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The Laid Plans

"Is it? They’re on their way here now. They believe you killed Chloe Houston and – "

Oliver had gone pale. "What?"

"I know – it’s crazy. From what I was told, all the evidence is circumstantial. I’m sure you can explain where you were the night the girl died."

Oliver was silent.

Peter Tager was waiting. "Oliver, you can explain, can’t you?"

Oliver swallowed. "No. I can’t."

"You have to!"

Oliver said heavily, "Peter, I need to be alone."

Peter Tager went to see Senator Davis in the Capitol.

"What is it that’s so urgent, Peter?"

"It’s – it’s about the president."


"The attorney general and the FBI think that Oliver is a murderer."

Senator Davis sat there staring at Tager. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"They’re convinced Oliver’s committed several murders. I got a tip from a friend at the FBI."

Tager told Senator Davis about the evidence.

When Tager was through, Senator Davis said slowly, "That dumb son of a bitch! Do you know what this means?"

"Yes, sir. It means that Oliver – "

"Fuck Oliver. I’ve spent years putting him where I want him. I don’t care what happens to him. I’m in control now, Peter. I have the power. I’m not going to let Oliver’s stupidity take it away from me. I’m not going to let anyone take it away from me!"

"I don’t see what you can – "

"You said the evidence was all circumstantial?"

"That’s right. I was told they have no hard proof. But he has no alibi."

"Where is the president now?"

"In the Oval Office."

"I’ve got some good news for him," Senator Todd Davis said.

Senator Davis was facing Oliver in the Oval Office. "I’ve been hearing some very disturbing things, Oliver. It’s insane, of course. I don’t know how anyone could possibly think you – "

"I don’t, either. I haven’t done anything wrong, Todd."

"I’m sure you haven’t. But if word got out that you were even suspected of horrible crimes like these – well, you can see how this would affect the office, can’t you?"

"Of course, but – "

"You’re too important to let anything like this happen to you. This office controls the world, Oliver. You don’t want to give this up."

"Todd – I’m not guilty of anything."

"But they think you are. I’m told you have no alibi for the evening of Chloe Houston’s murder?"

There was a momentary silence. "No."

Senator Davis smiled. "What happened to your memory, son? You were with me that evening. We spent the whole evening together."

Oliver was looking at him, confused. "What?"

"That’s right. I’m your alibi. No one’s going to question my word. No one. I’m going to save you, Oliver."

There was a long silence. Oliver said, "What do you want in return, Todd?"

Senator Davis nodded. "We’ll start with the Middle Eastern peace conference. You’ll call that off. After that, we’ll talk. I have great plans for us. We’re not going to let anything spoil them."

Oliver said, "I’m going ahead with the peace conference."

Senator Davis’s eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"

"I’ve decided to go ahead with it. You see, what’s important is not how long a president stays in this office, Todd, but what he does when he’s in it."

Senator Davis’s face was turning red. "Do you know what you’re doing?"


The senator leaned across the desk. "I don’t think you do. They’re on their way here to accuse you of murder, Oliver. Where are you going to make your goddam deals from – the penitentiary? You’ve just thrown your whole life away, you stupid – "

A voice came over the intercom. "Mr. President, there are some people here to see you. Attorney General Gatlin, Mr. Brandon from the FBI, Chief Justice Graves, and – "

"Send them in."

Senator Davis said savagely, "It looks like I should stick to judging horseflesh. I made a big mistake with you, Oliver. But you just made the biggest mistake of your life. I’m going to destroy you."

The door opened and Attorney General Gatlin entered, followed by Brandon, Justice Graves, and Bergstrom.

Justice Graves said, "Senator Davis…"

Todd Davis nodded curtly and strode out of the room. Barbara Gatlin closed the door behind him. She walked up to the desk.

"Mr. President, this is highly embarrassing, but I hope you will understand. We have to ask you some questions."

Oliver faced them. "I’ve been told why you’re here. Of course, I had nothing to do with any of those deaths."

"I’m sure we’re all relieved to hear that, Mr. President," Scott Brandon said, "and I assure you that none of us really believes that you could be involved. But an accusation has been made, and we have no choice but to pursue it."

"I understand."

"Mr. President, have you ever taken the drug Ecstasy?"


The group looked at one another.

"Mr. President, if you could tell us where you were on October fifteenth, the evening of Chloe Houston’s death…"

There was a silence.

"Mr. President?"

"I’m sorry. I can’t."

"But surely you can remember where you were, or what you were doing on that evening?"


"Mr. President?"

"I – I can’t think right now. I’d like you to come back later."

"How much later?" Bergstrom asked.

"Eight o’clock."
