Read Books Novel

The Arrangement 2

“No,” Marty says, almost whining, “I feel left out.”

That makes me laugh. It caught Mel off guard too and she snorts so loud that she sounds like a pig. We both stare at her. “Like you expected him to say that?” I shake my head. “Where’d you find this basket of gay, anyway?”

“He’s my lab partner,” I respond, waiting to see what Marty does about the gay accusation, but he just glosses over it. I wonder what’s going through his head. The last time I assumed I knew something about someone from the way they looked, well, it didn’t go well. It turns out that the woman wasn’t pregnant. Since then, I don’t blurt things out like that.

“That was witty,” Marty says, pressing his hand to his chin and examining Mel like he’s never seen her before. “I like what you did there.” The two of them chatter and I look at the dark blue dress and know that some other guy will be taking it off of me. I swallow hard and walk back to the dressing room to take it off. This is the dress that will be on me when I solve my financial problems. This is the dress that some guy will remove from me the night I lose my virginity.

Several hundred dollars later, I’m leaving the swank little shop with a new dress and silk shoes. It cost a good chunk of the money I earned with Sean, but it’s necessary to do whoever’s next. After we walk outside, I put the things in my car.

“Let’s go grab a bite to eat,” Marty says.

“Sounds good to me,” Mel replies.

Marty claps like he’s five and yells, “Shotgun!” This is a major turn of events, since he rode to the store with me. Mel met up with us and brought her car. Glancing at me he says, “No offense hun, but your car scares the glitter out of me.”

“None taken,” I say. “Listen, I’m going to run an errand and head back. I’m not really hungry, yet. Late lunch.” I’m lying, but neither one calls me on it. I wave and duck into my car.

I have to pick up my last paycheck from my previous employer. By the time I get there, it’s dark outside. The sun sets so early at this time of year. My sweater doesn’t do much to keep the chill away. I need to buy a coat. My mother would have yelled at me for wearing something so thin. God, I miss her. On chilly nights like this, she’d be cooking chicken noodle soup. Bread would have been baking in the oven all day, filling the house with that wonderful aroma. Memories like that sneak up on me at the worst times. I sit in my car for a moment, trying to push the past away.

Moving fast, I jog across the parking lot and walk into the front of the restaurant. There’s a line of people waiting to be seated. A man is talking to the hostess. There’s a beautiful woman on his arm. She has deep brown hair with a hint of red. A black dress clings to her curvy body. I envy her for a moment, wishing that I had curves like that.

“Hey, Stacy,” I say as I approach the hostess. “I just need to pick up my check.”

“Sure, but they weren’t ready when I came in. You might have to wait for it.”

I nod, intending to walk past her. I’m dressed like a bum, with tight jeans and my holey sweater. I stand out like a stripper in a preschool. A chill washes over me as I’m about to pass her. The guy at the podium turns. His blue eyes lock with mine and I freeze in place.


We stare at each other for half a beat. Sean’s wearing a black suit that fits him so well. It shows off his shoulders and his trim frame. The shirt he’s wearing is the color of the night sky, perfectly blue—dark like my new dress. A chill encases my heart, as it tries to climb up my throat. I can’t do anything but stare.

The girl on his arm, leans in close, possessively. “Is there a problem?” she snaps.

I blink and shake my head. I hate her. I hate everything about her. I want to rip her face off. My fingers flex at my sides as I think about it, but I’d rather Sean didn’t know how hung up I am on him. “No ma’am,” I say, knowing ma’am pisses off anyone under thirty years old. “Your table will be ready in a moment.”

I shoulder my way past them, leaving Sean staring after me.

I get to the back room and find Lenny’s office. He’s my boss, or he was until Miss Black stole me away. “Hey,” I say, my heart still racing from seeing Sean. “Is my check ready?”

“Yeah. I just finished. Here it is. I hope you come back, if you ever need a job again. You’re a good kid.” Lenny hands me my check. He’s an older guy with gray stubble on his face. His white hair is thin and flops to one side. He reminds me of my dad when he isn’t screaming at the staff.

I nod, fingering the check. “I will. Thanks for everything.”

“No problem, Avery.”

I smile at him and leave the office. I head through the kitchen and get enough dirty looks to last a lifetime, but I have to get to the back door. There is no way I’m leaving through the front. I’m lucky I maintained my composure the first time. If I see Sean again, I’ll go nuts.

