Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Virgin Possession

“I’m a pack wolf. They still answer to our calls, not outlawed bastards like yourself.”

Leaning against his desk, Nick folded his arms over his chest, staring at the other man. “Go and get them. Tell them all that I won’t pay you another cent of my money.”

The other man looked confused. “I will.”

“Good, then you can make them all aware how you sold a woman for money. Not only will you incriminate yourself, you’ll bring everyone else down with you. I wonder how long you and your family would survive being outlawed with a lot of enemies, stronger enemies.”

He let his words sink in.

“I’ll get you for this,” Mark said, pulling out of Bill and Dean’s hold.

“I’m sure you will. Bye.” Nick watched the angry man leave his office.

“Why does he suddenly want more?” Nick asked, turning to Dean.

“From what I hear he learned who you were and that you could pay a lot more money for her. He feels cheated that he only got so little from you instead of a larger payout.”

“Fucking ass**le.” Nick made arrangements with Bill to increase security. Once he was alone, he dialed one of the security firms he trusted and put a man on to trail Mark. The last thing he needed was for him to turn up and ruin his plans to mate with Clara.


Walking around na**d was not something Clara was ever going to be comfortable with. For so long she’d been forced to wear clothing that changing her habits was going to be hard. Hearing the door shut she stayed seated and watched the doors leading out of the kitchen to the patio close, beeping with a lock.

When she heard the gate close she stood up going toward the window. She tried to open one of the windows. None of them would move. The small draft came from a partially opened window near the ceiling. Unless she wanted to risk breaking her neck she wouldn’t get through the slight gap.

Through the house she tried all the doors leading toward the outside. All of them were locked. She went to her room to try the door for the veranda, and once again she was stopped from going any further.

Great, she was locked in a large house with nothing to do. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she blew out a breath. Tapping her legs, she glanced around the room looking for something to do.

I’m bored.

Looking up at the wall in front of her, she waited for some miraculous idea to come to her.


I’m bored.

Again with the tapping of her leg, looking around the room for something to do, she found nothing.

There was no need to clean either.

I’m bored.

Losing her temper, she stood up leaving the bedroom.

She was alone in a large house that resembled a mansion, and instead of running around having fun she was sitting on the bed, bored out of her mind. Poking her head out of the door, she looked up and down the hall.

Drawing in air, she let out an ear-piercing scream. The noise echoed around the large house. Leaving her bedroom, she jumped up and down losing her mind as she ran up and down the corridor. Opening every door she came to she stuck her head inside, taking a quick glance.

Back at home she wasn’t allowed to do anything or make too much noise. Finally letting go in the freedom of the large house, she ran up and down the corridor, charging downstairs making a lot of noise. She screamed, yelled, and cursed out, loving every second of not fearing a beating.

Once she got out of breath and bored of running up and downstairs, she went into the kitchen.

In the fridge she found a selection of chocolates along with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Grabbing the chocolate along with the carton of juice she left the kitchen behind. She would spend more time exploring the kitchen later. Her love of cooking would send her there in no time. At home she wasn’t allowed to cook as her mother hated anything she did.

Clara walked into his office, checking out some of the books on his shelves. His collection was amazing. None of the books were romantic. She sat behind his desk staring at the laptop. Clicking open she saw it was protected by a password. Wrinkling her nose she left the juice and chocolates on his desk to continue her search.

Running fingers through her hair, she moved from room to room looking for something to do. His office was a bust. Watching television in the sitting room wasn’t going to work. Every time she looked at the coffee table she saw his head moving between her thighs giving her more pleasure than she could ever imagine.

Swinging her arms backwards and forwards she walked toward the back of the house and opened a door to his gym. She checked over the running machine, weights and other pieces of equipment before following through the room to find a swimming pool. The water looked clear and beautiful. Bending down, she placed her hand in the water swooshing it around.

Sitting on the edge she put her legs into the water, kicking out.

She hadn’t gone swimming in such a long time. Would it be so bad to take the time now?

Lifting the shirt over her head, she climbed into the water trying not to create too much of a ripple.

Kicking off she did the width of the pool before swimming lengthways.

The feel of the water was amazing. She did several lengths before lying on her back staring up at the ceiling.

Time passed, and Clara realized how happy she actually was. When she was with her family she spent all of her time being scared in case she said something out of line to upset them. Constantly watching what she said or the way she looked had been exhausting. Nick didn’t want anything from her, apart from her body. He wasn’t making any demands.

Was it really so bad to be bought?

The anger she clung to evaporated as she thought about how good her life could be away from her family and the pack. They never loved her or cared about her. She’d been a thing of ridicule to them.

Something grabbed her around the waist. Screaming, Clara panicked and kicked out at the person who held onto her.

Kicking to the surface she spun to face him, and she saw Nick breaking the surface. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and her gaze wandered to the expanse of flesh on display.

“If I knew showing you the pool would get you na**d I’d have done so this morning,” he said, pushing hair off his face.

“You f**king scared me.” Finding her anger, she slapped out at his chest. Her heart was racing, and it had nothing to do with wanting sex. Nick had scared her.

He must have seen her fear as he held his hands up. “I’m so sorry. I thought you’d hear me.”

She’d been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard anything. He held her arms pulling her closer. Hitting him one final time she wrapped her arms around him.
