Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Toy

“What? I can’t take my clothes off.” She spluttered the words out not knowing how to speak a coherent thought.

He left her side and closed the blinds plunging them into a sort of darkness. Her improved eyesight meant she could see him clearly.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You ask a lot of questions.” He removed his towel and threw it at her. She caught the towel before it hit her in the face.

“You’re not being serious at all,” she said.

“Baby, we’re alone in my apartment, and I want you naked.”

“How can you be thinking about that right now? You’ve got a sister to find and research to look through.” The fight was leaving her as he stepped closer.

“I’ve also got a family who will take care of everything while I spend some time with my little toy.”

Why did she have to respond to him calling her a toy? It was ridiculous, wrong, but he made her melt every time he said it.

He took hold of her shirt, tugging it over her head. Zeke pushed down the jeans she wore. He wouldn’t allow her any underwear, and she was completely na**d like him.

Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back. “This is the only way I can think of to not think about what’s going on,” he said. “My sister has been missing for some time. I’m terrified of what’s going to happen to her. What if she’s dead somewhere, and we’ll never find her?” He dropped a kiss to her lips. She started to shake from his touch. “What if Dani was working for someone else? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but there is nothing we can do.”

Closing her eyes, Mary knew he spoke the truth. There was nothing for either of them to do. There was no use in waiting around worrying. Neither of them could do anything.

“What about work?” she asked.

“What about it? I called ahead, and I can do everything I need to do from here with the occasional quick nip to the office. It’s easier sorting everything out here than back in the country. Don’t worry, baby, I’m not going anywhere yet. Your ass is mine, and we’re not going anywhere other than to f**k and spend time with each other.” He lifted her up in his arms. Giggling, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he led them back toward his bedroom.

Zeke was right. She could spend the rest of her life worrying about what Dani and Roger created, or she could experience fulfillment in his arms.

He kicked opened the door, and she was thrown to the bed. Laughing, she squealed as he followed her down. They struggled on the bed. Mary fought him, but Zeke was stronger and more powerful than she was. He pressed her hands beside her head, opening her thighs to settle between.

“I’ve got you. Fight me, Mary.”

She stayed perfectly still disobeying him. His rock hard c**k pressed to her stomach. Everything else faded away as she looked into his beautiful dark eyes. He really was a sexy man. Zeke made her feel small and delicate, and all he was doing was holding her down. Her heart pounded against her chest.

Mary watched him take a deep breath inhaling her scent.

“You smell so f**king good.”

“You’ve got a thing for my scent, don’t you?” she asked, smiling. She tightened her grip around his hands wanting to feel every ounce of his strength. He didn’t budge, merely stared down at her waiting. They were in a battle of wills, but she wasn’t intent on winning. No, she wanted to see how far she could push this man who’d taken her virginity. Zeke was more than the man who’d stolen her cherry.

How could he have stolen my cherry when I freely gave it to him?

The situation she found herself in may not have started out freely given, but she’d taken as much advantage of their predicament as he had.

“What’s going on inside that head of yours?” he asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She raised an eyebrow much like he had the first time they’d met.

He tugged her hands right above her head stretching her out. “I can do a lot more than get inside your head.”

“You can only hear my thoughts when you’re in wolf form.” She gasped as the hand he released slid down their bodies. Crying out, Mary was a slave to the touch of his fingers as he slid a finger between her slit. His digit caressing over her cl*t made her want him so desperately. There was no way she could fight the building need within her. Zeke knew how to touch her in a way that drove her crazy and stopped her from fighting him. She’d become exactly what he said he wanted, a toy. Mary wanted him to play with her to bring her body to pleasure so undeniable that it stopped all other thoughts.

“Baby, I can hear you no matter what. There is so much to learn about you other than your thoughts.” Fingers penetrated her pu**y making her gasp. “Your body, your smell, even the way you are around me tells me so much about you.”

Biting her lip, Mary wanted to dispute everything he said, but she couldn’t. There was no way for her to defend herself against her own feelings. She craved his touch more than she craved her next breath.

“You feel it, too,” he said.

She nodded, gritting her teeth against the truth glaring her in the face.

“My body is the same as yours, Mary. I’m burning inside for you. You’re so f**king sexy, you’re turning me in knots.”

What was he really trying to say?

“This is far more than sex, baby. You know it is. You feel it.” His fingers fell from her pu**y replaced by the thick length of his cock. She cried out, arching up to him. His lips bit onto her nipple, sucking hard. The pain shot through to her clit. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she tightened her hold on him, drawing him in.

Zeke hadn’t thrust the full length of his dick inside her yet. He was tormenting her with what he could give her rather than simply giving it to her.

Crying out, she bit into her lip begging for more.

“You see, baby. I can drive you wild without even trying.” His hand returned to her clit, stroking as his c**k remained inside her not moving. “Can you feel me?”

“Yes,” she said, moaning.

“Beg me.”

She shook her head.

He continued to stroke her with his c**k still within her.

Don’t beg. Don’t beg. Don’t beg.

Zeke kissed up her body, sucking on her neck. “You can fight me all night long. I’m not going to give up. I can do this all night and all day. Fucking you, teasing you, never allowing you to reach release.”

His threat was a very real one. For the first time Mary whimpered, hating what he was holding over her head.