I leave through the receiving door and walk around the parking lot, back to my car. The parking lot is well lit, but there are still patches of shadow. I eye my car and hurry, walking fast, rubbing my arms to try and keep warm. A jacket is definitely a priority. When I get to my car, I stuff my check in the glove box and grab a can of ether. I lift the hood and hold it up while I spray, holding my breath so that I don’t breathe it in.

“Miss Smith,” a familiar voice says behind me.


“It’s a wonderful night for a spray start car,” Sean says. Startled, I flinch and the can of ether goes flying. It smacks into my windshield, chipping it, before rolling down into the engine. Sean reaches under the hood and grabs the can. “A bit jumpy, are we?”

“Yes, I am,” I say, snatching the can from him, after I drop the hood. “When strange guys come up to me, things never end well.” I try to walk past him to get in my car, but he doesn’t move. When I look up into his face, I’m angry. “Better get back to your new hooker. She didn’t seem like a patient woman, if you ask me.”

“I didn’t ask you,” he says with confidence that I’ve never felt.

“Real nice. You scared the crap out of me and cracked my windshield. Unless you plan on robbing me, go away.” I fold my arms over my chest and look anywhere but at Sean. The parking lot is fairly empty. It’s dinner time and the place is packed. It’s always packed.

“What would I take? That dress you have in the backseat—”

“Tell me what you want or go away,” I say. My nails are biting through my sweater and into my skin. I lock my jaw, trying so hard to keep from saying something stupid.

“Is that dress for your next lover?”

“It’s not for you, if that’s what you’re asking.” I’m bristling. I don’t mean to. I don’t want to, but I can’t stop. Sean has my blood pumping and my body just reacts.

Sean’s eyes flick over me, like he’s amused. “I don’t wear dresses, although I appreciate the thought.”

“Let me in my car,” I hiss and drop my hands to my sides. He’s blocking the door.

“What will you do if I say no?” His eyes sparkle, like he thinks this is funny.

I lean in close to his face. A twisted smile snakes across my lips as I speak. “I’ll take your nuts off and then run you over with my car.”

Sean flinches and steps away from the door. I push past him, brushing his shoulder and fighting the urge to throw myself into his arms. I’m so messed up. He’s on a date with a hooker and I still want him. How many times was I dropped on my head as a baby? There’s no way that this is normal. I sit down hard in the driver’s seat and yank the door shut.

Sean leans on the door, resting his hands on the roof. He speaks into the open window. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry.”

“Go to hell.” I turn the key in the ignition and the car backfires and rumbles to life. God, could this be worse? Is he here to taunt me? I don’t get it. I throw the car into reverse and rev the engine, ready to peel out, but his words stop me.

“I would have rather had you.” Sean straightens and turns to walk away. His hands are in his pockets as he strolls back toward the restaurant.

The car sputters and stalls. I stopped feeding the engine gas without realizing it. I throw the car into park and jump out. “Wait!” Sean stops and turns around to look at me. There’s a golden glow on his head from the light above. His hands are in his pockets and there’s a faint smile on his lips.

I leave my car where it is and run the three steps toward him. “What do you mean?”

Sean looks me over like I inhaled too many fumes. “You were my preference.”

I stare at him like I’ve been hit in the head with a board. “Then why did you tell her no?”

Something flashes behind his eyes, but it fades quickly. He tries to conceal it by looking down and pushing a rock with his shoe. “I shouldn’t have,” he confesses.

“Then fix it.” Heart beating too hard, I stare at him.

Sean’s gaze lifts and meets mine. “I was under the impression that it’s not the kind of thing that I could fix.”

“If you don’t want me, I suppose that I could screw someone else—” I turn from Sean, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

“I never said that I didn’t want you.” He flips open his phone and dials. I stare at him. Someone picks up. “I’ve changed my mind,” he says without any introduction. “Yes, Miss Stanz. I want her delivered to my doorstep wearing nothing but a bow tomorrow night.” He hangs up before the person can respond. His eyes are locked on mine the entire time. “Is that plain enough?”

Giddy hope flutters inside of me. I’m so fucked up. Why do I like this guy? He’s on a date with a hooker. He ordered me on the phone. He wants me naked, in a bow.

“Maybe.” I try to hide my smile, but suck at it. I rub my arms, trying to chase away the chill.
