Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Toy

There was a note along the bottom.

“Serum induces amnesia. Given to project one-zero-one, and subject shows no memory of treatment.” Mary read the words at the bottom. After that entry there was no other entry made.

“They decided Jessica was not useful, but they put her down as being an asset for future reference. They were going to use her to lure more wolves. Her blonde hair and innocence were going to be the lure,” Zeke said from the doorway. He carried a plate of food. At the sight of him alone she felt a great wave of need flood her body. She’d spent the whole night in his bed, but it still didn’t feel long enough.

“I can’t believe we forgot all of this,” she said. Closing the file she thought about what he said. “They were going to use her virginity to lure other wolves to claim her?”

“Yeah, they had an entire plan set up. My sister worked for a newspaper, and she’d been keeping an eye on the dead bodies. Each dead body has a mark that other wolves can detect.”

“Your sister went out looking for the answer to the dead wolves?” Mary asked.

“Yes, she didn’t find anything at first, but then she stumbled onto this pack.” He moved closer. The scent of spicy chicken was overpowering. Her appetite had disappeared yesterday, but now she couldn’t stop eating. He placed the plate down on the clearest part of the desk. “Eat. You need to keep your strength up.”

Nodding, she grabbed a piece of chicken and a napkin. Sinking her teeth into the succulent flesh, Mary moaned as the flavors exploded on her tongue. “Jane is one fine cook.”

She loved cooking, but it was nice to eat without worrying about anything. Zeke kept staring at her then down at her stomach. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Nothing.” He moved behind her, caressing her stomach as he pulled out a file with her name on it. “This one is yours.”

Mary stared at the file suddenly feeling sick. “I don’t think I want to read that,” she said, touching his hand where it lay against her stomach.

“Keep eating. I’ve read it.” She took a chunk out of the chicken. He put the file down and kept a hand on her at all times. “Your allergy against silver was a problem. They wrote that for two minutes you had died on the table. The doctor panicked, brought you back to life, and they gave you the serum. There was nothing more they could do for you.”

“Why keep me alive?” she asked. If it had been her she would have killed anyone who posed a threat to any experiment. She liked the fact they hadn’t killed her, but it didn’t make any sense as to why they kept her alive.

“They have their reasons. I’m sure we’ll find them out soon.” He was being vague.

Finished with the chicken, she reached for some more.

“I want to introduce you to my father,” he said.

Tensing in his arms, she glanced behind her. “Is that wise?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” he asked, stroking her stomach.

“We’re not exactly seeing each other.”

He chuckled. “My father knows I’ve got a woman in the house. It would be rude not to introduce her.”

“I’m the woman you’re using as a toy,” she said, biting her lip.

“Wolves don’t care about that. You’re mine to show off as I will.”

She shrugged. It was his father, and she wasn’t going to cause waves between family members.


Zeke stared at the file with her name on. He couldn’t tell her the only reason they’d kept her alive was because of him. They had known all along who’d bitten her, but they kept Mary from him, masking her scent so he couldn’t find her. His father knew what was happening, and he also knew about Zeke taking Mary as a toy.

“It’s not the best way to get your woman to stick around you, son,” his father had said.

Fortunately, he’d agreed not to tell Zeke’s secret about him being the one to bite her.

Mary reached for another piece of chicken, and he caressed her stomach. His seed had taken within her. She was no longer fertile but pregnant with his baby.

“All of these files.”

“There are about twenty,” he said.

“Does that include mine and Jessica’s?” she asked, biting into another piece of chicken.

“No. It’s twenty-two if you include yours. My sister is in there as well.”

“What does her file say?”

“It’s stamped with ‘escaped’ over it.”

Mary tapped his hand, moving away from him. He watched her wipe her mouth on the napkin before picking up the tub of potato salad. He’d brought more than enough to feed her. Zeke hated the thought of her going hungry, and after yesterday she’d been avoiding food. He wasn’t going to let her get ill because of everything that was happening.

She was the reason he wasn’t going to give up on finding his sister.

“Did they have a plan?” she asked, eating some salad.

Looking down at the files, he looked up at her. “We’re trying to figure everything out. It looked like they had a plan to take over other packs. Dani and Roger were power hungry. They were intent on ruling the whole surrounding area of wolves.”

“I don’t understand why. They had a pack of their own.”

“They simply wanted more. It wasn’t enough for them to keep to their own grounds.” Zeke gathered up the files into one neat stack. His father was filled with happiness knowing his daughter had fought to get out.

“Something so simple shouldn’t have created something so f**king awful,” she said. “You’re talking about them hurting other people, other wolves.”

“They were coming after my pack.” Zeke sat down behind the desk staring at her. The clothes she wore did nothing for her curves. His clothing was much too big. He couldn’t bring himself to let her have the clothes they’d taken from the other house. The stench of the other pack clung to them.


“Yeah, it’s in their game plan. We’ve got Dani’s diary. She was the person behind it all.” Zeke stared down the length of her body feeling desire curl in his stomach.

“Are there any other people missing?” she asked.

“Dad’s finding that out now. He’s talking with the other pack hoping to find the answer to that.” His c**k thickened at the thought of being buried inside her cunt. He needed her desperately. “Come here,” he said.
