Read Books Novel


Text (Take It Off #4)(15)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“You just sealed your fate,” he spat. “What a pity too. I was so looking forward to getting to know that body of yours.”

He hit me again, sending me flying backward onto the ground. I reached out for a stick, a rock, or something, but he leaped on me. He straddled my middle and then threw the phone behind my head. It hit a tree, and I heard it break.

The shattering of that phone took away any last hope of survival I had.

He reached behind him and pulled out something.

A very long, very sharp-looking knife.

“This is going to hurt,” he promised.

My arms were pinned at my sides beneath his legs and my hands dug into the earth as he dragged the blade down the center of my chest.

I kicked up my legs, trying to bring them high enough to kick him in the back of the head. He laughed and pushed the blade against me harder.

I swallowed thickly and squeezed my eyes shut.

Death was here.



The sound of her scream had me spinning away from the direction I was heading and sent me running.

She was here. She was close. She screamed for a reason.

I prayed I wasn’t too late and I moved stealthily over the uneven ground, dodging trees and branches as I ran. My heart rate wasn’t erratic. My breathing was steady.

I was trained for this. I was trained to search through the woods, to find my way. I was trained to keep cool in bad situations. I was trained to run toward the danger and not away.

I heard Lex yell, his voice sounding more maniacal than I ever thought he was capable of, and I drew up, stopping my mad dash. I crept through the night, keeping my eyes peeled for a flash of movement, for the outline of a man.

Lightning cracked overhead, illuminating the sky, and it reflected off the wicked-looking blade of a knife.

In that split second, my brain processed the scene before me and sketched it out in my head as the sky went dark once more.

Lex had her pinned to the ground as she kicked her legs to no avail. He produced a knife, one that I had no doubt he had nefarious plans for. I thought about pulling out my pistol and taking a shot.

But the girl was wiggling too much; she was kicking too hard. What if I accidentally shot her? She was already wounded enough. I left my gun tucked in the waistband of my jeans and rushed forward. I had the element of surprise and the fact he was distracted immensely on my side.

I was on him before he realized his mistake. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked him off her, tossing him onto the ground and then driving my fist into his jaw. It felt really good to punch this sick bastard in the face.

I got in another really good hit before Lex recovered and realized what was happening. With a great roar, he swiped at me with the knife. I pulled back in time to avoid the blade, and he leapt to his feet.

I heard movement behind me and I knew it was Honor, but I didn’t turn to look at her. I kept my eyes trained on Lex and his knife.

“You should have stayed out of it,” he spat.

“It’s over. Just put the knife down.”

In response, he lunged forward, swinging the blade. I spun away, but not before the edge caught on the sleeve of my jacket. The fabric made a sharp ripping sound.

I moved quickly, slamming my arm down across his elbow and making the knife drop to the ground. Then I kicked him in the kneecap and he stumbled.

Both of us pulled out a pistol at the same time. I trained mine on his chest. He trained his on Honor.

“Drop the gun,” I demanded.

“I’ll shoot her before you even pull the trigger,” he said around a sick smile.

“Run,” I told Honor.

When I didn’t hear the scuffle of rushing feet, I yelled, “Run!”

I heard her then, retreating away from us.

Lex pulled the trigger. The sound of a bullet discharging from his weapon filled the air around us. Then he swung the gun at me and squeezed off a shot. I dove to the side and shot off a bullet of my own.

He went down at the same time I did. His bullet missed me, but I prayed to God mine hit him. He didn’t move, and I hoped that meant he was injured.

I heard Honor yell my name, and I pushed off the ground and ran toward her yell. The chances of her being shot were high. If she was injured, I would need to get her out of here stat.

I saw the flash of her white shirt just ahead, and I dropped to my knees beside her.

“Are you hit?”

“Shot?” she asked, her breath coming in short spurts.

“Yes. Are you shot?”


“Good. Let’s go.”

I pulled her up and wrapped an arm around her waist. I started leading her away from Lex. We would have to take the long way around.

We made it about three steps.

Then she shocked the shit out of me by yanking the gun out of my hand and rushing away—back toward Lex.

“Honor!” I yelled, thinking this chick must be out of her mind.

I ran behind her and she tore through the woods, skidding to a stop beside the manmade hole that was dug into the ground.

“Where is he!” she demanded, holding the gun out in front of her like she meant business.

My eyes went to the spot where he fell.

It was empty.

“Come on you sick bastard!” she challenged. “Not so tough when the playing field is even!”

She stole my gun and ran back to where she was being held captive with the intention of shooting her captor?

She was one crazy bitch.

It was awesome.

Nothing around us moved and as awesome as her kickass attitude was, it was also kind of stupid. He had a gun. He could be lining up a shot right that minute.

My gut told me he ran off, but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

I approached Honor like a cowboy approaching a nervous filly. “Hey,” I said gently. “It’s okay now. He ran off.”

She still stood rigidly, holding the gun out in front of her like she would shoot anything that freaking dared to breathe.

“Honor,” I said, stopping at her side. “You’re safe now.” Slowly, I reached out and wrapped my hand over the gun, pulling her arm down and gently taking the pistol from her grasp.

I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck. Her skin was ice cold to the touch. The warmth of my palm seemed to break through whatever mental state she was in and she turned her head, her eyes searching for mine in the dark.

“You came,” she whispered like she never really thought I would.

Something inside me cracked at her tiny, whispered words. “Of course I came.”

She folded herself against my chest, pressing her face into my jacket and letting out a deep exhale. My arm left her neck and wound around her, clutching her against me, supporting her weight, and noting how small she felt in my arms.
