind.

Finally, we were together. The island was behind us. The dreams were behind… Duke was gone.

“Open your eyes,” the man above me whispered.

I squeezed them shut harder and shook my head. If it wasn’t Nash, I would never forgive myself. I would be haunted forever with the dreams about another man. A man I most certainly didn’t want, but seemed to have the ability to kidnap my dreams.

A large, warm hand closed over my breast. I arched up off the bed. So good…

No! Stop that! I yelled at myself.

Then he gripped my nipple and twisted it just lightly. Pleasure tingled through every ounce of me.

“Look at the man your heart truly desires,” the man whispered again.

I tried to decipher his voice. I couldn’t. I was so upset and caught between dream ad reality I didn’t know what to do.

There was only one thing I could do.

I took a breath.

And opened my eyes.

I blinked, adjusting to the dim lighting, and nervously looked up at the man who was hovering over me, ready to take me.

It was Nash.

“Bella,” he whispered when my eyes collided with his.

Relief so strong poured over me as Nash reached out to stroke my cheek. And then he entered me in one long, hard stroke.

I took his face in my hands and stared up at him. Overjoyed with this man. My heart and body was so full of him that there was no room for anyone else.

There was only him.

In my heart. In my dreams. In my forever.

