Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Domination

“I will.”

They said their goodbyes, and she put the phone back in the cradle.

“Do you feel pain?” he asked. He didn’t know why, but his gut was telling him something wasn’t right. Every other sub would be wincing at the spanking he’d given her, yet Dawn didn’t respond or show any sign of being aware of it.

She looked up at him. “Yes, I feel pain. My dad doesn’t have a true mate of his own. He settled down for the strongest female in the pack. She’s my mother.”

“You’ve never mentioned your mother.”

“She’s not the kind of person I like to talk about.” She dropped her gaze again, and he sensed the hate inside her.


She blew out a breath before running her fingers through her hair. “I don’t know. I just don’t.”

“You don’t mention her, and you didn’t ask about her. Why?”

“My mom, she’s not the greatest example of a mother.”

Daniel waited for her to continue. “You’re not going to say anymore?” he asked when she showed no signs of saying anything more.

“No. My mom is not a topic we need to discuss.”

The fact she didn’t want to discuss her mother meant it was a more important topic to talk about. Daniel stayed silent, filing the information away ‘til later.

“Okay, right, grab your bag. We’re going to head to my place,” he said.


“Yes.” He took her hand in his, and he walked toward the bar. She didn’t fight him as he placed her on the stool. “Stay here. I’ll be back to collect you shortly.”

Leaving her alone, he went into the far security office where he found Jake staring at the screens.

“I need you to spread the word that until further notice my house is off limits to the pack. Tell them if they need me they’re to call me and I’ll deal with whatever problems they have.”

“Why can’t we come to the house?” Jake asked.

“I’m taking Dawn with me.”

“You’ve finally got her to admit you’re mates?”

Daniel shook his head. “Will you do this for me?”

“Consider it done. I’ll put the word out immediately.” Jake took out his cell phone and started to type. “Are you sure about this?”

He stopped to look at his friend. “She’s my other half, Jake. I’m sure, and I’m going to fix whatever has been broken inside her.” He looked at the security cameras. “Please keep this place in order.” He nodded at the men then left the room.

Walking back to the bar he watched Dawn sipping from a straw. She always ordered a soda, a clear cream soda. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the taste of her drink.

Running a hand down his face, he wondered if he was doing the right thing in taking her back home with him.


Dawn was his mate, the other half of him, and he’d be damned if he let her get away. He touched her shoulder as he approached. She jerked at his touch yet didn’t pull away.

“Finish your drink and then we’re going.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Her brown eyes were wide as she stared at him.

“Yes,” he said, taking a seat.

“Why now? Why wait a year to put me in this position?”

He smiled. “I’ve finally had enough of our games. You’re holding back from me, and that I don’t like. I’ve played it your way and gotten f**k all out of it. It’s time to play it my way, and I’m going to do that now.”

She finished her drink leaving a tiny amount of soda in the bottom.

“Why haven’t you finished your drink?” he asked.

“I have.”

Daniel pointed at the remnants she left in the glass. “If I drink that it’ll make a noise with the straw, and if I pull out the straw, it’ll make a mess on the side.”

He stood taking her hand. There was more to that explanation. His gut was telling him he wouldn’t like what she had to say.


Daniel’s house was old and huge. He stopped outside a large iron gate and typed in a code that opened those imposing gates. She looked behind her to see the gates close up after him. They shut closed, trapping her inside the grounds with Daniel. There were worse people to be locked up with.

Mother’s one of them.

She shut off her thoughts and turned to face the front. He drove down a really long driveway that was surrounded by large, thick trees.

“The house has been in the family for generations.”

“Were you all wolves?” she asked, glancing toward him.

“Yes. Some of my ancestors married humans and moved away and others stayed close.”

“Where are your parents now?” she asked.

“They’re enjoying a much needed vacation. They’re exploring Europe, visiting with some packs they’ve not had the pleasure of seeing in years.” He tapped the steering wheel as he talked.

“How did you take over as alpha?”

He smiled. “My dad told me it was time to take the spot. He was getting old, and he said a true alpha knows when to step aside and bring in a new one. I was the next in line, and so I stepped up to the role.”

“What about the other men in your pack? Weren’t they annoyed to be passed over by you?”

“Some of the men challenged me in battle. I won, but I always refused to do battle to the death. I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands.”

She tensed at his words.

I’ve got blood on my hands.

Staring out of the window she gasped as his house came into sight. It was so huge she doubted she’d have to see him for days at a time. They could play hide and seek and still miss each other.

“This is your house?” she asked, amazed.

“Yeah. The pack can come and go as they please. Don’t worry, they know not to come here until further notice.”

She climbed out of the car once he brought it to a stop.

“You’re amazed? Did you think I lived somewhere small?” he asked, coming to stand beside her.

“I was thinking a cabin somewhere out in the sticks. I didn’t even imagine this.”

“Does it make my mating claim more appealing?” he asked.

She turned to look at him. “I’m not a gold digger, and neither do I hope to make a claim on anything.”

“I didn’t say you did. Sometimes, female wolves like to see that they can be taken care of. Does your wolf like what she sees?” He stood right behind her with his palm lightly resting on her back.
