Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Toy

“Yes.” Zeke picked Mary up in his arms helping her into the bed. “Zeke?”

He turned to Jane at her speaking his name.

“Her wolf responded to yours.”

“I know.” He tensed, looking at his men, waiting for them to speak up. None of them did as the sympathy for Mary overshadowed everything else.

“Is she the woman you’ve been searching for?” Jane asked.

Zeke didn’t answer her, walking out of his bedroom. One of the men handed him a pair of jeans. He was still too warm to wear anything more than a pair of jeans.

“Where’s Jessica?” he asked.

“Locked in her room,” Max said.

Going down to the bottom floor, he didn’t try the lock. Pressing his foot to the door, he slammed the wood open. Jessica jerked to her feet dropping the book she’d been reading to the floor.

Her blue eyes were wide and rounded as she looked at him. She was a full breed, Roger and Dani’s supposed oldest daughter. She didn’t even smell like the bastards of that pack.

“What were your parents involved in?” he asked, advancing into the room.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stood up, holding her hands out trying to ward him off.

Zeke was tired of being placated. Going to her side, he grabbed her arm and hauled her out of the room. “Then let’s go and see what Mommy and Daddy had planned.” He didn’t release her. Grabbing a silver chain from the door, he wrapped it around her upper arm.

She screamed, crying out for help.

He didn’t give a shit. After what he’d just seen the little bitch was lucky not to be getting worse from him.

Max didn’t say a word as they headed out into the morning. The sun was shining down, and the warmth of the summer was already high. Zeke kept walking, ignoring the sizzle as the silver bit into his skin. He wouldn’t give Jessica the satisfaction of seeing him hurt. The bitch was still part of an enemy pack.

“Please, I haven’t done anything,” she said, crying out.

“No? Well, we’re going to find out what the rest of the pack knew.” They covered the distance to where he’d killed her pack. The bodies were still lying on the floor only this time they were black from burning. His men had returned to make sure they were all dead. Jessica sobbed as they passed.

Her tears meant nothing to him. Walking around the bodies, he headed straight for the large house. Zeke had visited the house several times. He’d never been interested in fighting between packs.

“What are you hoping to find?” Max asked.

“The answer as to why my woman’s wolf just tried to claw its way out of her.”

Jessica gasped. “Is Mary all right? Nothing has happened to her, has it?”

Grabbing both of her arms, Zeke let all of his scorn for the girl show.

“She’s f**king grand. Something your f**king parents did to her has caused this, and I’m not going to stop until I find it.”

“I don’t know what they did. I was never involved with anything like that.”

He glared at the fourteen year old knowing he needed to rein in his anger. Zeke had heard of packs experimenting on their own, but he’d never encountered it. What the f**k did they want with his sister if they were experimenting on half breeds?


Maybe his sister had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I was never involved in anything. I swear. You’ve got to believe me. I liked Mary. She was sweet and never ignored me,” Jessica said.

The words coming out of the woman were the truth. Zeke inhaled deeply. Any lies and he’d detect them easily.

Nothing. Her scent was clean. Whatever the pack had done Jessica had no knowledge of it.

Tying the silver chain around a chair with Jessica there, Zeke left her alone. Max was with him as they searched the house.

“What exactly are we looking for?” Max asked.

“I don’t f**king know. Something to do with experiments or science crap, I don’t know.” Moving through the house the scent of the other pack was everywhere. Zeke felt his anger increase with every step he took. He really wanted to go back home and wrap his arms around Mary.

“Are you doing okay, Alpha?” Max asked, staying close.

“Yeah. I want to find out why packs are experimenting. We’re dangerous creatures without experimenting on each other,” Zeke said. The thought of Mary being vulnerable after him biting her and her being used for some f**king experiments pissed him off.

“Sorry about your sister,” Max said.

“I’ll find her. I’m close. I know I am.”

They opened another door to find it empty apart from the usual furniture. Walking into the kitchen they opened the three doors from the kitchen. One door opened to a set of stairs. Flicking on a light, Zeke knew he wasn’t going to like what he discovered.

“What’s going on with Mary?” Max asked.

“What about her?” He took the first step and then another.

“She’s clearly something more than a toy.” Max was also a friend outside of the pack. Zeke liked to stay in touch with all of his wolves.

“Until I know what shit she’s been dealing with, she’s my toy, and I don’t want any of you f**kers to treat her otherwise.”

Together they walked down the stairs. The room opened up into a full basement. Zeke froze as the experiments were clear to see. There was a table with silver chains wrapped around. Needles, note papers, science equipment, and video equipment were in the room. He didn’t need any more evidence to know that Mary’s pack had been involved in some serious shit.

“Holy f**k.”

“Whatever the pack was involved in, Mary was part of the experiments,” Zeke said, feeling like he’d stumbled into something a lot bigger than he ever imagined. He would inform his father, and with the help of another Alpha, he’d get to the bottom of the situation.

Chapter Six

Pleasure tore through her body, and Mary opened her legs wide for it to continue. The dream she’d been having was so vivid and yet unclear at the same time. The tongue stroking through the folds of her pu**y was clear. Whose tongue it was she did not know. The sensation from the experienced licks meant she did not care who it belonged to so long as they did not stop what they were doing.

Opening her eyes she became alert to the fact she was no longer dreaming, but the pleasure was continuing. Looking down she saw Zeke’s head moving between her thighs. His tongue expertly licked her clit. Moaning, she gripped the sheet underneath her wishing there was something for her to hold on to.
