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The Billionaire and The Pop Star

Impossibly (Dante’s Nine MC #1)(53)
Author: Colleen Masters

I can feel his breath against my slick sex. He places his hands on my lean thighs, spreading me open even further. A low moan escapes my throat as I feel his tongue against my pink flesh, running up along the length of my slit. He takes his time, stroking my sex with his masterful tongue. By now, he knows me by heart. He licks along my pulsing, eager pussy, working me up with every pass. As I bury my hands in his chestnut curls, he finally lays that dexterous tongue right against my clit.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” I murmur, my back arching as he closes his firm lips around that sensitive bundle.

“Just this once,” he growls, “I’m all right with that.”

I have to bury my ecstatic cries in the nearest pillow as Declan flicks the tip of his tongue against my hard clit. He kneads, and sucks, and rubs me, needing nothing but that knowing tongue to send me careening into bliss. I bite the pillow as the sensation finally overtakes me. I come hard for him, writhing and screaming as he laps up my wetness. The enormity of my orgasm wipes every other thought from my mind. We fall into bed together, unconcerned with anything but each other.

Declan and I fuck long into the night. He doesn’t respond to my confession of love with words of his own, but the way he touches me is answer enough. I know without having to hear him say it that Declan Tiberi loves me, too.


It’s noon before I finally pry my eyes open once more. After the marathon lovemaking session Declan and I had, I’m surprised I can even move a muscle. For the briefest moment after I swim back up from sleep, I’m suspended in a hazy state of satisfied happiness. But the events of last night come flooding back in no time. The attack at the club. My confession to Declan. All of it.

I roll over in bed, reaching for Declan. But my arms close around air. The space where Declan should be is empty, a stretch of tousled sheets and absence. I sit up sharply, looking around his sprawling bedroom. My ears strain to find some trace of him—a running shower, a rustling in the closet—but it seems I’m here alone.

Throwing on his discarded tee shirt and a pair of cotton shorts, I stagger out into the suite in search of my man. I cast my eyes toward the kitchen, hoping to find him making coffee or plugging away at his laptop, but no dice. Crossing my arms tightly over my chest, I hurry out into the living room. A sleepy sigh catches my ear, and I skirt around the couch to investigate.

“Oh…” I whisper, taking stock of the sight before me.

Sam and Kelly are asleep on the leather couch, spooning like longtime lovers. Their peaceful, innocent expressions are enough to make me weep. At least my best friend is in the arms of someone who can actually keep her safe for the time being. Last night proved pretty well that all I’m good for is getting her in trouble.

“Kass?” Kelly murmurs, peeling open her green eyes.

“Didn’t mean to wake you,” I say, “I was just looking for Declan.”

“Hey,” Kelly says, nudging Sam out of sleep, “Wake up, Mary Sunshine.”

“Shit, what time is it?” Sam asks, sitting up on the couch.

“It’s past noon,” I tell him, “Do you know where Declan is? I can’t seem to find him.”

“He’s probably just checking the building out,” Sam says, his brow furrowed. “Or maybe he’s getting us all bagels. Who knows.”

But Sam’s not fooling me. His tone is worried. Doubtful, even. I need to figure out where Declan’s gone, and fast. But just as urgently, I need to get Kelly the hell out of harm’s way before anything else happens.

“We’ve got to get you back to Cali,” I say to my friend, “I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened, Kel.”

“It’s not your fault, Kassie,” she says, taking my hand, “You didn’t ask for any of this.”

“Didn’t I?” I mutter.

“It’s not safe to travel across state lines just yet,” Sam says, “Not without a club escort. You’re going to have to hold tight here, Kelly.”

“As long as you’ll be around to keep me safe,” she says, smiling at my bearded friend.

“Of course,” Sam says, looking at her warmly.

I raise my eyebrows at the two of them. Did I miss something, here? Maybe there was more than one couple having a little fun here last night…

“You girls stay here for now,” Sam says, rising to his feet, “You’ll be safe. Franklin looks tame enough, but he’s a good shot. And on top of that, he’s got a panic button under than desk of his. Declan’s probably at the club right now, talking with the other guys. I’ll have him send word to you once I find him, Kassie.”

“All right,” I agree reluctantly, “I guess that’s the best course of action.”

“You’ll hear from me soon,” Sam promises, striding across the room, “Lock the door after me, OK?”

I do, pressing my back against the solid door. My every breath is riddling with anxiety. I don’t think I’ll be able to calm down until I’ve had word from Declan. I can’t dismiss my fears that something is terribly wrong. He’s not the type to just up and disappear.

“You all right, honey?” Kelly asks, coming to give me a strong hug.

“I feel like ‘all right’ doesn’t really apply here,” I reply.

“I can’t believe this is what you’ve been dealing with all summer,” she says.

“That’s the thing. Up until now, it hasn’t felt real,” I say, “Until last night, there was still some facade about this being just a simple summer gig for me. It’s hard to believe that’s how it started. But I’m in it, now. Declan’s club business is a part of my life. And now that he knows I’m in love with him—”

“What?!” Kelly exclaims, “You told him that?!”

“Last night,” I admit, “I had to. It was my last ditch effort at getting him to tell me what’s going on.”

“Did he?” she asks, “What did he say?”

“He didn’t say…anything,” I marvel, “He just kissed me and took me to bed like it was the last time. And then this morning, he was gone.” The situation sounds even more foreboding when I say it out loud.

“Sam will bring him back,” Kelly assures me, “Then you can sort things out with him.”

“Right,” I say, forcing myself to smile, “I’m just gonna take a shower. Try and relax.” I leave her to raid Declan’s pantry for some grub and go to wash myself clean.
