Read Books Novel


Temptation (Club X #1)(40)
Author: K.M. Scott

“Night, honey,” Erin said as she hugged me again. “Call me before the weekend, okay?”

“Got it.”

Josie waited for Erin to begin walking down the stairs and whispered, “By the way, you’re walking like you just got off a horse. He must be one hell of a man in that department too.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks in an embarrassed blush and I rolled my eyes, but the evidence was there. Josie grinned like a Cheshire cat. “I love it! Call me. I won’t promise not to want details, but call me anyway.”

“You bet. Be careful. I’ll talk to you later this week.”

Minutes later, I climbed into bed and stretched my aching legs. Even now, hours later, it still felt like he was inside me, stretching me as we fucked. Sometimes even pain was a good thing.

* * *

Dressed in black pants and a light green shirt that only served to make his dark hair look almost black, Cash stood in the doorway to my office just after six on Friday afternoon looking like he had a secret he couldn’t wait to tell someone.

In that sexy voice that made an ache form in the pit of my stomach, he asked, “What are you doing around eight tonight?”

In truth, I’d been at my desk since eleven that morning working hard on the end of the quarter numbers and felt pretty tired. However, the sparkle in his eyes told me if I could just push past that, I might find something great on the other side. “I don’t know. I’ve been here since before noon, so I was probably just going to go home at seven. Do you need me for something?”

He walked in and closed the door before coming around my desk to stand behind me. Bending down, he rested his hands on my shoulders, making my body instantly come alive, and whispered, “I feel like taking a drive. Want to come with me?”

I closed my eyes and leaned back against him, loving the feel of his muscular chest. “Sure. Where are we going?”

“Just down the coast. I’ll meet you outside the club at eight sharp.”

His refusal to walk out with me past Stefan and the rest of the employees who’d be in the club at that time stung, but I quickly reminded myself that we weren’t officially a couple. We’d gotten together once more after that night at his condo, and I had a feeling he wanted more, but so far we were just two people having mind-blowing sex and I wasn’t interested in spoiling that by putting restrictions on it.

I tilted my head back to look up at him. “How will I know where you are?” I joked.

Flashing me a stunning smile, he kissed me and said, “I’ll be the man in the black car waiting for the gorgeous redhead.”

“Okay, then. I’ll be the woman looking for the hot guy in a black car. See you at eight.”

“Good. By the way, I’ve been hard since I decided on this, so you’ve been warned. If we don’t make it all the way to our destination, I’m more than prepared to fuck you in the car.”

He walked away before I could answer, but it wouldn’t have mattered. I had no words when he said things like that. The man had the ability to make me wet just with a few really hot words. I could definitely get used to that.

The next hour and a half flew by in a blur as I spent the time fantasizing about where Cash might be taking me. Needless to say, my reports didn’t get done, but for one of the first times in my adult life, I didn’t care that I hadn’t taken care of business. It felt good to venture off the straight and narrow.

Pushing my chair out from my desk, I looked down at my outfit and shook my head. My black pencil skirt and pink silk blouse weren’t exactly the look I would have chosen for a night out with Cash, but I didn’t have other clothes with me and something told me that the man who’d practically promised me he wouldn’t want to wait until we got to wherever we were going to have sex wasn’t going to want to stop so I could slip into something more comfortable.

I straightened my look and closing the door to my office glanced over at Cash’s and saw his door already closed. The club was still quiet, so I headed toward the front door and whatever he had planned for me. Just before I hit the exit, I heard someone call my name and turned to see Stefan standing there with a questioning look on his face.

“Taking off early tonight? Don’t you usually stay late on Fridays?”

He’d obviously noticed my Friday night schedule for the past month. Struggling to keep my expression as emotionless as possible, I shook my head. “No, I have plans tonight. Have a good one, Stefan.”

“You too! Hey, by the way, is Cash still back in his office?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t notice before I left. I guess I was preoccupied. Gotta go. Have a good night.”

Hurrying out of the door, I hoped I hadn’t been as obvious as I felt in front of Stefan. He definitely seemed suspicious, but maybe it was all in my head. Whether it was or not, I’d deal with that on Monday.

I looked up and down the street outside the club but saw no black car. Was I early? I stood there for a moment and then my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway. “Hello?”

A voice like silk moaned into the phone and said, “You look so fucking hot. Look down the block to your right.”

I turned my head and there was Cash leaning against a black sports car looking sexier than I thought a man could. Gone were the dress pants and shirt, replaced by jeans and a black T-shirt. From a distance, he sort of looked like Stefan, strangely enough.

“I see a black car, but I don’t know that man. The Cash I know is always in a suit. This guy looks pretty relaxed and casual.”

“Smart ass. I see a very hot redhead. Know her? She’s supposed to come with me.”

I chuckled and pretended to look around. “I don’t see her. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

I started down the block to where he was parked. “You’re making me walk to you?”

“Mmmm…I like watching you walk. See you in a minute.”

He was still leaning against the side of his car when I finally reached him, and I saw by the smile he wore that he was enjoying himself. “Enjoy the show?”

Sliding his arms around me, he cupped my ass through my skirt and pressed a kiss just below my ear. “Immensely. Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

Tapping me lightly on the ass, he winked. “It’s a surprise. Now get in the car and we can get out of here.”

“What kind of car is this? It’s gorgeous!” I asked as he opened the passenger door for me.
