Read Books Novel

The Laid Plans

Oliver’s ratings kept going up. The only interruption in the campaign had been Oliver’s wedding. He had seen Leslie at the back of the church, and he had had an uneasy feeling. He talked about it with Peter Tager.

"You don’t think Leslie would try to do anything to hurt me, do you?"

"Of course not. And even if she wanted to, what could she do? Forget her."

Oliver knew that Tager was right. Things were moving along beautifully. There was no reason to worry. Nothing could stop him now. Nothing.

On election night, Leslie Stewart sat alone in her apartment in front of her television set, watching the returns. Precinct by precinct, Oliver’s lead kept mounting. Finally, at five minutes before midnight, Governor Addison appeared on television to make his concession speech. Leslie turned off the set. She stood up and took a deep breath.

Weep no more, my lady,

Oh, weep no more today!

We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,

For the old Kentucky home far away.

It was time.

Chapter 3

Senator Todd Davis was having a busy morning. He had flown into Louisville from the capital for the day, to attend a sale of Thoroughbreds.

"You have to keep up the bloodlines," he told Peter Tager, as they sat watching the splendid-looking horses being led in and out of the large arena. "That’s what counts, Peter."

A beautiful mare was being led into the center of the ring. "That’s Sail Away," Senator Davis said. "I want her."

The bidding was spirited, but ten minutes later, when it was over, Sail Away belonged to Senator Davis.

The cellular phone rang. Peter Tager answered it. "Yes?" He listened a moment, then turned to the senator. "Do you want to talk to Leslie Stewart?"

Senator Davis frowned. He hesitated a moment, then took the phone from Tager.

"Miss Stewart?"

"I’m sorry to bother you, Senator Davis, but I wonder if I could see you? I need a favor."

"Well, I’m flying back to Washington tonight, so – "

"I could come and meet you. It’s really important."

Senator Davis hesitated a moment. "Well, if it’s that important, I can certainly accommodate you, young lady. I’ll be leaving for my farm in a few minutes. Do you want to meet me there?"

"That will be fine."

"I’ll see you in an hour."

"Thank you."

Davis pressed the END button and turned to Tager. "I was wrong about her. I thought she was smarter than that. She should have asked me for money before Jan and Oliver got married." He was thoughtful for a moment, then his face broke into a slow grin. "I’ll be a son of a bitch."

"What is it, Senator?"

"I just figured out what this urgency is all about. Miss Stewart has discovered that she’s pregnant with Oliver’s baby and she’s going to need a little financial help. It’s the oldest con game in the world."

One hour later, Leslie was driving onto the grounds of Dutch Hill, the senator’s farm. A guard was waiting outside the main house. "Miss Stewart?"


"Senator Davis is expecting you. This way, please."

He showed Leslie inside, along a wide corridor that led to a large paneled library crammed with books. Senator Davis was at his desk, thumbing through a volume. He looked up and rose as Leslie entered.

"It’s good to see you, my dear. Sit down, please."

Leslie took a seat.

The senator held up his book. "This is fascinating. It lists the name of every Kentucky Derby winner from the first derby to the latest. Do you know who the first Kentucky Derby winner was?"


"Aristides, in 1875. But I’m sure you didn’t come here to discuss horses." He put the book down. "You said you wanted a favor."

He wondered how she was going to phrase it. I just found out I’m going to have Oliver’s baby, and I don’t know what to do….I don’t want to cause a scandal, but…I’m willing to raise the baby, but I don’t have enough money…

"Do you know Henry Chambers?" Leslie asked.

Senator Davis blinked, caught completely off guard. "Do I – Henry? Yes, I do. Why?"

"I would appreciate it very much if you would give me an introduction to him."

Senator Davis looked at her, hastily reorganizing his thoughts. "Is that the favor? You want to meet Henry Chambers?"


"I’m afraid he’s not here anymore, Miss Stewart. He’s living in Phoenix, Arizona."

"I know. I’m leaving for Phoenix in the morning. I thought it would be nice if I knew someone there."

Senator Davis studied her a moment. His instinct told him that there was something going on that he did not understand.

He phrased his next question cautiously. "Do you know anything about Henry Chambers?"

"No. Only that he comes from Kentucky."

He sat there, making up his mind. She’s a beautiful lady, he thought. Henry will owe me a favor. "I’ll make a call."

Five minutes later, he was speaking to Henry Chambers.

"Henry, it’s Todd. You’ll be sorry to know that I bought Sail Away this morning. I know you had your eye on her." He listened a moment, then laughed. "I’ll bet you did. I hear you just got another divorce. Too bad. I liked Jessica."

Leslie listened as the conversation went on for a few more minutes. Then Senator Davis said, "Henry, I’m going to do you a good turn. A friend of mine is arriving in Phoenix tomorrow, and she doesn’t know a soul there. I would appreciate it if you would keep an eye on her… What does she look like?" He looked over at Leslie and smiled. "She’s not too bad-looking. Just don’t get any ideas."
