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The Alpha's Domination

“How many people did you kill?” he asked.

“I only killed one man.”

“The world is an awful place, Dawn. You’ve been unlucky to have encountered men who were bad, and didn’t know how to handle your problem. We’re not all like that.” He caressed her body, soothing her.

“That’s it. I heard about Kinkster’s after my last failed relationship, and I met you.”

“There’s only one man on your list?” he asked.

“Yes, isn’t that bad enough?” She sniffled, trying to wipe the tears away.

“It’s bad, but it’s not as bad as I thought. I don’t know how you could have thought I’d be repulsed by you.” He kept touching her. Her wolf relaxed, stretching out as if she needed to sleep.

“You don’t believe in violence.”

“I don’t believe in violence being the only answer. It doesn’t mean I’ve not struggled in my life before. Taking a life takes part of us with them, Dawn. The man you’ve taken, he’s with you no matter what kind of scum he was.”

“I want him to go away,” she said.

“I can’t make him go away.” He turned her so she was sat on the sofa. “You’ve not talked about your mother. Everything you’ve told me wouldn’t have affected your ability to feel pain. You had sex before your transition, and that made you believe you needed pain to get off. You’ve not talked about her mother or your transition.”

Her mother was always off topic as far as she was concerned. “I don’t want to talk about my mom.”

Daniel stroked a finger across her lips. He settled between her thighs, pressing his body on top of hers. Her wolf moaned within her mind, bowing down to his presence. “How does your pack feel to having me as your mate?” she asked, changing the subject.

“You finally believe we’re mates now?”

“I can’t deny it. Not many men would put up with what I’ve put you through.”

He smiled. “We’re mates, and in time you’re going to see how bonded we are.” He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers.

She closed her eyes, whimpering as his lips touched hers. The instant shot of pleasure thrilled her.

“Open your eyes, pet. Your Master demands it.”

Dawn did as he asked, staring into his brown eyes. “My pack wants me to be happy. Being around you, even with the blue balls you’ve given me, gives me pleasure.” He rubbed his nose against hers then caressed down to inhale the scent of her neck. “Do you feel pleasure?”

“What do you mean?” She arched up to his touch, wanting to touch him.

“Last night, did you orgasm, or was that all a lie?” he asked.

“No, I feel pleasure. Last night was not a lie. I gave you everything that I am. I don’t hide from physical feelings. I’ve tried to feel pain, searched for it, and I always come back disappointed.” She wouldn’t lie about experiencing her first true orgasm by her mate.

“So we know you can feel pleasure as much as the next person. That’s good news, baby, really good news.” He sucked on her earlobe, and she gasped as goosebumps erupted over her arms. The pleasure was sudden, shocking in the intensity. “The only problem is your inability to feel pain.”

“Does it really matter?” she asked, missing the feel of his lips on hers.

“Yes, it matters. I don’t want anyone to have you. You’re all mine, and I’m a selfish bastard when I want something.” He pushed some hair off her face. “Do you accept my claim?”

She stared into her eyes. Her wolf waited for her answer.

“Yes, I accept your claim.”

“Then you know I’m going to have to meet your father and mother. They’re going to want to know who I am.”

“Do we have to talk about this?” she asked, hating the thought of him meeting her mother.

“I’m not going to push you. We’re not leaving this house for some time. You’re going to tell me the truth whether you like it or not.”

“This isn’t easy for me,” she said, gritting her teeth. She couldn’t move as he held her tightly, refusing to let her go.

“And you think this is easy for me? For one year you’ve denied me. I’ve known you were my mate, and you held me back. I’m not going to let you do it again.” He leaned in and kissed her lips. “You’re my mate, my submissive, and I’m going to lay my claim to you but only after I’ve met your family.”

She didn’t want him to meet her mother. Her mother was awful, vile even.

He thrust his pelvis against her core. “I think it’s time for that grand tour.” Daniel withdrew from her, and she couldn’t stop the whimper from leaving her lips. He was torturing her on purpose, she was sure.

“I’m naked, Sir,” she said.

“Good. I like seeing the beauty of my submissive. You’re truly beautiful, Dawn.” He took her hand within his.

He’s ours as much as we’re his.

“This is one of the sitting rooms.” He picked up the remote and pointed it at the screen. “Ah, yes, this is the sports room. The television will only take sports, so no one can complain about what’s on the television.”

Daniel spent all morning taking her from room to room. She loved the age of the house. He’d kept a great deal of the original design and only changed the colors to make them lighter. The details were beautiful as were the patterns on the ceiling. They moved from room to room, and she was surprised he even had a cinema room. “There was a time when thirty people lived here. My father loved to have the pack around. Over time some of the pack died because of old age and moved away with their mates. I keep everything the same as I love having the pack around, too.”

“It’s strange not having a pack close by,” she said.

“I know.” He led the way upstairs toward the first floor where their bedrooms were. After seeing the seventh bedroom, Dawn decided she didn’t need to see all of them. When they were at the attic she smelled the age lying in wait. “I’ve kept a great deal of memories in here.” He led the way into the attic. Inside, Dawn was met by the history of the pack. Pictures of men and women in reserved poses met her. She smiled at the cribs as well. “I slept in this crib,” he said, pressing on the side so the crib rocked.

“This place is amazing.”
