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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(21)
Author: Emma Holly

“When,” she teased, her voice rough with arousal.

Excitement flashed across his features. His hand shifted between them, thumbing aside her panties and fitting his c**k in place. Though his tip was broad, she was very wet. He rocked it inward to test her, and she grew steamier.

The sound she made was probably a whimper.

“Yes,” she said to the brief question in his expression.

He closed his eyes and pushed with his ass muscles.

She saw everything on his face as his c**k slid in: pleasure, wonder, a flicker of being overwhelmed when being wrapped in warmth felt a bit too nice. Then she couldn’t keep her eyelids up. The sensation of being filled had to be savored.

He didn’t rush his penetration, at least not until the end. Then he groaned and shoved harder, taking the last inch of her.

Rebecca thrust upward to grind them both closer.

He let out a growling noise, like this was the far side of too much. Even then, he didn’t start thrusting.

“Please,” she begged, short nails curling into his shoulders. “Don’t make me wait for more.”

His laugh was at least half moan. He did something with one knee that lifted her butt off the hard cool tile. “Hold on tight,” he said. “God, I want this so bad.”

She didn’t know why he did, just that she was grateful. He drew back, and then—thank the Lord—he went at her fast: quick strong pumps that tugged her inside and out. She’d never gotten so much cl*t stimulation from plain old intercourse. Maybe this was due to his thickness, or he just had a good technique. Whatever the reason, her excitement climbed faster than she expected. He hadn’t been driving at her even two minutes before she hovered on orgasm.

Her neck arched off the floor with its imminence.

“Shit,” he said, reading the tremors inside of her. The fingers that gripped her bottom dug in harder. “Breathe for me . . . just . . . hold on a little longer and I’ll catch up.”

He went faster, using longer strokes that somehow didn’t push her past the brink. They did plenty for him. His breath huffed out, the center of his thick shaft swelling.

The pressure the extra girth created was inspiring.

“Rebecca,” he gasped. “Don’t tense your thighs like that.”

She hadn’t known she was doing it. Probably her body didn’t want to wait for its cl**ax. He massaged her butt, no doubt coaxing her to relax. The caress felt really good to her. She couldn’t help wriggling around him, couldn’t keep from thrusting harder into his next down stroke.

He grunted and slung a second bent knee under her. Rebecca’s eyes flew open as her world shifted. Though she was lying down, Trey had sat up to thrust. His hands held her h*ps like steel, controlling her movements. Ironically—given her control freak streak—him restraining her pushed really good buttons. Her body seemed to think it could react more freely if he was driving it. She tried to distract herself by focusing on him. His bare chest looked like a god’s, muscles rippling under the sheer dark fur. He was close to the peak as well, his beautifully interesting face tightening with pleasure. With a groan of need, he shifted directions the tiniest bit.

The new angle he pumped into her was even better than before.

“Take it,” he panted. “Take what you need from me.”

He stretched his thumbs to her labia, rubbing into the nerves beneath while at the same time pushing the folds closer to his striving cock. His veins had a texture, popped up as they were with blood. Wonderful sensations throbbed crazily through her groin.

“Trey,” she gasped, startled by how sharp her feelings were. Desperate for an anchor, she slapped her hands around his wrists.

When his eyes slitted open, they should have been shooting flames. Had she done something to him, cuffing his arms this way? His stare was too hot, too intensely impassioned.

“Almost,” he rasped, muscles in his jaw clenching. “Al—”

Rebecca’s peak uncoiled.

He let loose with her, his loud groan of pleasure pitched lower than her wail. Like exclamation points to his ejaculation, the head of his c**k dug repeatedly into her, the deep percussions against her cervix reverberating through her as after-orgasms. Before this, she’d have sworn she didn’t care if she and a man came at the same time. What did it matter, as long as they both enjoyed themselves? With Trey, she had to rethink her attitude. The warmth that flooded her as they peaked was incredible, the sense that they were truly sharing the experience. He deepened the feeling by pulling her upward after and hugging her.

It seemed normal that her head settled on his shoulder, that her hands rubbed his back like his were rubbing hers. The scent of his cologne and sweat were heady. If she weren’t careful, they’d become her new favorite smell. He let out that hum of his, his all-purpose happy sound.

“Sweet,” he said, pressing soft lips to her hot temple.

Somewhere on the wall a clock ticked, the second hand going tock-tock-tock. Rebecca’s breath gusted out on a reluctant sigh. With every tock, sanity returned.

“Sorry,” she said. “I swear I didn’t sleep with you so you’d give me the job.”

Trey pushed back slightly to look at her. “I swear I didn’t sleep with you so you’d take it.”

He sounded annoyed. In her experience, guys who just came were in good moods. “Are you angry?” she asked.

“Are you really sorry?” he retorted.

“Well, that was enjoyable—as I’m sure you noticed, but if you’re planning to hire me, you have to agree it wasn’t smart. Bosses and employees shouldn’t sleep together.”

His expression was a study in irritation, perhaps because he couldn’t dispute her point. “Damn it,” was all he finally said.

Taking this as her cue, Rebecca pushed gently off of him. Her shoes were halfway across the kitchen, her trousers caught on the edge of a lowboy refrigeration drawer. Shoving her legs back in them, she did her best to hide her disappointment that he didn’t argue more. Calling what they’d done enjoyable was an understatement, to say the least.

She took comfort in him muttering to himself as he stood and yanked up his pants. The word idiot peppered his diatribe.

He waited to speak to her until she was buttoning her shirt. She noticed he’d smoothed his hair back into its ponytail.

“I am hiring you,” he said grimly.

Rebecca’s heart gave a little skip. “Truly?”

“Truly. Full pay from the start and no arguments. I—” He paused to grind his teeth. “I reluctantly agree we shouldn’t do that again.”
