Read Books Novel

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(11)
Author: Emma Holly

When Trey finished sauntering to the porch, Zane grabbed his wrist and yanked him in after him. Trey stumbled, but only until Zane caught him. Their combined weights slammed the door behind them.

The kiss that ensued was equatorial. Zane flattened Trey against the wood, grinding their groins together and eating at his mouth. Zane was only a little taller and barely had to bend his knees to match up their erections. Rarely shy about touching Zane, Trey climbed him with one leg and clutched both octopi arms around his back.

Zane relished the way they groped him.

“God,” Trey sighed, his neck arching back, his right hand urging Zane’s ass to rock harder. “I am so f**king hot for you.”

Past waiting any longer, Zane tore free and started ripping off his own clothes. As he did, he backed toward the living room. He loved f**king Trey over the arm of the button-tufted leather Chesterfield, the height being exactly right for them. He toed off his black Pradas, then braced on a chair to peel off his socks.

“Hurry,” he said to Trey, because he was barely done unbuttoning his shirt.

Zane shucked his trousers, leaving himself in nothing but underwear.

Seeing this, Trey pressed his hand to his heart and smiled. “You wore my favorites.”

The boxer briefs were black Calvin Kleins with a white waistband. Zane preferred Hugo Boss, but Trey had fetishized the former brand during his teenage jack off days. Exploiting this, Zane teased his fingers under the stretchy band. “Why don’t you finish stripping and then help me?”

That spurred Trey to undress with greater efficiency. He left his briefs on like Zane: white snug cotton that glowed against his bronzed hair and skin. Because he’d adjusted his c**k outdoors, the head of the thick stiff rod—now leaning slightly to the left—stuck out above the top. Zane loved everything about Trey’s penis: the slightly flattened breadth of the crest, the strength of the veins, the way his shaft swelled in the middle when he was extra excited. It was swelling now, behind the soft cotton. His c**k was big, maybe bigger than Zane’s. Since Trey was leaner, it seemed so.

Zane couldn’t take his eyes off the sexy monster as Trey approached.

He touched Zane’s waist when he arrived, fingers rubbing his skin softly. His tenderness might have been the only thing that could drag Zane’s gaze upward.

“Take yours off first,” Trey said. “My surprise is under mine.”

“You’ve really got a surprise.”

“I really do,” Trey said.

Zane kissed him, lips molding over his lover’s gently, hands flattened for balance behind his shoulder blades. The girl-soft kiss was more Trey’s style than his. When he let go, Trey was starry-eyed. Pleased with himself, Zane shucked his briefs, spun them around one finger, then plopped himself bare-ass na**d on the couch.

“All right,” he said, arms and legs akimbo on the leather, “show me what you’ve got in there.”

Trey shoved the white briefs down his legs. Zane noticed his bare c**k first, this being the natural magnet for his interest. He took a moment to realize Trey’s pubes were shaved.

Then he saw the outline of the ornate monster.

“Holy f**k,” he said, scooting forward on the cushion.

Trey had a new tattoo, a black Chinese dragon a bit smaller than Zane’s hand running up the left half of his abdomen. This was no press on. The skin around the design was pink from healing. The dragon’s tail curled around the hefty base of Trey’s erection, the final pointy tip extending onto his penile skin on the underside. Zane’s breath hissed in at the thought of artist’s needle shooting ink into him there.

Getting this tattoo must have burned like a mother.

Zane’s penis lurched out so hard it felt like it was burning too. His hands seemed to find their own way onto Trey’s thighs, stroking the hairy muscles there. He swallowed, more turned on than he knew how to describe.

“It’s not complete yet,” Trey said, his voice softened by shyness. “I could only stand to have one color done for the first session. You’ll see the letters more clearly once the green and red are there.”

There were letters? Trey’s erection cast a shadow from the light on the end table. Zane pushed his shaft gently to the side so he could see better. He was panting and couldn’t seem to stop. Somehow, he thought Trey would forgive him.

And there they were: an intertwined Z and T worked into the dragon’s body. The lettering was fancy, hard to read unless you knew to look for it.

“It’s for me,” Trey said. “To always remember us. No one else will guess it’s there.”

Zane throat threatened to close up. Fuck, Trey was sweet sometimes. He didn’t know how to thank him, though he was going to try. He looked up, knowing his emotions shone na**d in his eyes. “When did you get this done?”

“Last week. I kept wondering if you’d notice I was avoiding you in bed.”

“Oh I noticed.” Zane laughed ruefully at himself. “Why do you think I’ve been in a shit mood lately?”

“Because you thought we were going our separate ways.”

“Didn’t that upset you?”

“Yes,” Trey said. “Why do you think I wanted a memento—especially one that was guaranteed to get you hot under the collar.”

Zane frowned, but Trey wasn’t fooled.

“Come on,” he said. “You think I haven’t noticed how much you like my neck tat? You hardly ever nuzzle the other side. It’s always the inked one you’re licking up.”

Zane shook his head. “You are too smart for me.”

Trey didn’t say of course, just tipped his head endearingly to the side. “Want to christen my c**k art?”

In case Zane couldn’t figure out what he meant, he poked the tip of his tongue out. That this was a cheap trick didn’t matter. Zane’s groin tightened with excitement.

“Yes,” he said huskily. “I want to lick you until you’re dripping . . . and then I want you to f**k me.”

Trey’s grin had been widening, but at this it faltered. “Really? I thought you didn’t like being f**ked.”

Zane had a thing about pitching versus catching, but maybe it was time he got over it. Trey taking him wouldn’t make him less of a man. Trey couldn’t make anyone less than they were.

“I want you to,” he said, his ass going weirdly hot. “It wouldn’t hurt you too much, would it? Since your tattoo is still healing?”
